My take on the BIG-12 title tie-break situation

majent, Also there is no rule that you have to win your conference to go to the MNC game. Voters will frown upon it though and would probably move USC ahead of Texas to assure a conference winner would go.

I'm aware there is no rule. But there is an "unwritten rule" amongst voters, especially since Nebraska '01 and OU '03, that no team should be in the BCS title game if they do not win their own conference.

The AP poll, however, is its own animal. They may go off their own way like they did in '03 when they (rightfully) gave USC their piece of the national title.

Perhaps if OU beats Mizzu and then beats the Bama/Fla winner, the AP poll might decide to give Texas a share.
I know this is a hot-button subject for Texas fans and will be for weeks, months, and probably years to come, so I don't really wanna pour any more fuel on the fire, but what what I'm about to say, I think it needs to be said.

Regardless of the head-to-head argument, there were obviously huge factions of coaches in the USA Today Poll and people in the Harris Poll who voted Oklahoma ahead of Texas. I believe this was a statement where they were rewarding OU's strength of schedule. OU played and beat TCU (a perennial MWC contender and known for great defense under Patterson) and Cincinnati, who happened to win the Big East this season. Next season OU goes to Miami to complete the 2nd game of the home and home. Year after that it's off to Florida State. The point is, OU is one of those schools like USC, Fresno State, Georgia. These schools will play anyone, anywhere, any time. Schedule boldly and you will be rewarded. Yes, OU played the tune up vs. Chattanooga. OU also played weak Washington but when the game was schedule yrs ago they were decent. Wash also had Locker when OU went to Wash and they were coming off a 1 pt hm loss to BYU.

I give Texas credit for scheduling Arkansas when the Hogs were good, so it's not Texas's fault that the Hogs went through the coaching change and stunk this season. But UTEP, FAU, and Rice? Yeah, UTEP had a few good seasons under Price, FAU had a decent season or 2 under Schnellenberger. Rice has been good this season. But if you think that any of these 3 teams can compare to TCU or Cincy, you are sorely mistaken. Year and year out, Texas plays a very unambitious non-conference schedule. The Horn brass should start scheduling up, because just 1 decent non-conf win and the Texas SOS might have been enough to stay ahead of the Sooners.

That's my 2 cents.
I'm a SEC fan and have no affiliation to UT or OU, so I consider myself completely objective on the situation. Putting OU ahead of Texas for the B12 South is an absolutely royal "fuck you" to burnt orange nation.

I cannot see the arugment against:

Texas beats OU on neutral field + same conference record + same overall record

This is a slap in the face to all that is commonsensical and logical. OU/Stoops should demolish Mizzou then proceed to get their asses beat again on the main stage by the SEC champ. Congrats Sooner nation! Enjoy it now because it will be short-lived.
You're right Blue Chip, it's one big conspiracy by the coaches who vote, the harris voters, and the computers, to screw Texas out of a BIG-12 title game berth. Everybody is in on it. There is no consideration to comparing quality wins of both teams to the loss of both teams. There is no consideration to strength of schedule. All those people who voted for OU are in on a huge conspiracy and want to say "f**k you" to the state university of Texas and their fans.

You obviously have no idea what the components are that go into voting and go into the computers.

The system is spread out across several inputs, and the system has spoken.

(I wouldn't be bragging about the SEC in title games because if not for choke jobs by USC in '06 and WVA in '07, no SEC team would have participated in the BCS title game either year. Backdoor jobs by Florida '06 and LSU '07, and that's a fact, Jack.)

P.S. Texas lost to the 7th ranked team in the BCS by 6 pts in a game where they were completely dominated for the first half, and only took the lead with 1 minute left to play. Behind for 59 mins, and outgained by 13 FD or so and 200+ yds. That 7th ranked BCS team, Texas Tech, needed OT at home to beat Nebraska, got destroyed by 44 at OU, and just beat crappy Baylor by 7 pts in Lubbock.

OU lost to the 3rd ranked team in the BCS by 10 pts. A game in which no team ever had clear control of the game. The FD's and total yds were even.

Which loss is more forgiveable? OU's is.

Which team played the tougher non-conf schedule? OU did.

You don't think the voters in BOTH polls took this consideration. You bet your arse they did.
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Lastly, do not discount the notion that Mack's obvious and sometimes nauseating politicking all week long might have turned off some of the voters.........

Humans are humans. They saw the difference in the way Stoops and Brown handled things.
Lastly, do not discount the notion that Mack's obvious and sometimes nauseating politicking all week long might have turned off some of the voters.........

Humans are humans. They saw the difference in the way Stoops and Brown handled things.

Dude the voters switched most of their votes to Texas. If you compile both human polls Texas has the advantage. OU went ahead because of .04 lead on the computers. Beating Cincy and TCU was huge for them and so was Mizzu losing to Kansas. 41 votes switched for Texas in the coaches poll.

Turn on ESPN or your radio or go read any fan message board other then Texas or Oklahoma and see what the opinion is. ESPN is just hammering OU being in the title game right now.

Also saying Texas losing on the road to TT on the final play is worse then losing by double digits on a neutral field is one of the most ridiculous things I've read on this board.
Lastly, do not discount the notion that Mack's obvious and sometimes nauseating politicking all week long might have turned off some of the voters.........

Humans are humans. They saw the difference in the way Stoops and Brown handled things.

Jesus f'ing Christ you have got to be kidding me? That might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Stoops was the one that did every fucking show except Oprah earlier in the week. So when he went on Mike & Mike early in the week and campaigned for OU, that was Only after Mack stated that he wasn't going to talk about it until the games were played did Stoops shut it down.

Then the whiney bitch calls a presser today and talks about taking the high road? All the while taking shots at Mack.

Believe me, sooners are the ONLY ones that thinks Bob Stoops is classy.
You obviously have no idea what the components are that go into voting and go into the computers.

I don't have an idea. I just root against you.

(I wouldn't be bragging about the SEC in title games because if not for choke jobs by USC in '06 and WVA in '07, no SEC team would have participated in the BCS title game either year. Backdoor jobs by Florida '06 and LSU '07, and that's a fact, Jack.)

Keep talking about these hypothetical situations, big shot... OU fans are the ones standing their with their thumbs in their asses. LSU, USC, Boise, WVU ... oh, hand clap for the win over Oregon in the Holiday Bowl. Keep it up, champ
As a mostly non-interested observer who cares little for the Big 12 I would have to agree that Stoops is less classy than Mack Brown. I don't hold much of a strong opinion on Texas vs. OU who should be in and who should be out, but I do hold the opinion that I hate Bob Stoops a lot. Something is just - unsettling - about him.
OU is the BCS biggest fan. They were able to go even though they lost to KSU in the Big 12 title game, they were able to go over an undefeated Auburn team, and they are going again with a retarded tie-breaker. Unreal.
OU is the BCS biggest fan. They were able to go even though they lost to KSU in the Big 12 title game, they were able to go over an undefeated Auburn team, and they are going again with a retarded tie-breaker. Unreal.

Yeah, I can't believe how many times OU seems to come out on top in close situations or get the ball to bounce their way (like last night). It's unreal.
OU is the BCS biggest fan. They were able to go even though they lost to KSU in the Big 12 title game, they were able to go over an undefeated Auburn team, and they are going again with a retarded tie-breaker. Unreal.

This is getting ridiculous, Horn. I have explained a few times that in 2003, the conference championship games did not figure into the BCS formula. OU knew BEFORE THE 2003 BIG-12 TITLE GAME that win OR lose, they were going to the 2003 BCS Title game to play LSU on the merit of their 12-0 regular season PRIOR to the conference championship. It was not until after that season that the BCS formula was amended to include the conference championships. I had K-State +14.5 in that '03 BIG-12 title game because I knew the Sooners could give two sh*ts about that game.

Re: Auburn. OU out-BCS'ed them so-to-speak based on SOS and style points, ie, OU looked a hell of a lot sexier winning games than boring ole Auburn did.

OU played in non-conf in '04: 3, count em THREE bowl teams from the prior season....

1) Bowling Green (11 win team the yr before)
2) Houston (7 win team the yr before)
3) Oregon (8 win team the yr before)

Auburn played in non-conf in '04:

1) Louisiana-Monroe (1 win team the yr before)
2) The Citadel (don't know how many teams, but they were 1-AA!)
3) Louisiana Tech (5 win team the yr before)

Auburn and you guys have something in common. You both like to schedule non-conf cupcakes and OU has been chosen over both of you in BCS scenarios because of it.

Write to your AD at Texas and demand that you guys schedule better teams in non-conf and perhaps the computers will like you guys a little better when it comes time to make these choices.

When will the LSU's, the Florida's, the Texas's and Texas Tech's of the world understand. SCHEDULE PATSIES IN YOUR NON-CONF AND THE SYSTEM WILL PUNISH YOU.

Very simple.
Texas has better SOS. Oklahoma benefited because 4 of the 6 computers threw out Tenny-Chat.

And calling ou's loss more understandable than Texas' loss is just unreal. Had Texas played oklahoma for a fifth quarter, they win the game by three TD's. OU quit and was physically dominated. Had Texas played another quarter against Tech, they win the game going away. Tech score one offensive TD in the second half and it came on the last play of the game.
And ou's on probation currently. Much like saying water is wet currently, I know. A corrupt team for a corrupt system is what we're left with this day and age. Makes sense.
Write to your AD at Texas and demand that you guys schedule better teams in non-conf and perhaps the computers will like you guys a little better when it comes time to make these choices.

When will the LSU's, the Florida's, the Texas's and Texas Tech's of the world understand. SCHEDULE PATSIES IN YOUR NON-CONF AND THE SYSTEM WILL PUNISH YOU.

Very simple.

So you're saying we should schedule Tenny-Chat? You have to be a Horn posing as a sooner. You're really showing your ass here.
Texas has better SOS.

At the end of the day, too many voters saw: FAU, UTEP, RICE

compared to: Cincinnati & TCU

Deny it all you want. The computers obviously overlooked your SOS in their computations, and the voters most certainly did. The fact you guys shoved the H2H argument down people's throat all week and only a handful were actually swayed, speaks volumes.

This is becoming a dead horse. Actually, it is a dead horse. They system spoke clearly. Time for me to move on while the sulking continues.
At the end of the day, too many voters saw: FAU, UTEP, RICE

compared to: Cincinnati & TCU

Deny it all you want. The computers obviously overlooked your SOS in their computations, and the voters most certainly did. The fact you guys shoved the H2H argument down people's throat all week and only a handful were actually swayed, speaks volumes.

This is becoming a dead horse. Actually, it is a dead horse. They system spoke clearly. Time for me to move on while the sulking continues.

Actually, the human polls broke rather solidly for Texas the final week. Texas closed 1 point down the coaches and up six in the Harris. Hell the list of pundits calling for Texas to be over ou are legion...Fowler, herbstreit, flutie, james, musberger, palmer, may, davis, etc and so forth.

What put ou over the top was the 4 computers throwing out Tenny Chat, and 2 coaches voting ou 1, 1 coach voting Tech number 1, while Texas got zero first place votes. There will be a ton of explaining to do when the votes go public next week.

No sulking here. You weaseled your way into a championship game, and everyone with a brain and multiple branches in their family tree knows it.
"Shoving the H2H argument down people's throats."

That's rich. Enjoy the jv game in kansas city. You better win the whole thing or whatever little credibility your outlaw program has will be totally used up.

I look forward to running up the score on the sooners and Coach Speech Impediment next year.
This is getting ridiculous, Horn. I have explained a few times that in 2003, the conference championship games did not figure into the BCS formula. OU knew BEFORE THE 2003 BIG-12 TITLE GAME that win OR lose, they were going to the 2003 BCS Title game to play LSU on the merit of their 12-0 regular season PRIOR to the conference championship. It was not until after that season that the BCS formula was amended to include the conference championships.

Not that 2003 really has any bearing on what happened this year, but I want to know where you are getting this information from? You keep stating this as a fact. If this is true, then why was LSU bumped up from #3 in the second to last standings, to #2 for the final standings after playing in the SEC TITLE GAME? The way the standings worked that year involved poll rankings, computers, SOS, 1 point per loss, and point deductions for quality wins. Lowest score is the best. If what you're saying is correct, OU's SOS ranking or points for losses shouldn't have changed from the week before the B12 title game. SOS changed from 0.56 on 11/29 to 0.44 on 12/6 and they got a point for a loss. Standings from week to week that year found here: If you look on the ever so reliable wikipedia, it mentions the following for how the standings were calculated for 1998 - 2003:

The BCS formula calculated the top 25 teams in poll format. After combining a number of factors, a final point total was created and the teams that received the 25 lowest scores were ranked in descending order. The factors were:
  • Poll average: Both the AP and ESPN-USA Today coaches polls were averaged to make a number which is the poll average.
  • Computer average: An average of the rankings of a team in three different computer polls were gathered (Jeff Sagarin/USA Today, Anderson-Hester/Seattle Times, and New York Times), with a 50% adjusted maximum deviation factor. (For instance, if the computers had ranked a team third, fifth, and twelfth, the poll which ranked the team twelfth would be adjusted to rank the team sixth.)
  • Strength of Schedule: This was the team's NCAA rank in strength of schedule divided by 25. A team's strength of schedule was calculated by win/loss record of opponents (66.6%) and cumulative win/loss record of team's opponents' opponents (33.3%). The team who played the toughest schedule was given .04 points, second toughest .08 points, and so on.
  • Losses: One point was added for every loss the team has suffered during the season. All games are counted, including Kickoff Classics and conference title games.

After that year, the formula was changed to take out the quality win, loss count, and SOS components to make it take the human polls into account. Not trying to argue whether they should have been there or not...all 3 teams that year had a legitimate claim to the MNC game. To say that the championship game just didn't matter isn't giving the full truth. It didn't matter for OU, but it helped get LSU into the game.

Also, it seems like revisionist history to just pass off that Big 12 title game choke by saying the players knew they were in no matter what. Is that the excuse Nebraska fans have for getting blown out 62-36 by CU back in '01? Didn't work out very well for either of those teams when they got to the MNC game later on, did it?
Actually, the human polls broke rather solidly for Texas the final week. Texas closed 1 point down the coaches and up six in the Harris. Hell the list of pundits calling for Texas to be over ou are legion...Fowler, herbstreit, flutie, james, musberger, palmer, may, davis, etc and so forth.

What put ou over the top was the 4 computers throwing out Tenny Chat, and 2 coaches voting ou 1, 1 coach voting Tech number 1, while Texas got zero first place votes. There will be a ton of explaining to do when the votes go public next week.

No sulking here. You weaseled your way into a championship game, and everyone with a brain and multiple branches in their family tree knows it.

Yup ... they actually benefit from playing chatanooga.... if FAU were eliminated from texas schedule by the computers i wonder how we would look ......
Oh btw ,..... the "experts" were all saying that fau would give texas trouble as i recall ...
LOL some Longhorn fans set up the website and they were flooded with hate email from alot of sooner fans and one in particular sent a bunch in from his work email. They did some research and got his contact info from his work site (he's a journalist). They also got ahold of his phone number.

The guy got on the Longhorn board and begged for mercy since his email has been getting signed up for Yag porn and numerous other spams, been getting prank calls all night and he just had an $80 pizza with specialty toppings delivered to his house already.

Absolutely great quote from Mike Leach today.

"The Big 12 should break the three way tie by using GRADUATION rates of the three schools"

Texas Tech is ranked # 1 in the Big 12

Texas is # 11 Oklahoma # 12 :36_11_6::36_11_6:

This certainly doesn't surprise me but I do find quite amusing.

I think this should be the number one determining factor in ALL ties. This is COLLEGE Football and the reason why we can't have a playoff is "because of the kids and they would miss too much school"
Nice effort from the aforementioned schools.

Obviously Coach Jim Tressel is a believer in caring about his kids future as well.
:36_11_6: I think Maurice was arrested again this week.
2008 NCAA Graduation Success Rate for BCS Football Programs

1. Notre Dame 94%
2. Stanford 93
T3. BC 92
T3. Duke 92
T3. Northwestern 92
6. Vanderbilt 91
7. Wake Forest 83
8. Texas Tech 79
T9. Baylor 78
T9. Nebraska 78
T9. UNC 78
T9. Penn State 78
T13. UConn 77
T13. Indiana 77
T15. Colorado 75
T15. Iowa 75
T15. Syracuse 75
T15. Virginia Tech 75
19. Cincinnati 73
T20. Illinois 70
T20. Michigan 70
T20. Miami 70
T20. Rutgers 70
24. Florida State 69
T25. Clemson 68
T25. Florida 68
T25. Maryland 68
T25. Wash State 68
T29. Kansas State 67
T29. Pitt 67
31. Virginia 66
T32. South Carolina 65
T32. Washington 65
T34. Oregon State 64
T34. Ole Miss 63
T34. Miss State 63
T34. Purdue 63
T34. West Virginia 63
T34. Wisconsin 63
T40. Okla State 62
T40. UCLA 62
42. Arizona State 60
T43. N.C. State 59
T43. Missouri 59
45. Louisville 58
46. Auburn 57
T47. Kentucky 56
T47. Texas A&M 56
T47. South Florida 56
T50. Alabama 55
T50. Iowa State 55
T52. LSU 54
T52. Tennessee 54
T52. USC 54
T55. Cal 53
T55. Oregon 53
T55. Kansas 53
58. Ohio State 52
T58. Arkansas 52
T60. Minnesota 51
T60. Michigan State 51
62. Texas 50
T63. Georgia 48
T63. Georgia Tech 48
65. Oklahoma 46
66. Arizona 41
Offered without comment....

A Harris Interactive poll head-scratcher

Comments 8

By Berry Tramel
Published: December 1, 2008

Some have questioned the validity of the Harris Interactive poll, which has had a spotty run in its four years as being part of the BCS.

<!-- begin ad tag--><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript>//<![CDATA[if (typeof ord=='undefined') {ord=Math.random()*10000000000000000;}document.write('<script language="JavaScript" src=";sz=300x250;ord=' + ord + '?" type="text/javascript"><\/script>');//]]></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=";sz=300x250;ord=3602850126056203?" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=""></SCRIPT>The skepticism could be valid.

True story from the Boone Pickens Stadium pressbox Saturday night.
I asked Harris poll voter Pat Quinn, the former Oklahoma State University sports information director, how he would vote OU and Texas if the Sooners won Saturday night.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Quinn said. “Doesn’t really matter.”


“I think Alabama and Penn State will probably play for the national championship,” Quinn said.
You do?

“They’re the only undefeated teams, aren’t they,” Quinn said.

Uh, actually, Penn State has a loss.
“Oh well,” Quinn said, “those Big Ten teams have a lot of votes.”;h=v...933613/28951492/1;;~sscs=?
I hereby nominate Pat Quinn to be official BCS Czar in control of all bowl pairings, including the BCS Championship Game

PSU/Alabama it is!

I can't believe this

Let me tell you why Texas deserves this

HUMANS are as bad as computers. So called "experts" and voters have too much confidence in themselves


Because Oklahoma demolished Tech? Well shit I think someone said Syracuse could of won the national championship using comparitive anlaysis of who beat who.

Many reasons as to why big wins happen. "sitiuation angles"

FACT IS Miami FL should of beat Ohio STate 45-0 in 02 based on "who the experts thought was playing better"

Damn I hate my computer

---anyhow, IMO it is just really really hard to sit here and say who is playing better

The reason OU appears better is because human overreaction IMO

This is what causes market inefficiences

WAY too much confidence these humans have. They look at the style points Oh look at what OU did to TEch. EMotion

But humans are just as wrong as the computers. Same ppl who have said 500 games are games of century. Squares overreacting for OU

----IMO anybody who wants a PLAYOFF and wants OKLAHOMA this year is hypcritical

They have no room to talk of a playoff

Is it not that when one team wins they advance????

IS the regular season not a playoff

Texas won

Beyond belief


Tejas beat Mizzou like OU beat Tech

So maybe ppl will start comparing how OU beats Mizzaou

IMO Texas will end up higher

OU is not beating Missouri that much like Texas dominated them

They will struggle to cover spread

Tejas beat Mizzou like OU beat Tech

So maybe ppl will start comparing how OU beats Mizzaou

IMO Texas will end up higher

OU is not beating Missouri that much like Texas dominated them

They will struggle to cover spread

Educated fans are not this short-sighted. They realize that about 175 miles separate Missouri's campus and Arrowhead Stadium where the game is being played. Missouri is playing in their home state for crying out loud.

Texas, OTOH, got to play Missouri at home in Austin.

Little bit of a difference there.
Educated fans understand that a team that beats another team head to head by double digits on a neutral field, with all else equal, is a better team. Point blank. 45-35.
Based on the graduation rates, the ONLY thing that may be educated at Texas & Okie are the fans. It's certainly not the players.
Educated fans are not this short-sighted. They realize that about 175 miles separate Missouri's campus and Arrowhead Stadium where the game is being played. Missouri is playing in their home state for crying out loud.

Texas, OTOH, got to play Missouri at home in Austin.

Little bit of a difference there.

My friend you contradict yourself.

Oklahoma got to play Texas Tech in Norman.

Texas had just played Oklahoma, Missouri, and Oklahoma State back to back to back.

---I agree wholeheartedly the regular season is special the bowls are special and we already have a playoff.......

Doesn't that mean Texas advances??
from: http://statintelligence.blogspot.comSaturday, November 29, 2008


Yes, Texas beat Oklahoma by 10 on a neutral field. It should carry some weight. It should carry a lot of weight. Had there been a two-way tie for first place, it would have carried the appropriate amount of weight.

There wasn’t. There was a three-way tie for first place…and you can’t just throw out Texas Tech because they lost badly in their only loss. That bad loss came to somebody in the three-way tie. How can that NOT be in the mix?!

Mack Brown annunciated the UT position in a phone call with Brent Musburger and Kirk Herbstreit during Saturday Night’s Oklahoma/Oklahoma State telecast. He said that Texas Tech has fallen off the pace in the BCS race, so it should come down to that neutral field win that everyone with a TV set has been reminded about 500 times in the past week. It would have been nice if Brent or Kirk would have said something like…

“Yeah, but coach…it’s not a two-way tie for first place in the Big 12 South, it’s a 3-way tie. And, in those three games…

Oklahoma was plus 34 points
Texas was plus 4 points
And Texas Tech -38 minus”

You see…Texas doesn’t want anyone thinking about that, because the neutral field win gets trumped by the Oklahoma rout of Tech. How can the rout NOT be counted? I understand that Texas was in a horrible schedule spot in Lubbock, playing their fourth tough game in four weeks. Handicappers can account for that. Voters can remember that. But, on the scoreboard, the three-way comparison favors Oklahoma by a good bit, not UT.


Texas Tech didn’t disappear. They’re still 7-1 in the league and 11-1 for the year. You have to acknowledge that Oklahoma beat them by 44 points.

I’d love for Texas to play in the big game. Why is everyone purposely avoiding the obvious comparisons, while focusing so heavily on only part of the equation? Texas has a right to lobby however they wish. Journalists should be pointing out that it’s lobbying in a way that’s trying to divert you from the reality of the situation. And…that the reality of the situation is Oklahoma +34, Texas +4, Tech -38 in the head-to-head meetings within the three way tie.

Texas surely gets the short end of the stick because they didn’t get to play at home, and they were exhausted when they faced Tech. Them’s the breaks. Texas could easily have lost outright to Oklahoma State but the Cowboys decided to stop running at a dumb time. That was a lucky break for Texas. Oklahoma State lost by 20 at home to OU (would have been 13 had OU taken a knee)…and Okie State lost to Texas Tech by 36. The Horns result vs. the Cowboys looks pretty bad in that light.

Regarding Brent’s constant harping on how BCS rankings end up being the ultimate Big 12 South tie-breaker…I’m sympathetic to his concerns. It does seem dumb to let outside voters determine your divisional champion. On the other hand, the conference wants to give its division winners a chance to play for a national championship (the highest BCS team would get that chance)…the conference would have to come up with a complicated methodology that would probably be close to the BCS computer approach anyway…and farming the process out keeps internal politics from getting involved.

What about Brent’s idea for using point differential amongst all common opponents? I’m against that because it favors teams who play fast break football. It doesn’t really matter in this particular three-way tie because all three do. But, what if a defensive-minded team tied for first that won its games 30-10…while two fast break teams were in the tie off typical wins of 40-13. The extra margins are the result of bullies running up the score in up tempo games rather than actual quality. No reason to reward bullying, or to punish defensive minded teams who dominate the games in their own way.

Aren't you getting sick of drumming up post after post in your own threads to support how OU is "deserving" to go?

No one except OU fans will agree with you and we get that. Let's move on now and stop trying to argue why OU has a right to go over the others. It is very clear they don't. The system is broken and OU came out on top. Saying UT beat Okie St by 4 and OU beat them by 20 meaning OU is better is stupid...and you should realize that. Just count your blessings it worked out this way.
I agree with him

Its completely asinine to argue the head to head point against Oklahoma and then completely dismiss it against Texas Tech

Aren't you getting sick of drumming up post after post in your own threads to support how OU is "deserving" to go?

No one except OU fans will agree with you and we get that. Let's move on now and stop trying to argue why OU has a right to go over the others. It is very clear they don't. The system is broken and OU came out on top. Saying UT beat Okie St by 4 and OU beat them by 20 meaning OU is better is stupid...and you should realize that. Just count your blessings it worked out this way.

"’s not a two-way tie for first place in the Big 12 South, it’s a 3-way tie. And, in those three games…

Oklahoma was plus 34 points
Texas was plus 4 points
And Texas Tech -38 minus”

The SAME case that EVERY week is a PLAYOFF? If only you could answer a direct question with a direct answer.
well, if you look at it by margin of loss...

OU by 10 (neutral field)
UT by 6 (away)
Tech by 36 (away)

You could argue a loss by 10 on a neutral field is worse than an away game where UT lost by 6.

I am not making this point bc I am from Texas and thankfully not the worst state in the continental US (Oklahoma). It is to point out that the "system" needs help. You can't say one team is more deserving than another.
