Monday NFL In-Game/NHL/NBAx

My dad use to do it. My cousins are professional team ropers. My one cousin won the world last year and is in first place heading into the national finals this year. He lives down in Arizona now.

Probably not riding at Buffalo Chip on Friday's in Cave Creek
There's another one next to the Buffalo Chip now too

And DUI task force all over the place on Cave Creek Rd
Sick of Sailor Jerrys tonight. Forgot to put any beer in the fridge outside a few bottles. So needed to figure out something else outside of my other 150 bottles of booze.
There's another one next to the Buffalo Chip now too

And DUI task force all over the place on Cave Creek Rd

Used to go to Harold's all the time. Hell's Angels used to be up there quite a bit, but you're right. It's cop heaven up there.
93 degrees here tomorrow but still might be light jacket weather in the morning

chilled vodka still tasting delicious
Used to go to Harold's all the time. Hell's Angels used to be up there quite a bit, but you're right. It's cop heaven up there.

And only one way out of town

Used to do Harold's a bit for the chicks on the bar/bodyshots, that was a good time. Gonna do Tempe tomorrow night for the first time in a long time
There will be no picking up of flags or overturns favoring SD tonight, that's been established
I really didn't think anything looked too good to be true tonight other than the under in the Miami/VT game, 1st half under as well. Bullshit push.
hahahahaha my VT buddy just sent me this text....

"this sucks so bad I can't fucking drink gays enough to compensate"