Mizzou DE Football Player Says "I am Yag"

Why does a Yag dude need to "announce" to the world that he is Yag unless he's looking for attention.

The reason its a story is because the dude announced it.

the day it gets no attention is the day it is no longer a big deal. If you had a personal issue (being Yag, cancer, divorce, etc) that was about to become public knowledge what would you do? Have some tabloid idiot tell the world or do it on your own terms when you are ready?
I'm a pretty private person so I would probably just go about my life and if people noticed and had a problem with it, fuck em....
I'm a pretty private person so I would probably just go about my life and if people noticed and had a problem with it, fuck em....

Seems like that would be the perfect scenario for this guy, but that wasn't going to happen, and his stock declines accordingly. Hopefully this guy doesn't get caught up in it all and can perform as if it weren't an issue. My guess is that some team out there might get a quality player for less than what his skill level is worth, obv the team chemistry will be scrutinized in the short term by the media.
Because Yag people aren't allowed to do half of the things straight people are... So it is still a big deal, and the awareness that a Yag person can play a "man's game" "humanizes" them and builds awareness. It's a big deal for the equal rights movement, similar to Jackie Robinson.
yea not sure about this either
Donte hit a HR with those tweets. In fact, NE would probably be the ideal place for Sam.
What things aren't Yag people allowed to do?
Are you kidding? Get married, visitation rights in the hospital, tax & homeowner credits to name a few. Predjuced in many other ways. Homosexuals are still second class citizens in this country and it's sad.
Not so sure I would compare this to 42 either
Why? It's a major step toward equality, just like Jackie was. We're going to look back in 40-50 years and be shocked about how Yag people were treated pre 2020, just like we do now with black people pre 70s
Why? It's a major step toward equality, just like Jackie was. We're going to look back in 40-50 years and be shocked about how Yag people were treated pre 2020, just like we do now with black people pre 70s
You can be Yag and play football in the NFL monk

You couldnt be black and play MLB

apples and oranges....and I think comparing these two instances is an abomination to 42 bro
Are you kidding? Get married, visitation rights in the hospital, tax & homeowner credits to name a few. Predjuced in many other ways. Homosexuals are still second class citizens in this country and it's sad.
Just curious if you want to get into these more.
Why? It's a major step toward equality, just like Jackie was. We're going to look back in 40-50 years and be shocked about how Yag people were treated pre 2020, just like we do now with black people pre 70s

No one is gonna give a fuck in 40-50 yrs, just like now.

Hey everyone , I like pussy. Where's my prize?
I'm not debating anything.

"oh it's sad", "good for him"

Why do you people care?

Play football and shut up.
You just can't be "people".
Everyone has to be something. Something that separates them from the pact.

So is the guy a football player or is he Yag? What's he wanna be?
There would be less (although not much, because you aren't gonna to acheive zero tolerance), bias/prejudice whatever if everyone just went about their own business.

It's really so unimportant.
He's Yag, I don't give a hoot. Good for him.
Can you cover a back out of the backfield. Do you want a prize if you can?
Is it that easy? I'm guessing he hopes it is, but those with our heads out of the sand :) know better, c'mon now
If it weren't an issue, player-personnel types wouldn't have made it one today
So you disagree with my statement?
Post 65? Absolutely. This kid maybe not as far as playing, but he gets drafted. Making a team is on him after that. He aint gonna get a spot on the 52 just for being Yag and some PC shit. He will have to prove he is a fit in all ways.....ALL

If Clowney says tomorrow he likes to suck cock too, he is getting drafted 1st rd....and playing
Post 65? Absolutely. This kid maybe not as far as playing, but he gets drafted. Making a team is on him after that. He aint gonna get a spot on the 52 just for being Yag and some PC shit. He will have to prove he is a fit in all ways.....ALL

If Clowney says tomorrow he likes to suck cock too, he is getting drafted 1st rd....and playing

You have no clue as to whether the atmosphere in the locker room will lend itself to him being given a chance. Obviously the team that drafts him will do their best and expect that they can handle it internally, but don't act like you know how comfortable it will be for this guy.

It's fucked up that at least 8 teams said today that it could present a problem (which I understand) yet the armchair QBs out here think everything's good, all equal. It's not, and quit acting like it is.
You have no clue as to whether the atmosphere in the locker room will lend itself to him being given a chance. Obviously the team that drafts him will do their best and expect that they can handle it internally, but don't act like you know how comfortable it will be for this guy.

It's fucked up that at least 8 teams said today that it could present a problem (which I understand) yet the armchair QBs out here think everything's good, all equal. It's not, and quit acting like it is.
I don'k know and do not care. Teams play together with other players they can't stand all the fucking time. Who is naive really? There are Yag players in the locker room right fucking now that I am sure get teased and the whole team knows they are Yag. Sure I may not "know that", just like I don't "know" that the sun may rise tomorrow.

Life isn't equal. There is absolutely nothing stopping him from playing in the NFL. To compare this to Jackie Robinson is fucking absurd. Agree to disagree there.
I didn't compare it to JR, but to act like this is no big deal and that he somehow has the same opportunity as others is comical.
Because Yag people aren't allowed to do half of the things straight people are... So it is still a big deal, and the awareness that a Yag person can play a "man's game" "humanizes" them and builds awareness. It's a big deal for the equal rights movement, similar to Jackie Robinson.

Your post was the ignorant one. "Half the things straight people are"????

How about 5% of things straight people can do?
Your post was the ignorant one. "Half the things straight people are"????

How about 5% of things straight people can do?

oh look, the old dog doesn't have a clue about how hard the homosexual community has it. they are discriminated against in nearly every walk of life, whether it be by law or how they are treated. even 5% is a fucking ridiculous %, they should be allowed every right and opportunity as any other person. that's why this story is a big deal…. there's never been an openly Yag NFL player because of the prejudices against them. there's a reason these people aren't out. people shouldn't have to feel the need to hide their sexuality or who they are, they should feel comfortable being themselves and feel comfortable that others will accept that without even thinking twice. that's not the way it is today.
I'm not old. You named roughly three things. Its not even close to what blacks went through. They weren't allowed to go places, weren't allowed to vote, etc. Homosexuals experience none of this. It isn't even the same planet as Jackie Robinson. If anything this guy is going to get positive press and have people applauding him on the football field. It is fashionable in today's society to be Yag. Turn on the TV, listen to the media. I sincerely doubt this guy will have things thrown at him on the field and have people scream slurs at him the way #42 did...

Do they get discriminated against? Yes. Is it right? Of course not.

But I'm of the opinion that this isn't really a big deal. At least to me it isn't. There will always be injustice in the world. Try being a middle eastern guy and walking through a small town in the south. People are going to discriminate. I think the less of a production you make something like this, the better off everyone is.
black people were allowed to get married and visit their loved ones in the hospital. they were allowed to be in the military.

should we, as a country, have just not made black equality rights a production? would everyone have been better off? the million man march & MLK's speech… pretty big productions if you ask me. should these not have happened? should Rosa Parks have just shut up and moved to the back of the bus?
To me the big difference is that blacks were shunned by most of the country, and I feel like gays are generally accepted by society.
To me the big difference is that blacks were shunned by most of the country, and I feel like gays are generally accepted by society.

it doesn't matter how YOU feel… it matters how THEY feel. there is probably a Yag player on every NFL team, and there's a reason none of them are out. because they don't feel accepted.
are you kidding? if they felt comfortable and respected then every homosexual in pro sports would be openly Yag. this wouldn't be the first player.
I'm done with you, and this isn't something I care to spend anymore time talking about. My original point was asking why he needs to announce this to the general public. KJ basically answered me that this was going to come out anyway, and he wanted to tell the public on HIS terms vs. having it leak out in the media. Makes sense, and I agree there.

Comparing this to Jackie Robinson is a fucking joke, and that's where you are completely off base.
Orange why do keep bringing up gays not being able to marry as being discrimination? Traditional marriage was not conceived as a way to discriminate against gays. I never even heard of the idea of gays getting married until a few years ago.
lol done with me because I care about equality. have fun living your life with your head in the sand pretending everything is ok with everyone just because everything is ok for you.
Orange why do keep bringing up gays not being able to marry as being discrimination? Traditional marriage was not conceived as a way to discriminate against gays. I never even heard of the idea of gays getting married until a few years ago.

are you fucking kidding? restaurants were't conceived as a way to discriminate against blacks in the 50s.
you haven't heard of it because you're from the dirty south, where prejudice still runs rampant. for those of us in developed states it's been an issue for awhile.. and will continue to be more of one as being Yag becomes more accepted in everyday culture, which it has been in the past 20 years
you haven't heard of it because you're from the dirty south, where prejudice still runs rampant. for those of us in developed states it's been an issue for awhile.. and will continue to be more of one as being Yag becomes more accepted in everyday culture, which it has been in the past 20 years

Yea you're so much more "enlightened" then us in backwards Tennessee
Was traditional marriage conceived as a way to discriminate against gays?

no. was voting conceived as a way to discriminate against blacks? were restaurants opened to make sure that blacks couldn't go in them? of course not. what the fuck is your point about marriage, other than you aren't educated on homosexual struggles?
lol done with me because I care about equality. have fun living your life with your head in the sand pretending everything is ok with everyone just because everything is ok for you.

I'm done with you because you are looking for an argument on behalf of gays, whom I have nothing against.

You're a combative asshole.
I'm done with you because you are looking for an argument on behalf of gays, whom I have nothing against.

You're a combative asshole.

at least I'm a combative asshole fighting for the rights of others rather than just being nonchalant bc everything is ok in my personal heterosexual life.

there's a difference between having nothing against gays and actually sympathizing with the struggles they face and wanting equal rights for all.
Orange why do keep bringing up gays not being able to marry as being discrimination? Traditional marriage was not conceived as a way to discriminate against gays. I never even heard of the idea of gays getting married until a few years ago.

Just do away with marriage altogether.
Because Yag people aren't allowed to do half of the things straight people are... So it is still a big deal, and the awareness that a Yag person can play a "man's game" "humanizes" them and builds awareness. It's a big deal for the equal rights movement, similar to Jackie Robinson.

Ahhhh no, not even remotely in the same ballpark.