Closest comparison I can give to NC State that A&M faced is Ole Miss in terms of offense. They gave up 24 to Ole Miss but 14 came in the 1H before Ta'ammmmmuuu got hurt or some bullshit.

I just see NC State getting points here and is my favorite play of the bowl season. I was hoping to be up a bit at this point so I could unload but thats not the case.
Closest comparison I can give to NC State that A&M faced is Ole Miss in terms of offense. They gave up 24 to Ole Miss but 14 came in the 1H before Ta'ammmmmuuu got hurt or some bullshit.

I just see NC State getting points here and is my favorite play of the bowl season. I was hoping to be up a bit at this point so I could unload but thats not the case.
Ole Miss? The receiving Corp for Rebel black bears may be the best in the country.
This is the mistake I've made all bowl season sadly. I'll like a side in a game, play it, but then find 2 or 3 more ways to play it and lose haha. NC State I'm just sticking with my main read and hoping for the best.
Watched it again. He literally grabs his arm on the break. Grabs his arm again, spins him before the ball gets there. Very surprised they missed that.
KJ's flying? Nothing I hate worse than an airport during the holidays. Good luck! There was bad weather everywhere today too. My son left Louisville at 2am last night and drove straight through to Denver. Said it rained almost the entire way.