4th and 21 coming. 9 seconds left. both teams out of timeout. considering this play is probably going to the endzone...i might consider bringing an outside blitz. force the qb to get rid of the ball quick
Ya I know. I mean I'm on Hawaii but I was like u can't spike the ball u gotta try and get a play off
despite all the excitement about the line moving, the qb being out....hawaii still wound up covering the original line. no middles hit.
Arky State being like every girl I ever liked...constant rejection just rejection rejection rejection get the fuck outta here I don't like you I don't tolerate you I won't see you get out of my face fuck you drop dead get out rejection rejection rejection
and I didn't rush to a conclusion, I said if low scoring 2H based on a few considerations I will entertain 2H. If can get a form of value on a 2H line because of a slow 1Q....