***NFL PLAYOFFS - All Sports - Golden Globes In-Game ***

Marlon Brando pretending to cry in Johnny Fontane's face never gets old. That's on now too.
How about the great outdoor wit John candy haha seen that many times
Lips n assholes
Bad end to the half sours the Hawaii 2h bet but taking them lightly at -4, just for giggles
Thing that makes me nervous about Hawaii is they may have peaked early on when people saw a bit of them on the tube. Injuries are throwing a wrench into their season but I think they will survive, the talent is there
I will be cheering for Dallas tomorrow,is that bad since I am an eagles fan?
I just love upsets esp on the road
Andy Luck's dad is an Ignatius man. I was told by Mrs. Reardon I was sitting in Oliver's chair in typing class. He was her favorite. And can you believe they used to have typing class?