***NFL In-Game Thread***

Fuck that game
Fuck those refs
Fuck my Eagles and their careless ass mistakes
Fuck the REDSKINS for physically manhandling us all over the field
Fuck our coaches for the lack of necessary adjustments
Fuck that screwball ending fuck any unders.
Fuck it all.
Damn that game was a bitch.

Ok. I’m done.
Fuck that game
Fuck those refs
Fuck my Eagles and their careless ass mistakes
Fuck the REDSKINS for physically manhandling us all over the field
Fuck our coaches for the lack of necessary adjustments
Fuck that screwball ending fuck any unders.
Fuck it all.
Damn that game was a bitch.

Ok. I’m done.
End result 8-1 Looking down at the whole entire league. Sometimes a loss is the best thing that can happen to a team. Good Luck rest of the way. Oh, and you’re welcome for the gift of Gardner Johnson.
3 Days away, come take @braves and @Administrator money!

Nobody loves cheap play quite like Aaron Rodgers. If I were coaching against him I'd instruct my lineman to pummel him if he ever catches a 12 men free play. You're already getting penalized, might as well get your money's worth.
Of course, the Watkins prop not on track.... Just not that many plays...

Need GB to get cooking a bit in 2h.
Man, that prop bet on Watson seemed fun... Until this game started..

Yes he has the TD. But that was about the 3rd or 4th read.

That's his only target.

Rodgers staying with what makes him comfortable.
Last week I think got into some heads.

This line indicates equal teams.

Tennessee the better team. Obviously a lot of injuries factored in.
Def thought the d would play better. Maybe they can get a stop now. TD covers line but I don't think they can stop tenn
I dont think hes best coach in the league, but if I had to say who is coach most likely to still be coaching in 20 years its him