***NFL PLAYOFFS - All Sports - Golden Globes In-Game ***

Barça's starters:
13. Bravo
3. Piqué
4. Rakitic
5. Sergio
8. Iniesta
9. Suárez
10. Messi
11. Neymar
14. Mascherano
18. Jordi Alba
22. Alves
  • Adam Schefter retweeted
    Bart Hubbuch@BartHubbuch <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 13m13 minutes ago</small>
    YESSSS RT @md_dc

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That Optima is very nice

Pretty sure it's the Optima engine they started using in one of the car racing circuits. It's the same stock engine you get when you buy a Kia....and they say the performance is outstanding.
Today is the anniversary of the first ever Home Run Deerby TV show...it was Mays vs Mantle. I used to love catching re-runs of this on ESPN back before they decided that people yelling at each other with stupid opinions was the way to go with programming...
