NBA Playoffs INGAME...

Hope not

Really forced the props tonight, Hill and Paul can at least throw me a bone here and keep it in the fairway
BAR I think I'm gonna jump on the Bullets series before tomorrow but at -180 it's toward the end of the comfort zone for a team I'm not too familiar with...their ML is -225 tomorrow and I assume it would be similar if they get to game 7 no?
BAR I think I'm gonna jump on the Bullets series before tomorrow but at -180 it's toward the end of the comfort zone for a team I'm not too familiar with...their ML is -225 tomorrow and I assume it would be similar if they get to game 7 no?


I assume lines will stay around the same so yeah.
Now is the time to hit the over....IF YOU LIKE IT....down to 183.5...

Staples pace much slower gives ya great value with 18 mins left...
I'd rather the ML than lay 5.5 with them tomorrow, guess if Wiz win tomorrow then lose the next two then taking the series is a failure, but other than that I think I'm getting the best of it. Wiz inside presence has been to shitty for me to trust laying the points but -180 to win 2/3 seems reasonable
I'd rather the ML than lay 5.5 with them tomorrow, guess if Wiz win tomorrow then lose the next two then taking the series is a failure, but other than that I think I'm getting the best of it. Wiz inside presence has been to shitty for me to trust laying the points but -180 to win 2/3 seems reasonable

If that is what your feeling, fire away.
12 point and 16 point middle...that's enough for me...

Jazz -3 +140...might try and get off that...
I mean, just not crisp...bad shooting...ugggh...tough nightcap to watch...I was figuring lower scoring for sure but like a game in high 180's....not one that might not cross 155
It will be a rare game where not one qtr goes over...

I think this will be 2nd instance these playoffs where result was 4 overs or 4 unders
If they want to be consistent, CP should have gotten a technical foul there too for a push to Hayward.

Glad they didn't, but that is what they do now.

Edit: Double T now....absolute cop-out
He really extended the right arm, thought it was borderline a punch but they never really showed it again to see it
Remember when Ivy told us that the Clippers were going to take over LA from the Lakers? Yep, it sounds as absurd now as it did then.
Oh man, was that a thread on its own?

I think it was in the thread about the Clippers being for sale after "the racist" was exiled.

And he was adamant that the Clippers could easily take over LA from the the face of reason, logic, and common sense.
Remember the time the Clippers cut Ingles just before he was about to make his NBA debut and his wife was mid-flight from Australia to see him...
The Lakers created the market in the last 15 years. Now the Clippers, thanks to their new talented players... are the future in L.A. They have more nationally televised commercial time then any other franchise (if I'm not mistaken). They have two of the most marketable players in the NBA. They have a team to contend, as they stand now, for the next 5 seasons.

I don't know what you mean about the Lakers "spot". If the Lakers don't contend for championship or even playoffs in the next three years (sounds right) and the Clippers have deep runs and potentially a championship in that time period...what "spot" wont they simply OWN. They probably already get more attendance @ the staples center (guessing)...they probably already get higher ratings (educated guess)....they already have more endorsement deals (another educated guess)...What "spot" do the lakers have that the Clippers cant get that equates to dollars and cents? Explain it to me.

not a single thing you guys have said equates to a single dollar in revenue.

This is a valuation of the clippers, who enjoy placement in one of the greatest markets in the country for NBA. I said the Lakers created the market and the Clippers are generating revenue from it...more so then they would if they were in Detroit, lets say.

We're talking about a dollars and cents valuation and you're talking about the hearts and minds of LA residents. The Clippers are making a ton of money. More then they would be making had they operated in a different city. Why do you keep arguing a point which has no impact on anything? lol

That Forbes link is talking about past purchases and none really help value the clippers. Other then the fact that the Dodgers went for a fuck ton and enjoy the same market at the clippers. And the Wizards, who are in a tiny market in comparison, back when they had no players in the national spotlight and no legitimate contention, went for 75% of what some of you guys are valuing the Clippers at here...

You think many business man out there that are willing to invest 2 billion dollars into a franchise, know less then you guys do? lol

You're not refuting a single thing I posted that you quoted...

Do any of you guys know what the fuck you're talking about or are you just spurting nonsense?

Oh, the fucking irony
i didn't say they have a future...i said they have a present, AND a future...CP3 and Blake Griffin appear more on television then any other nba players other then maybe durant and Lebron....that means they've got 50% of the top 4 in marketing revenue. They play out of one of the best markets in all of the NBA and they have years of playoff and championship contention...all equates to dollars and cents...

point made about the expensive toy, I guess that's possible..I just dont think that's the cash...this isn't a record price for a franchise and LAC make money all over the place

The market was a completely different animal 30 years ago and the NBA wasn't making nearly as much $$ as it was making then. The last 15 years is when ball players from all sports started making ridiculous money...That's why I used that time frame...

And yes, I stand by the fact that LA is what it is today because of the Lakers. I just don't see how anyone can argue that the clippers have a brighter future in LA at this point? And if they DO, then it would probably only mean even MORE money for BOTH franchises...

Yeah, they do have a long way to go before they catch Kobe and Shaq in Jersey sales...but not television spots...Blake's dunk contest made the Clippers and KIA a LOT of fucking money...CP3 is on a State Farm commercial every damn day lol...The Clippers also sold playoff tickets, playoff merchandise this season...the Lakers did not...they will do so next season and again, the Lakers will not. As a matter of fact, with how competitive the west is...the Lakers are REALLY far from making the playoffs anytime in the near future. As of now, The clippers are getting more dollars from the basketball fans in LA...and there is a LOT of money in LA to be had.

And the kicker...

Wow, fortunately for my sanity...I have not had a computer for the last few days. Thank god, you guys are literally insane.

You guys still want to put words in my mouth so I will repeat. The Clippers Franchise is worth more money today because of the market that the Lakers created. Their players, their product, their $$, has created a market that can sustain two profitable franchises and the Clippers are really starting to gain legitimate traction. I also said that there were more people going to Clippers games this year, which there were. It was not meant to be a measuring stick that we can gauge the Lakers demise but to promote the Clippers success. There are few markets in the NBA that can justify such a purchase. L.A. is clearly one of them. I say again, I defer to the judgement of a billionaire when it comes to the finances. I have asked multiple times for someone to give me a dollars and cents assessment as to why the Clippers aren't worth the $$, aren't going to be a good investment, etc. All I get back is rhetoric. The Clippers aren't making as much money as the Lakers. MY GOD WHAT A STRETCH, you mean to tell me that in the 2013-2014 season...a season in which the LAC didn't make the WFC...that they didn't turn as big a profit as the Lakers who have won championships in the last 10 years?? I'm SHOCKED. I said that the Clippers have potential to GAIN market share over L.A. in the next 5 years. That is of course, a very valid and very fair assessment. I would like to point out the delta between the market share for the Clippers in 2013-2014 vs the figure in say 2008-2009. The increase is very telling, and very real.

The single conclusion I have drawn is that the Clippers are a profitable franchise that merits a large investment based on their future earning potential.

Damn, I feel sorry for me too. What a fucking square for going out on such a large limb. What a fucking boob for making such a grand statement in the face of overwhelming assholes who love nothing more then to sit on a forum all day and circle jerk to the sites biggest goat. I made an incredibly innocuous statement that you guys jumped on for the sake of jumping and of course, the funniest part is...I wasn't wrong lol.

The Clippers enjoy a market that the Lakers have created. The clippers are making more money due to the Lakers past success. And YES, the Clippers have the POTENTIAL for growth in the next 5 years that the Lakers do not.

Lets all string me up, what a fucking disaster. I've shamed my family, myself, and my (very few) friends on CTG. :'( Thank you all for showing me the way with your sharp insights and brilliant business minds.
At least he was able to admit he was a complete "fucking square" and "fucking boob" for making such an assertion. Good grief, how could someone who thought he knew so much be so far off as he was? I mean JFC, this may have been the worst prediction in the history of predictions.
I bumped the whole thing, great read. I need to finish the last page but it is pretty funny. Good ole William...
I don't see why you think that's not possible though. If the Lakers have 5 loosing seasons and the Clippers win a title and compete every year...and their players are the darlings of NBA marketing...why cant the Clippers usurp LA's dominance in the market? The hearts of the LA faithful? What type of shelf life does former greatness have when there's a newer, younger, team in the same city that is gaining momentum and drawing the attention of basketball fans?

This isn't a situation that history can point to and say, see here...this is what happens in these unpopular position on the potential of the Clippers to overtake LA aside however... The Clippers are certainly going to make $$ in that market and the going rate tends to be what people are willing to pay. I'm fine with disagreeing with LA faithful that the Lakers could potentially lose significant market share to the Clippers in the next decade. My reasoning is the level of competition in the Western Conference. It's going to be extraordinarily hard to build a team that can compete in the west. When Kobe retires, they will lose a lot of fans that tune in and go to games just to see him play. Even when he's hurt, but coming back, there are fans that believe in LAL b/c he's coming back...some of them might end up giving up on their team for a while and jumping ship. If the Lakers cant build a playoff team in the post Kobe era, and the Clippers compete year after year...I don't see why so many people believe that the Lakers will be the dominant franchise in 2020. Even if they are, the Clippers will have enjoyed significant growth within the market which can only help bolster their position for profitability.

I didn't respond b/c I had already paraphrased my thought that you and many others took out of context. Which is one of the favorite past times in CTG. I paraphrased my thought to say that they were enjoying a market LAL created.

My disagreeing with people who live in LA is not embarrassing to me. And I don't really care that if you're embarrassed for me either lol. There hasn't been any situation like this in the modern era. There is no finite piece of data that points to the idea that the Lakers will always encompass the hearts and minds of basketball fans in the state even after their team has sucked for a decade and another team that plays in the same area has won championships. The timeline of 5 years too soon? Perhaps...but the delta between the two franchises market share could close considerably.
I bumped the whole thing, great read. I need to finish the last page but it is pretty funny. Good ole William...

Has anyone ever been as wrong as Ivy was in this "debate?"

It's certainly up there for the most ridiculous thing ever uttered on this forum.
Another 1h under gonna get crushed by a scoring run to end the 2nd quarter, like fucking clockwork