MLB Tuesday, and maybe Presque Isle pick 4 horses that is


Pretty much a regular
Haven't bet MLB in quite a while, ever since the wheels fell off a few months ago. Yeah was up about 15 k on baseball or around there, may have been a little less. Then blew it all back to the bookie, and quit. Not a lot going on with the horses on a Tuesday, so figured I would bet some bases and post em since I haven't in a long fucking time. So guess you probably want to fade these picks with how I was tanking a few months ago on bases. Na na, I'm winning damn it, just needed, you know, 3 months off to clear my head on the bases ha. Whatever here's the first one. Then gonna look at Presque Isle early pick 4, see if it is worth doing or not, maybe not there. They do get chalky with it, meaning favorites quite a bit sometimes.

Atlanta at Pittsburgh under 8, -125, risking 187.50 to win 150

Yeah bases really chopped my balls off, not sure where they are, so 187.50 to win 150. Not the usual to win 1 k. Plus no money coming in at the moment so can't afford to bet 1 k anyway. Figure this is a pretty good pitching match up here. Liriano is really dealing lately, lights out there. Harang had a rough one last time vs the Dodgers, but he pretty much always bounces back this year with a good one next out when he gets smacked a bit. Hope the Pirates pen doesn't blow it, they aren't great, but the Atlanta pen is pretty kick ass so that helps. Just bought it to 8 since it didn't cost too much, prefer to buy the whole number if it isn't prohibitive just to be safe.

Gonna take a look at Presque horses now. Maybe another baseball game later.
Oh yeah, good umpire too, decided I would look at those a little bit, cuz normally I didn't make a big deal about the umps, but it probably is best to consider that before betting totals. Not sure about betting sides if umpires are a huge deal.
Mountaineer has an 11 k carryover on the pick 5 tonight. Suppose I will look at that as well, but Mountaineer is a tough track, a lot of crazy shit goes down.
Here's the Presque Isle ticket

Presque race 1

.50 pick 4, 1,3,5,7/1,2,4,6,7,9/1,2,4,5,7/3 so it's a 60 buck ticket

Really need some prices early, or no payout is coming after the 4th race wins. We'll see what happens. The 3 is gonna go wire to wire in the last, sure of that one.

About post time. 5 minutes away now.
Hey hey, got a price in the 1st race bang, the 3 horse rolls home at 9/2, so a good start. Beat the 2 favorites the 1 horse and the 5 horse.
Hell no, ha, he says he's gonna, but he didn't. It's funny cuz I paid him when we won splitting tickets, and we won a hell of a lot more than 636 bucks which is what he owes me now. Oh well, some people don't keep their word. I figured I had been talking to him enough just usually texting, that I could trust the guy, maybe not.
Fuck guess I'm gonna have to go out to the track later for the Mountaineer pick 5, cuz 5 dimes is scared ha, they don't have that bet available. Suppose they don't want the exposure of getting taken for 10 k or something off of a 200 buck bet. Or maybe a bit more sometimes, if it's a real big one.

Get to go hear how the NFL, MLB, and NBA are all fixed, organized crime paying off players, ha, there is no way with what those guys make. The only way would be paying the refs. Or a Donaghey or whatever his name was in the NBA. That was quite funny at the track, and then the guy charting keno numbers, and then thinking he had an edge, lol at that. Tracking random numbers, good one dude, that is the most retarded shit I've ever heard. He had his laptop out, spreadsheet and everything on there charting the numbers. He did win however. Haven't seen him since, well they have that keno everywhere so he probably goes other places.
I mean back in the day like the 80's or before, hell yeah you could pay off players to fix games, now ummm, I doubt it. Shit guess you never know, maybe guys are getting paid off in pro sports to fix games. I know in college sports hell yeah, that happens all the time.

Better get to Mountaineer now, quit drunk posting, I just can't shut up sometimes.
Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 9 almost won the 2nd race at 23-1, longest shot on the board came up just short. So the 2nd choice at 5-2 the 6 horse won, had that, but could have been getting paid. I mean paid, like over 1 k probably, maybe well over if the 9 won, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!!!!!
Need to slay this 1 horse next race she's 4/5 odds. Think she could get beat, I'm not sure how, but maybe. 4 if that horse gets left alone out front could be tough. The 2 and 7 may be capable with their best efforts, guess they would have to step up a bit from what they've been doing. The 5 I have no idea what I was thinking there, ummm, well let's hope 5 does something for me ha, I don't know why I put it in there.
Hell yeah beat the 1 horse, that knocked out a lot of tickets. The 4 goes wire to wire in front, held on barely. I was thinking 4 could be dangerous if left alone, and he was. Gotta see my payouts now with the 3 horse in the last.
4 horse at 4-1, so may not be huge, but maybe 250 bucks or 300. Would have been 1500+ if that 9 would have held on earlier, oh that would have been a good one.
Fuck only 153 bucks if the 3 wins, ha, wasn't worth betting. Well you know if that 9 horse at 23-1 earlier would have won, then it would at least be 1000, or more, but lost barely, oh well, get this 3 home here and I win 93 bucks.
Easy winna, no doubt wire to wire just like I said, never threatened.

So payout is 153 bucks. But I bet it at 5 dimes and they pay a 10% bonus on horse bets, so paid 168 and change. Came out ahead 108 bucks, ok, I will take it
Man, that 5th race at Mountaineer, the 1st leg of the pick 5, there are a couple of fake ass favorites that's for sure. I mean I'm gonna put 4 and 5 on my ticket, just in case, but they look pretty sketchy to say the least. I will put 6 horses in that race.
Whoa, these are some terrible horses at Mountaineer in the 5th, 6th, and 7th races, most of em look like they may have a bullet in the head in their near future ha, or I guess you could sell em off to get slaughtered that would be more like it. But if I owned one of these fucking pieces of shit I would be pissed. That would be my luck I buy a horse and it goes 2 for 48 ha, yeah probably.
Fucking great, that dumb ass didn't get the tag down on the stolen base, and it bites me in the ass. Harang with a base hit, man he is terrible at hitting. Oh well 1-0. Fuck this is just like before I quit, stupid shit costing me always. There is no way in hell the Braves should have a run. That guy was out at 2nd if that fuck gets the tag down, then a terrible hitter Harang blasts one ha.
Man what a bitch, get the tag down, you puss. I played shortstop and I always got the tag down, don't give a fuck if get spiked in the glove, what a bitch.
Well looks like my baseball comeback is a loser. Guess I should stay away from those, yeah that will be it for that. One and done.

Anyway here is a winner.

Mountaineer race 5

.50 pick 5, 2,4,5,6,8,9/1,4,5/6/1,2,4,6,7,8/5,6,7,8,9 so that's a big ticket 270 bucks, we'll see, I've been a bit up and down on horses lately

Gotta head out to the track now to bet it. Called a cab it should be coming soon. Can't drive anymore cuz a retard ran into me. Of course I was drunk, cuz I always am ha, DWI. But if retards wouldn't run red lights and hit me I would be fine, but no can't have that. Too many dumb asses don't know how to drive.
Fucking great, the cab was late again, this has happened before. Then I tried to sign up for DRF bets and twinspires, and my card was declined for deposit, what the fuck? Oh well, hope my Mountaineer ticket loses or I'm gonna be extremely pissed. I kinda think my bank is uptight when they see a gambling related deposit off my card, I always use Western Union to deposit to my sports book. Can't bet the pick 5 with 5 dimes, suppose I will do the late pick 4 at Mountaineer then damn.
Shit, I don't even wanna do the late pick 4 cuz if it wins, then the pick 5 would have won and paid a lot more.
I am so fucking tired of not being able to drive, this is terrible. Now if this pick 5 wins 2 k or more I'm gonna be fucking breaking things. I don't know why they can't get here on time, fucking cabs, I called em an hour ago, fuck.
Shit I haven't bought a car yet, or I would have just gone out commando ha, fuck a license, lol, no that wouldn't be a good idea. Don't have a ride anyway so couldn't have.
Holy shit, the 8 just won at 12-1, that is fucking great, didn't get my ticket in, I had the 8 on there. This just is you know typical for me, now I will win the rest and not get paid. Hope somebody on here bet it, so at least I helped somebody out, do like everybody here for the most part.
Shit I call the damn cab, 2 hours before, 1 hour before, it doesn't matter, they are late anyway. Or I schedule 4 hours in advance, then they fucking forget ha.
Guess I'm gonna just have to live with missing out on a bunch of money. Put in a pick 4 ticket at 5 dimes, this won't pay shit, maybe I can get 200 bucks if I'm lucky. Not gonna be big like the pick 5 would have. Well you know it's my own damn fault for getting a DWI and not having a car, have to rely on others, which I can't rely on anybody, I know that by now. Me against the world, and the world is winning.

Mountaineer race 6

.50 pick 4, 1,4,5/6/1,2,3,4,6,7,8/5,6,7,8,9 so 52.50, big fucking deal, don't care, will win piddly shit, like 200 bucks if I do, not 2 k like the pick 5 would have
Yeah missed out on a 200 buck winner about on the pick 5, guess not a big deal, I looked it up, don't remember exactly but the pick 5 paid 470 or so around there for .50. Kind of is a big deal though considering I put in a pick 4 ticket that lost a shit load, 52.50 risked, and it paid 14 bucks ha, that is great. All favorites after that one big long shot in the 5th race. Yeah better start looking for a job, have no idea what the hell I'm gonna do. Not that anybody cares on here, don't know why I'm talking about it, this is a gambling site, not a site to talk about my problems. I sure do have problems now, well whatever I do, I can't drive for a while, then it has to be something that makes enough money to get by, and pay a cab, shit have no idea how that will happen.

Better go apply at True Value that is by my house, could work there for 10 bucks an hour, lol. Thing is I have several bad things on my record and everybody now does background checks, they all didn't used to, and I got lucky and got my last job that paid pretty decent. There is no way I'm finding anything that pays 50 k a year now, no, hell no, now I am gonna have something else on my record. My lawyer gave me the police report to look at for my DWI, and it had everything on there, more than a page, yeah it isn't good.

Fuck I bitch and complain on here, but it is all my own fault, so nobody to blame but myself. Better just get fucking going on the horses. Or either try football, but sports I just always go back and forth, hot and cold. Except baseball then it is always cold usually.
There is Saratoga, Delaware, and Del Mar tomorrow. I kind of like Delaware, I always do pretty well there for some reason. I mean they aren't always huge payouts, but maybe 800-1500 somewhere around there. Seems I always get that one. Saratoga and Del Mar, those haven't been as good, can't hit there consistently. Then when I do it pays jack shit. Saratoga they have a lot of favorites most of the time.
Guess better look at Saratoga, am hoping for a rally, shit the money is low. Gonna have to apply for some shit jobs. I applied for some decent ones last week, and got denied of course.
Suppose I will just put up my thoughts on Saratoga for tomorrow in here, like anybody gives a fuck haha, but any comments about my picks would be ok. I do seem to fuck up a race there usually. Just gonna look at race 2 there now, see what I think. That is the start of the pick 5, not fucking with the hurdle race, or steeplechase or whatever the hell it is, the 1st race at Saratoga. They always have one of those 1st race, and it is over 2 miles with jumps on the turf, I have never bet on em, you can here at the Lincoln track. At the track here the only thing you can't bet on are quarter horses, and Arabians. Delaware they always have an Arabian race in the 8th their last race, I don't think anybody else runs Arabians. Man those horses are so slow, they run 6 furlongs in about 1:18 or slower sometimes ha, maybe 1:20 or so. They just crawl home.
I was just thinking when I got all that money from my stocks, well I talked about that before on here, not sure everybody would know, but almost 20 k, not quite after taxes more like 16 k. I should have claimed or bought a horse, ha, that I'm sure would have gone better for me than horse and sports betting. Really though the betting hasn't been going badly, just not going well the last 3 months, not making money, just treading water or losing a little bit. Then I keep spending a bunch on cab fare, and alcohol, and whatever, it all adds up quickly if your not winning big.

Still should have claimed or bought a horse right away, just ride or die with my fucking horse. Can't do that now unless I wanna claim a ball slapping nag for 3500 or something.
The 2nd race at Saratoga looks too easy to me. I'm not sure how the 2 horse will lose, I mean all these other horses were running on turf or synthetic, there is nobody that has done anything on dirt, except the 2 horse. Guess the 8 horse ran a real nice 9th at Churchill ha, D Wayne Lukas the trainer, and he is cold as ice at Toga, 1 for 29. He has had some 2nd's and 3rd's however. I suppose the 6 should scare me cuz Castellano is on it, and the 6 ran a 47.4 work on August 10th, but I'm not real sure who this Patrick Reynolds guy is, the trainer of the 6. He doesn't scare me.
Too bad I don't know shit about pedigrees ha. I know the 6 horse is out of Big Brown, that horse was the shit on dirt, I'm not sure about the others. Big Brown, I hit the Preakness pick 4 on him, yep, got a big 30-1 shot in one race before the Preakness, I don't remember who it was. Made 1200 on that, who cares again, just remember it since it was Preakness day. Big Brown really rolled that day.
A little more to look at with race 3, fuck here we go, time to get it done. 1 mile on the inner turf, those are the races you can get prices. Know when I'm looking at turf races to look to spread there.
Well looked at race 3 at Saratoga for a while, and have come to this conclusion. Yes the 2 is good, and will be a big favorite for sure, but can be beat I think. Was looking at the 6 horse cuz he hasn't had many races yet, and Mott trainee, dangerous for sure. Then the other one I like is the 8 horse. Karakorum Legend, that horse may get the lead I think, if he's ready anyway, and there isn't much speed early at all there. Also saw he about beat the 2 horse the favorite, granted it was a long time ago, and at 7 furlongs so who cares ha, just figured I would use 3 horses here, and those were my best options to beat the 2 horse.
The 8 horse kind of had a bad last race, but had a break, rested up, now he's ready ha, I hope. That race he did have a bobble at the start too, so guess that is a factor, I suppose. Well I was thinking at a mile he is gonna have the lead and be dangerous if ready, without any speed in this race, unless 7 decides to go early.
Just posting to myself, yeah pretty much, but nothing else to do. Was looking at Saratoga race 4 and it looks wide open. Gonna have to hit the all button on my pick 5 ticket. There are 2 Pletcher's in there that are dropping to maiden claiming, but I don't think they are a lock. Pletcher he does well with those big fucking 200 k horses or more, but when he has these 70 k, and 85 k purchases, he has troubles like everybody ha, he loses when he is on level ground with everybody, which isn't often, cuz he gets the most well bred, biggest money stud horses.

So gonna take all in the 4th race. This is pretty stupid just typing and posting to myself.
I was kinda thinking this race 5 at Saratoga is a bit wide open as well. There isn't anybody standing out to me. Except 3 horses that I think suck ass, the 1,2, and 4, those are bad. Well the 2 you could make a case that it could run with these, but then you look at the trainer, Glenn Disanto, obviously he trains for fun, not for a living with that crap ass record, ha, I could do better than that I think, or no I couldn't cuz I have no idea how to train a fucking horse, I would be like fucking whip the hair off that horse, those would be my instructions.

Anyway I kind of like 3,5,6,7,8 in that 5th race. Gotta use a lot again, cuz it is a real tough one, 16 k N2L claimers at Saratoga they don't have horses this bad too often there, and when they do, who knows, anything can and will happen. So I will have a bunch.
Well and you have Worrie on that horse the 2 I was talking about. And you better worry if you bet on a horse that he's on ha, yeah worry about your money flying away, cuz when you bet it it's gone.
I don't know that guy's first name Worrie, it is AS Worrie on the program. He never wins anything, well occasionally he does, not much, he keeps trying though, give him credit he isn't giving up in New York.
Well this is some shit, the favorite in the 6th race at Saratoga I have no idea where he was running earlier, CMR is the track abbreviation on the form, and I can't figure out what it is ha. Maybe it's hurdles or something cuz they don't have any speed ratings for his races. This is fucked, gotta try and figure out what this CMR track is.
I found out what that is the CMR, it is Camerero in Puerto Rico, so hey he did pretty well there. His last couple were pretty decent at Belmont, stepped up and ran well. Those Puerto Rico races were for nothing, looks like 10 k or a bit more.
Gonna put up my preliminary Saratoga ticket like anybody gives a fuck ha. Still figuring the last race, it is a bit fucked up, the favorite ran mainly in Puerto Rico, so who knows there. Shit he is dropping in class, could be another favorite coming in.
Will have to see what the scratches are tomorrow. Have a 225 buck ticket at the moment, but that could change. It is gonna be tough though to knock off some of these favorites. Hope my favorite doesn't get knocked off the 2 in the 2nd, the 1st leg of the pick 5.

Preliminary Saratoga ticket

2/2,5,6,7,8/all/3,5,6,7,8/2,3,7 that would be a 225 buck ticket there, but scratches could totally change everything.

Fuck I better get off here. Think this will be 49 posts, and I posted 48 of em, haha, yeah, that is how I do it.