MLB Tuesday, and maybe Presque Isle pick 4 horses that is

Thanks there KJ for posting that does help ha. Well when I get to drinking a whole bunch I can't shut up, and have nobody to talk to here at home so it shows up on CTG.

Anyway here is my Saratoga big scratch on the 2 horse in the 3rd race there. So just added the 1 in there since the guys on talking horses Serling and Beer kind of liked him, I don't see it, but who knows maybe he will run.

Saratoga race 2, that starts the pick 5 there

.50 pick 5, 2/1,5,6,7,8/all/3,5,6,7,8/2,3,7 so it's a 225 buck ticket

We'll see it does look a little chalky today so may not pay a damn thing. Hopefully a couple decent prices will come in. Gotta beat the 2 Pletcher's in the 4th race, that would make it pay. I was looking at those 1st time starters and thinking well those trainers do pretty well with 1st timers so who knows, and they do okay with 2 year olds, pretty damn well.
Going to the track so won't post I don't think when I'm out there. Need a laptop, can't stand texting on my phone, and that's how I would have to post here, would be sort of like texting then.

Gonna bet Delaware pick 5, and the Del Mar pick 5, would just put em up if I had a laptop, but guess nobody cares I'm sure anyway.
Tough break at Saratoga coulda had 2 k or so around there if 2 wins, oh well.

Del Mar race 5, start pick 4

.50 pick 4, 1,2,5,8,9/1,2,3,7,8,9,10/1,2,3,4,5,6,8/5 so it's 122.50, kind of a lot, but these are wide open
Should at least have some excitement cheering on my long shots. Then the last race need the damn 5 horse.

Steed, hey, somebody posted in my thread ha, it's usually just me talking to myself. Good luck to ya on the bases. Saw you had a thread, I may put up a baseball play later. Won't start a new thread.
I thought about singling the 5 in this race, but wasn't sure with the step up in class a bit. Couldn't decide single here with 5, or with 5 in the last. But 5 in the last has the leading jockey Desormeaux so went with that, that horse should run down the 1 and 3 late from off the pace.

Woooo post time.
Whew, good thing I didn't single 5 there, oh my, guess the step up in class was too much. The 9 wins at 3-1, suppose just staying alive that's good. Now these next 2 races we need prices, big ones, and I got em all lined up.
Guess I will look at some later baseball games. I looked at a few of the early ones, and I was just sitting there going this looks pretty good. Then I was thinking ummmm, well, I don't know maybe not, now I am so hesitant with the bases, they got me scared. So yeah if I put one up you probably don't wanna have my team or total. My bitch ass, with bases I'm just nervous as hell.
Shit, I'm fucked now. The 2 almost did it, but no. That 2 would have made it pay 1 k, now need a pretty good price in this next one, or it will pay jack shit.
Shouldn't start bitching yet. Could still pay pretty well if the 3 loses. I sorta think 4 is gonna win this 7th at Del Mar, but I'm not sure.
That was a bad idea on the Del Mar pick 4, it is not gonna pay a damn thing since 3 won. I mean I'm not totally confident anyway in my 5 horse in the last, hope I get the 5, and then it will still pay close to 200 bucks or so, but not worth betting for sure. Thought there could be a couple bigger prices. Probably will be now, since I have one of the favorites, here comes the bomb.

I added a baseball bet. Just went with the Royals even though De La Rosa is pretty damn good at home. Wanted something to watch, while I look at the Saratoga tomorrow. Who knows I mean the damn Rockies are 42-8 or something in De La Rosa's last 50 home starts, it's pretty crazy, but then again KC is 22-5 in their last 27 games, and are the better team overall. Duffy does have some nasty stuff too, so going with KC, hope they stay hot.

KC -107 at Rockies, risking 160.50 to win 150

Yeah gorgolon I'm not quite Homer yet, don't need a moo moo haha. Well 5 foot 9 and 230 or so is not good however.
Yeah that would be nice. I was around there just a few years ago, shit 200 isn't even good, still be a fat ass then too. 175 would be about what I need, would really have to bust my ass and quit drinking for that to happen.
My pick 4 if I win is gonna pay a whole 137 bucks, ha, that is great, so risked all that and getting nothing. That is how it goes when you throw a bunch of shots in there, and then none of em come in.
Fuck the 5 sucked ass. The 3 won it, figured it would be 3 or 5. 3 kind of took back and didn't go up front with the 1 tonight. Been an expensive day on the horses. Hope the Royals do it, or I'm losing a bunch. I do lose quite a bit more sometimes, but that is when I'm playing with house money in my sports book account when I'm ahead quite a bit, and when I have a fucking job. Neither of those 2 things apply today, fuck!!!
Cuz with the sports I only start betting huge like you know when I'm throwing 1 k on every game, when I have built up some winnings and I'm rolling, and have a job.
I don't just keep throwing down 1 k a game if I'm losing on sports, and then depositing 1 k time after time no, hell no. When I lose then maybe I put in some more and bet 100 or so a game, or 150 something like that.
Off to a kick ass start with KC, double play to end the threat. Fucking damn it Willingham, the hammer, double play. It was either bet this or wait for the real late game Pads at Dodgers, that wasn't any good. Cuz Dodgers I suppose have a pretty good shot of winning but they are favored by too much. Not that the line is high enough I want the Pads though. Guess could have bet the Dodgers -1, oh well, I'm stuck with KC now.
I need to just stick with preseason football. I haven't posted all my games on here, but will try to more often. Not sure why I haven't been posting em. I mean for a while I wasn't betting any sports, just the horses so didn't post anything. The last football game I bet though was a total debacle ha, had the Skins -2.5 and they gave up a hail mary Monday night to blow it, oh my, that sucked. I was counting it as a win, then uh oh!!!!!!! I can't really remember the last game I won or lost on a hail mary at the end, well not from that far out you know, cuz they were close to the 50. That was crazy for sure.
Boooooom!!!!! Alex Gordon big fly. Lincoln baby, Lincoln, ha, he went to my high school. In the L we don't play no games, just stack and slang.
Of course I didn't actually go to school with Gordon, he would be an old man then, I was there way before he was. I don't think anybody else from my high school has ever been in the MLB. Have been some NFL guys from my high school, a few of those. Chris Cooper he played for the Raiders, and my brother had to block him in practice, haha, he would always be bitching about it, a headache there everyday, oh yeah.
Wooo the Hammer, that looked like a foul ball I think, but I will take it. Let's light this bitch up, come on Gordon, show em what Lincoln is all about, damn it, almost another homer just short.
This really blows that Kratz is in there instead of Perez catching tonight. Would feel better if Perez was up now.
Was looking at Saratoga the 2nd race the 1st leg of the pick 5, and that race sucks. I don't want to put fucking 4 horses on my ticket there, but I can't really leave out 2,3,5,6 any of those. They all have issues for sure.
Shit here we go, error with 2 outs now watch it cost me. This is what usually happens, and why I quit baseball in May.