***NBA Playoffs In Game ***

I hate having stories but there is one regarding jimmymo and my rib cage

If you've ever had bruised ribs there is a lot to learn about the healing process. 2 weeks
Refusing to cover jokic but then helps and leaves Gordon wide open every play. No hustle to get back on d . And useless on o without Conley throwing him alley oops
Holy shit none of my friends are watching NBA right now

All in Caitlin's jock

I'm on an island with y'all
Are you ok bud, first mystery tacos and now a mystery drink haha
I woke up at 3am and have taken two naps. Massive Man City fan, today was our Super Bowl. Now need to win on Sunday and i'm going all in to the pub downtown.

I guess I'm ok but today has been a virtual ejaculation as a sports fan
I woke up at 3am and have taken two naps. Massive Man City fan, today was our Super Bowl. Now need to win on Sunday and i'm going all in to the pub downtown.

I guess I'm ok but today has been a virtual ejaculation as a sports fan
You have the schedule of a working girl chief
I would also like to apologize to everyone here ahead of time. I have way too much on on this game, especially the 2nd half and about to get pretty intoxicated. for me being a prick. good luck fellas
I would also like to apologize to everyone here ahead of time. I have way too much on on this game, especially the 2nd half and about to get pretty intoxicated. for me being a prick. good luck fellas
What we rooting for you?
In a conundrum

I'm Pisces and chick I'm closest to is Pisces which is a disaster waiting to happen

But apparently our spirit animal is the WOLF! I need Sammy right now
Monte such a solid player, still.

I was really happy he was given a trip outta SEMCON so he could see the playoffs.