*****NCAAF Week #1 In-Game*****


I've already asked GLB and he said to not hedge until championship but I have Woz +2800 to win it. Should I just let it ride the next 2 matches and then hedge off if she gets Serena? This was done as an investment wager with the intention to hedge and make a nice profit
tough call dude. I would wait to hedge until the next match. I think she will roll vs. Errani. Then maybe sprinkle some on the other side the next match just in case. Serana owns her ass so I'm not sure what the line would be. maybe -300 or better. You'll still make money either way.
Ya me to sooner. That was my most confident bet out of the 3 I have on this game.
I never understand refs blowing it dead and not letting it play on with having instant replay