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So I bet two bowl games today I didn't give a shit about when I charted it all. I'm going to get fucked for that.
Now my play for the day is coming tonight on Vandy, GD it to press it.
How do you get to my age and not know to lay off.
I'm pissed.
Fk it, I'm pressing Vandy.
Fork to the eye if it loses. My left eye is shot anyway.
Damn the torpedoes , full speed ahead.

With ya.....LFG
Well .. cinci better than wiscy in most aspects and Miami better than VT in most aspects .. so VT straight up i guess
Are we going to discuss aphrodisiacs?

They give you a bag of fries, woohoo, I can get that anywhere.

The best hamburgers on earth are made on an old waffle iron in a shithole gas station.
Trust me on this grasshopper.