Masters In Game

like youd kick her out of bed!!

Probably not, but the problem is we'd have to get there first and unless there was a lot of booze involved--and even then that face might even creep you out MORE than it is right now--I don't know.

Imagine looking at her on something like 'shrooms . . . (shudder)
like youd kick her out of bed!!

Probably not, but the problem is we'd have to get there first and unless there was a lot of booze involved--and even then that face might even creep you out MORE than it is right now--I don't know.

Imagine looking at her on something like 'shrooms . . . (shudder)


she looks pretty good cheering on daddy
is there anything more annoying than stupid cheers from the gallery?

The cheers when Tiger's out there. It makes you want to root against him.
and the 9 fans that didnt leave after tiger and phil got done go crazy...

Exactly. And those 20 people watching on TV, which we comprise 25% of, all shrug their shoulders.
this should make that awkward post win butler cabin interview with jim nantz interesting

does nantz speak spanish? (or whatever they speak in argentina??)
End of the day Phil and Tiger still have their wives

I think Cabrera's going to sleep just fine tonight on like $1.5 million, 10 bourbons, and three hookers.
does nantz speak spanish? (or whatever they speak in argentina??)

Spanish. Some Italian.

"Tell us, Angel, what did you think when you rang it off that tree?"
Hey, what happened to that 39 year old gas station owner who won his way into this thing, did that guy even make the cut?
Wait a minute. The first question Nantz asks Cabrera doesn't need an interpreter. But the second question he does need an interpreter? And now the third question he doesn't? What the hell.
Oh boy, now Nantz gets to get his vagina all wet talking about the emotional angle in Angel's background to victory.
Wait a minute. The first question Nantz asks Cabrera doesn't need an interpreter. But the second question he does need an interpreter? And now the third question he doesn't? What the hell.

Basically he obviously understands English, but probably doesn't speak it all that well. So instead of coming off like some dumb foreigner, he's like 'f**k that, you translate it, b*tch.'

Good for him, and for Argentina.
this should make that awkward post win butler cabin interview with jim nantz interesting

does nantz speak spanish? (or whatever they speak in argentina??)

a lesson in the world for smokedawg

Every country in South America other then Brazil, the 1st langauge is spanish

Brazil is portoguese


hope this helps
Nantz should've said what we're all thinking in the interview.

"Angel, congratulations on winning the Masters. This has got to be a great accomplishment for all of the old, fat, chain smoking losers out there, much like yourself? Need a light?"
Nantz should've said what we're all thinking in the interview.

"Angel, congratulations on winning the Masters. This has got to be a great accomplishment for all of the old, fat, chain smoking losers out there, much like yourself? Need a light?"

Angel street cred just went through the roof :smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe:
"Angel, congratulations on winning the Masters. This has got to be a great accomplishment for all of the old, fat, chain smoking losers out there, much like yourself? Need a light?

He should have rolled in a cooler, lifted the lid and let Angel crack a Silver Bullet with him.
Angel Cabrerra might be the worst golfer to ever win multiple majors

Before I make my post to say to you. Why do you think he is the worst golfer to ever win a multiple major? Is it his game you don't like? His perfect swing with incredible power? Or is it his putting on one of the fastest and toughest greens on tour? Or is it because he is from a different country and can't speak that good of English? I am thinking it is the second of the two? Can you be more specific in your reasoning?
Before I make my post to say to you. Why do you think he is the worst golfer to ever win a multiple major? Is it his game you don't like? His perfect swing with incredible power? Or is it his putting on one of the fastest and toughest greens on tour? Or is it because he is from a different country and can't speak that good of English? I am thinking it is the second of the two? Can you be more specific in your reasoning?

You lost me at "his perfect swing."
He doesn't even smoke anymore. No point in arguing with guys. Angel is a cool ass dude. I forgot everyone on here is a p90x model. Hating on someone because of their apperence instead of their golf game. The reason you guys are just a typical fan that knows nothing about the game.
Before I make my post to say to you. Why do you think he is the worst golfer to ever win a multiple major? Is it his game you don't like? His perfect swing with incredible power? Or is it his putting on one of the fastest and toughest greens on tour? Or is it because he is from a different country and can't speak that good of English? I am thinking it is the second of the two? Can you be more specific in your reasoning?

You lost me at "his perfect swing."

You lost me 30k posts ago
You lost me 30k posts ago

Yeah, but at least I had you for well over six hundred, that's pretty good.

I'm not sure why you're taking it personally. Seriously, nobody's saying he's a bad golfer. OK, maybe Smoke's saying that, but I'm not. But I do think it's an extreme stretch to say that guy has a "perfect" swing. Come on.

Geez, I was actually rooting for the guy down the stretch if you look at the posts above, exactly how much love do you want for the guy? He backed into this win and everybody knows it. It's still a win, it's still a major, it's still the Masters. Good for him, it's a great story, a fun story, but let's not pretend that round he just put up was in any way the ideal.
New translator in the house

Yeah, I'm not sure either of them are really living up to the billing. Angel's doin' his thing, though. Gotta love it.
Translator two was from ESPN Deportes .........why don't i get that channel ESPN damn it

I don't think I get it either. Either that or I don't know where it is, buried in the DirecTV menu. It's all about that chick on it anyway, she flips from Spanish to English with a pretty awesome accent like a light switch.
Yea, I gave you 600 for the political topics I have read from you. In the end a win is a win. I just get tired of people who just watch golf for Tiger and the drama the media brings around it. I also get tired of stuck up exclusive clubs not giving more credit when due, because it wasn't kenny fucking perry that won. They even bypassed some of Angel shots today lol. It's such a joke. If you watch the European tour, it has a special cult to it. It;s not about from where you are from, but how you play. I belong to a very private country club and respect any member that walks in the club with a solid game. Maybe I am scattering with what I am trying to get at, because it is a little hard to type out what I am really trying to say I guess. I know this isn't a golf forum, but get pissed when people make stupid ass comments like smokedawg. ALthough I shouldn;t care because he doesnt know any better.

One more thing then I will quit. I bet if we went back and watched todays footage again, you will hear keeny perry 70 times and Angel 10 times if that mentioned.
Before I make my post to say to you. Why do you think he is the worst golfer to ever win a multiple major? Is it his game you don't like? His perfect swing with incredible power? Or is it his putting on one of the fastest and toughest greens on tour? Or is it because he is from a different country and can't speak that good of English? I am thinking it is the second of the two? Can you be more specific in your reasoning?

My reasoning being of all the people that have won multiple majors he might be the worst...i dont have the list in front of me, but ill guarantee hes in the bottom 5....nothing against him, hes just not that great a golfer
I just get tired of people who just watch golf for Tiger and the drama the media brings around it.

I agree, I don't like dumb fans in any sport--and fully accept that, in golf, I'm a dumb fan, but I think I redeem myself by not walking around golf courses after Tiger Woods shouting "Get in the HOLE!!" every time he swings a club. That said, there's another side to that argument, which is that Tiger brings in so many more dumb, casual, whatever you want to call them fans to the game, that it raises the PGA's boat as a whole.

There's more money, more TV coverage, more everything because of his success. So it really does benefit the other guys as well.

But it can drive you nuts, and I can see why T says he watches it on mute. Hell, even today vs. Phil they were talking about Tiger holing out from like 60 feet off the green whereas they would never even think that with another player.

Also, in fairness, I admit, I was ripping Angel early in his round, because he seemed like he just couldn't handle the pressure. As it turned out, almost none of them could today, and he found a way to win ugly. Can't ever take that away from him, because he did win.