***NFL In-Game Thread***

It certainly wasn’t as violent it used to or should be!! And he still got the fucking flag!
As a new Raider fan such as yourself, go back and look at the old 1970s early 1980s Raider players. The late hits were by seconds and never a flag. Now for Everyone crying foul the Chiefs got back the three the Raiders got from the bad call so everything's okay in this world
If they are going to call this bullshit then it has to become a reviewable call. By a separate entity.

No one wants more reviews, but this is absurd
If they are going to call this bullshit then it has to become a reviewable call. By a separate entity.

No one wants more reviews, but this is absurd

They can do just like they did on the short of goal td. Quick call down and say pick up the fucjing flag. No extra time, just get right
My woman makes the more consistent money, not sure if it more overall but nice one of us is stable with income! Lol
amazing how you get these mahomie plays where he's juking , dinking, running and the next he looks like he had some reallygreat bud