NBA Playoffs INGAME...

CP Reddick Jordan for Irving and Love

Cavs need to become a defensive 1st team to have any shot to compete.

Irving is a great talent but they can't run like this. Need to execute each possession.
yeah cogen i don't just want a finals win, i want a sweep with no game being close...they should show everyone how much of a difference in quality these 2 teams are
Wow you see that fight right near LJ

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Fight! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Deadspin (@Deadspin) <a href="">June 5, 2017</a></blockquote>
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8 games under .500 in the finals. Just wow. Two more in a row and bronbron will be double digit games under .500 in the NBA finals. Gonna be a sick stat. Has to keep him out of top ten all time if it happens.
8 games under .... rofl if he gets to 10 games under .500. Holy crap

Deserves a thread of it's own...but...

2007 and 2017 teams were nowhere near 2nd best teams in the league...that is just how the stars aligned...0-8 or say 1-8 there is a HUGE part of things...
Can't imagine Cavs wanting to do anything more than what they've done this first quarter and it's 7 points