***NCAA Week 4/NFL Week 3 In Game***

All the experts on radio preseason telling me FSU was a lock for the final four....nothings a lock with college kids.... hes gonna poss cost his team and school a place in it.

dollars to donuts at the end of the year if they lose this game, and this is the only loss they have, people will talk about the fact that he wasn't in this game. They will still make the playoffs unless they drop 2 IMO

Vandy 100 KO TD
do the pete carroll one gator pls

I dont have a Pete Carroll one. you mean Urban?

Clemson is fucking horrible btw. They should be winning this game by at least 18. I think this QB might get gain some confidence in the 2H and rock them
dollars to donuts at the end of the year if they lose this game, and this is the only loss they have, people will talk about the fact that he wasn't in this game. They will still make the playoffs unless they drop 2 IMO

Vandy 100 KO TD
yes great news for media if they lose here and win out..... a one loss ACC school tho
twink gonna commit suicide and then have the Vikes run train on the Saints tomorrow for good measure....
I wouldn't feel comfy on either side in that FSU/Clem 2h, could make all kinds of reasons against both teams
think I'm gonna go the other way P, Dabo is a fucking retarded and I feel fairly confident that FSU wins this game
think I'm gonna go the other way P, Dabo is a fucking retarded and I feel fairly confident that FSU wins this game
I figure I will take points but the live market will be fluid enough to get out of the bet in some way so I'm comfortable taking a bigger position.

Ohio State coach Urban Meyer told HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" he was depressed while coaching at Florida in 2009, lost 37 pounds and was "mentally broke."
[+] Enlarge<cite style="margin: 0px 0px 4px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; display: block; color: rgb(171, 171, 171); background: transparent;">AP Photo/Dave Martin</cite>Ohio State coach Urban Meyer said he was depressed while coaching at Florida in 2009, lost 37 pounds and was 'mentally broke.'

Meyer was suffering from chest pains and self-medicating for his stress.
"Now I'm taking two Ambiens," Meyer told the HBO show. "I would drink a beer on top of it, just to get some sleep. Not many people know that.
"And I go from 217 pounds to 180 pounds. I lose 37 pounds."
That all occurred when the Gators were undefeated in 2009 -- until losing to Alabama in the SEC title game.
After the loss to the Crimson Tide, Meyer was admitted into a hospital with chest pains.
"They said, 'We don't believe it was a heart attack.' " Meyer said. "So, OK, 'Well, what is it?' 'We don't know.'
"And then you start thinking, 'There's something wrong with me mentally, you know? What is going on here?' "
Meyer said he was depressed.
"I thought I was dying," Meyer said. "Mentally, I was broke."
Meyer said after Florida won the national title after the 2008 season he didn't -- and couldn't -- enjoy the victory. He began recruiting literally minutes after the 24-14 win over Oklahoma in the BCS title game in Miami ended.
"I was in a panic situation," Meyer said. "We just won it. We got to do it again. I close the door. And I started just recruiting. One of my friends came and said, 'What are you doing?' He said, 'Enjoy, what's wrong with you, man? Enjoy this.' I tried."
In 2009, Meyer resigned as Florida's coach before the Sugar Bowl, but then changed his mind and stayed. He left Florida for good after the 2010 season. He worked as an ESPN analyst in 2011 before becoming Ohio State's head coach in 2012.
Not sure what the Cocks focus was this week. It certainly wasn't on Vandy. They're getting out played and (gasp) out coached.