ML Dog Bowl Season

Other than CK's thread (for obvious reasons), this was the best thread in the CFB forum week in and week out this year. Wanted to thank all you guys that put that effort into it.
Echo those sentiments.

Amazing job by everyone. It wasn't just about picking ML winners but gave some insight on when to look at a dog closer.

It wasn't just one of the top threads any forum...any twitter...anything....

This. Makes. Money.


Continued success!
It's a great time. I enjoy all the involvement and input the thread gets. It's more challenging trying to uncover those upsets waiting to happen, and we all bring some different perspectives to the table. See you all next year!
Agree, great job this year to all.
Already looking forward to getting back at it in August and even better.
This thread is a must read weekly. Thank you guys for getting it up early and allowing us to get a read on your thoughts. Kudos to those that threw out the big winners. Definitely looking forward to next year. BBF out.
Glad the Thread was a hit. I made every week with stats from the previous week winners. That way if anyone wants to try to do some research on winners, home/away etc.
the only thing I did not do is give the closing spread but closing ML is listed.
Should be a good tool to use if anyone is bored or wants to do any research to help the thread out next year!

Hope to see everyone around next year and make a little money.