nba '21 live bets

well that game sucked
Yeah, big time.

For a total in the low to mid 220s this game this game has many elements to go over... Except the 13 total fouls by Nola and the 13 pt 2nd quarter.

That's a brutal nba quarter. Even a below average one (17-22 points) gets the original game total.

Yeah I'll be kicking myself on that one for a few days as I had the opportunities mid 2nd but didn't pull the trigger.

They are sporting an 18.5 spread for Nets and Rox on Tuesday...always some fascinating numbers as we get into the final week.
Yeah, big time.

For a total in the low to mid 220s this game this game has many elements to go over... Except the 13 total fouls by Nola and the 13 pt 2nd quarter.

That's a brutal nba quarter. Even a below average one (17-22 points) gets the original game total.

Yeah I'll be kicking myself on that one for a few days as I had the opportunities mid 2nd but didn't pull the trigger.

They are sporting an 18.5 spread for Nets and Rox on Tuesday...always some fascinating numbers as we get into the final week.
i guess we can't expect anything else from a dipper game.
that's has not yet figured out that crooklyn just isn't that good.
you're late
Yeah, had a big dinner.

Did hit Pacers over twice.

Will lose middle in Minnesota as Wolves are not doing anything this half.

Likely lost my initial over in Nugs game as they had a 2Q like the Pels did on Sunday night.
Yeah, had a big dinner.

Did hit Pacers over twice.

Will lose middle in Minnesota as Wolves are not doing anything this half.

Likely lost my initial over in Nugs game as they had a 2Q like the Pels did on Sunday night.
getting wa-shit-on at home. pathetic.
indy was my money game today. after missing every middle by a basket the past couple days...hit 5 middles there on the tyrese 3.
Lost the middle bulls game by hook.

Sucks because I was trying to get off that bet several times at better numbers and kind of settled.
At half that bet was toast(pregame total).

Hence why I was looking to get an under.

So, not terribly upset but woulda coulda situation...