NFL Draft InGame...

6 a pretty great spot if you don’t want a qb since at least 3 of top 5 be qb, maybe 4! So they get some more draft capital and still gonna have their pick of pretty much all the non-QBs! Great job by Miami,
6 a pretty great spot if you don’t want a qb since at least 3 of top 5 be qb, maybe 4! So they get some more draft capital and still gonna have their pick of pretty much all the non-QBs! Great job by Miami,
They did well

Haven't seen which 2022 1st rounder they gave up, theirs or the one they just got from SF
They did well

Haven't seen which 2022 1st rounder they gave up, theirs or the one they just got from SF

yea I couldn’t figure that out either. Neither will be a top 10 pick you wouldn’t think. Unless Tua is awful.
I know one thing, if jets do plan on drafting a qb and moving off darnold they really fucking themselves waiting so long as the market for him shrinks!! Guess that typical jets tho!
I don’t think it that crazy to keep him till the deadline at least. Especially if they go Lance.
Thing is if they try to play that game Pats are the only team he goes to so no leverage

QBs aren't learning a new playbook and being successful at that point in the season
Thing is if they try to play that game Pats are the only team he goes to so no leverage

QBs aren't learning a new playbook and being successful at that point in the season

wouldn’t be a new system to go to pats and they have a good relationship. Has felt like forever pats a forgone conclusion if niners move off him anyways! Maybe Jimmy g plays great and they keep him for the year. It gonna be next year and the ones down the line niners really need a qb on rookie deal as they got some guys getting expensive. Shanny likes his QBs to learn the playbook before starting them, he had Jimmy g sit for a month before playing him. Qb friendly system but somewhat complicated to learn. Im not saying they absolutely wont trade Jimmy g, just saying it wouldn’t shock me if they hold on to him this season, especially if they like Lance!
wouldn’t be a new system to go to pats and they have a good relationship. Has felt like forever pats a forgone conclusion if niners move off him anyways! Maybe Jimmy g plays great and they keep him for the year. It gonna be next year and the ones down the line niners really need a qb on rookie deal as they got some guys getting expensive. Shanny likes his QBs to learn the playbook before starting them, he had Jimmy g sit for a month before playing him. Qb friendly system but somewhat complicated to learn. Im not saying they absolutely wont trade Jimmy g, just saying it wouldn’t shock me if they hold on to him this season, especially if they like Lance!
That's my point, SF has zero leverage with NE if they wait til midseason deadline, NE knows they are the only team that would even be in play
That's my point, SF has zero leverage with NE if they wait til midseason deadline, NE knows they are the only team that would even be in play

yea but not always bout leverage, didn’t bill do them a solid giving them Jimmy g for a 2nd in the 1st place? I could see them scratching his back on this one. They seem to have a really good relationship. Wouldn’t necessarily have to be a deadline deal, could turn out Jimmy g plays well and niners not in a spot they want to move off him this season if they in contention as you would expect. Actually the biggest risk I see in doing it this way is Jimmy g gets hurt once again and his value really goes to shit.
Jimmy still has another year or 2 under contract after this season correct? If that the case I could still see a deadline market for him if they choose that route. Maybe by the deadline fish realize going all in with Tua was a mistake! Who knows what happens in a season? Other teams could be buyers on him looking into the future not just 2nd half of this season, Donks are still gonna need a qb. Bears still gonna need a qb. I think there still be a market in season even if he doesn’t help a team make playoffs this year. Remember next year rookie class doesn’t look good for QBs.
yea but not always bout leverage, didn’t bill do them a solid giving them Jimmy g for a 2nd in the 1st place? I could see them scratching his back on this one. They seem to have a really good relationship. Wouldn’t necessarily have to be a deadline deal, could turn out Jimmy g plays well and niners not in a spot they want to move off him this season if they in contention as you would expect. Actually the biggest risk I see in doing it this way is Jimmy g gets hurt once again and his value really goes to shit.
There are plenty of teams who need a QB that would probably give up more than he's worth before training camp starts, how much better is he than the backup that has a bit of experience now?

Aside from that, Forbes saying that Shanahan wants Fields....please!

His value could be way higher at deadline or next offseason as teams realize they need a qb and there nothing in the draft!!
There are plenty of teams who need a QB that would probably give up more than he's worth before training camp starts, how much better is he than the backup that has a bit of experience now?

Aside from that, Forbes saying that Shanahan wants Fields....please!

if niners do take fields I think you can throw out all the fields bust talk. I don’t think whomever niners take will be a bust! Set up for success!!
if niners do take fields I think you can throw out all the fields bust talk. I don’t think whomever niners take will be a bust! Set up for success!!
On the flip side, I'm not all that sure that Kyle Shanahan is the God that everyone has made him out to be, he begged for Jimmy, great OC but Niners win on defense

No one remotely talks about his deficiencies so far as HC, it's kinda strange
On the flip side, I'm not all that sure that Kyle Shanahan is the God that everyone has made him out to be, he begged for Jimmy, great OC but Niners win on defense

No one remotely talks about his deficiencies so far as HC, it's kinda strange

I think he really good. Only time Jimmy g made it thru a season they were in the SB! Falcons offense hasn’t been same since he left. He designs fantastic running games. Gotta be top 5ish HC.

They got Jimmy g for a 2nd rounder so Dunno if he begged but was a no brainer trade as they needed a qb. I think he woulda been fine with Jimmy if he wasnt always hurt!
You just can’t be paying a guy who never available! I know hoody has a hard on for Jimmy g even still after he has proven to be as fragile they come!
Now I heard shefty say Mac Jones was a possibility, lmfao. Wtf wrong with these ppl? Mac Jones shouldn’t even be a 1st rounder!!!
Mac Jones is gonna be a stud. Especially w legit downfield weapons. Shanny likes those study big arm pocket passers. Just not sure they needed to move up to take him assuming he’s who they want
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And/or an Ohio State bias too
I think the ohio state thing is mostly just fan talked about, so I dont think so, anyone actually looking at a school over decades and saying theres some trend makes no sense, if it was a specific coach I can see it, but the jersey someone wears makes no sense

The racial thing has been around forever though and is less prevalent but still there, this was from only a few years ago

I think the ohio state thing is mostly just fan talked about, so I dont think so, anyone actually looking at a school over decades and saying theres some trend makes no sense, if it was a specific coach I can see it, but the jersey someone wears makes no sense

The racial thing has been around forever though and is less prevalent but still there, this was from only a few years ago

after clicking on this and reading handful of post I realized why I don’t do Twitter! Lol,