i'm on hawaii +4, got some from my local right before kickoff, just staying with that. but they can definitely win this game i'd think
wyoming 0-5 3rd down. hawaii 1-6 3rd down. considering both teams seem intent on just driving the field...nothing explosive, whoever can convert 3rd downs this half should win the game i'd think.

wyoming is content on being as vanilla as possible. hawaii seems intent on being as quick read/safe as possible
Robert Kekaula had the best line during the 1st half while commentating a play. "If I were a gambling man....and sometimes I am..." lol that fat prick, worst kept secret that he's associated with gambling houses here in hawaii
well I learned an expensive lesson from THIS game. when a line suddenly MOVES late there is s REASON. 10-3 Wyoming 3rd quarter :(
wyoming is rotating through a bunch of different defensive looks. just literally throwing anything and everything at Cordeiro to keep him confused. doesnt help his o-line can't protect him long enough
youve got to be kidding me. he kicks it out of bounds. bleh, same concept as the pop up kickoff they did to start the 2nd half
i feel a play action or bootleg coming from wyoming. their QB has been awful throwing the ball though. his guys are getting open, but he's yet to hit any of them.