Masters In Game

this is just gonna make everyone hate kenny perry as much as i already (inexplicably) do

every time i see him, i just want to punch him for some reason
every time i see him, i just want to punch him for some reason

I feel that way about most of the Cleveland Cavaliers' starting lineup, it's not that bad, eventually you learn to live with it.
Good to see that even Tiger hits a tree now and then. Makes me feel better, mostly about me. And I'm OK with that.

Yeah, this had the potential to be a legendary win at Augusta, in this case, for Phil, but he just choked on it.

Now, Perry could still finish at -15 and it wouldn't matter, but Phil really should be right around -13 or -12 at worst.
heres one of em - titans cheerleader

Perry is trying to give this up...come on cabrerra

Phils gotta be sick

all he needed was to get to 12 under and hes wearing another jacket