***NCAAB/NCAAF/NFL/NBA 11/17-11/24 Sippin on Tea In-game***

Would you rather work outside then or in the deep south in August? I don't know what would be worse. I'd probably rather work in the cold but my answer might be different if I actually had to do it

working in that kind of cold (or colder) is possible, but it's a lot slower. I suppose working in oppressive heat is also slower because you need to take breaks, etc. But I would rather work in heat vs. cold any day. Your fingers don't fall off from frostbite in heat...
thats why they make the big bucks...this is why i support the proletariat
let's put it this way. I've been negotiating the price of this deck since April. Started at $25k. Got them down to about $17.5k and 18 months no interest. lmfao
working in that kind of cold (or colder) is possible, but it's a lot slower. I suppose working in oppressive heat is also slower because you need to take breaks, etc. But I would rather work in heat vs. cold any day. Your fingers don't fall off from frostbite in heat...

Neither, although I could function in very cold weather but Gulf Coast humidity in July/August, I honestly could not move
Please explain it

not a ton too it. Adam Smith was wrong, the invisible hand can not always direct supply and demand. the bourgeoisie are taking our freedoms away slowly but surely. Karl Marx described a period of transition from monarchy, to capitalism, and then the great socialist revolution. The time is now. we must revolt. (comment: anyone that says Obama is a socialist is either A) a moron B) doesn't know what socialism is or C) both < most likely answer)
Vlad and Leon, two guys that just got lucky

Vlad -Jan 28, 1917 - I am afraid I will never see a socialist revolution
Feb 1917 - Revolution (though not socialist)
Texas is stacked this year

Still got crushed by Zags (allegedly) in a scrimmage here in Phx a couple weeks ago not open to public, so it's all heresy, but one team was clearly better than the other from all accounts I've heard
Texas is stacked this year

Still got crushed by Zags (allegedly) in a scrimmage here in Phx a couple weeks ago not open to public, so it's all heresy, but one team was clearly better than the other from all accounts I've heard

KJ, I have just two words for you mate, and think long and hard on these words before you wager too much on Texas

marx sucks dick

Has anyone been watching Duke/unc game? Almost feel I have to automatically take Duke TT over in 2H unless there's an injury
KJ, I have just two words for you mate, and think long and hard on these words before you wager too much on Texas


You won't catch me wagering on Texas much, if at all. They are smoke n mirrors annually and this year may be the best year to bet against them yet