nba '21 live bets

Got a lot going now

206 or 207 in Meat game

Under 203.5 pretty significant in Orlando.
Took 196 over at even for 1/3 so far.
Wasn't even close.

Lost a bit.

I didn't see the Spurs putting up only 16 in 4th

Oh well. Two terrible games tomorrow, pop back on Wed or Thursday.
they were scoring with consistency all game. phx winning by dd seemed nearly impossible entering the 4th.
Scrub ball ...

Bring em in last 2-3 mins, scoring stops

Bring them in earlier in 4th in a blowout, they get rhythm, and scoring is higher many times.
Damn bro. You followed it all way thru the day and night!! That dedication!! Mind me asking how many plays you ended up making throughout?
Damn bro. You followed it all way thru the day and night!! That dedication!! Mind me asking how many plays you ended up making throughout?
if there are multiple games on i'll usually pay attention the whole time. if it's just one or two like tonight, i'll just check for any discrepancies and if there are none, i'll scrap it. there's almost always a paired opposite bet to my originals as i get both at the same time looking for a yesterday i had 56 total bets, or 28 a side. a day like today though i wouldn't expect to make more than 10, and that includes college.
Actually, question there...

Dubs games.. you find it harder or easier for differentials?
i'd say it depends on what the score is. if they are trailing or way ahead, then easier to get differentials. if it's a pretty even game or they're up by single digits, then it's harder to find anything