LSU Fans....


One of trus baby mommas
Curious question

Are you happy with The Hat?

34-6 w/ a NC in 3yrs

Does the game tonight change your opinion because I know a month ago not many LSU fans cared if he went to Mich but now, do you feel the same way? Or do you feel like he stepped in shit with all of the talent he has inherited?
Personally, etg, I have been undecided on Miles. I was an outsider on the entire Michigan issue because there were two factions, those that wanted him gone (majority) and those that wanted him to stay, but I was indifferent as long as LSU kept Gary Crowton and got Will Muschamp (unlikely) or Jon Tenuta (likely) to replace Bo Pellini.

I will say this though, I am happy for Miles because he knew the majority of people criticized him and wanted him in Ann Arbor, yet he went against the grain and it paid off. Miles will now be a staple in Baton Rouge and the masses will love him.

One thing I have always defended Miles on was his ability to recruit. Everyone wanted to bitch about how Miles was winning with Saban's players and when those guys graduated LSU would be in a world of hurt. Well, this has not been the case as Miles has brought in a top-10 recruiting class each season (this weekend, LSU moved from #11 to #4).

Miles has won something like 85% of his games at LSU, but he has room to improve. I am sure he would be a consensus #3-4 best coach in the SEC if you took a poll with Richt, Meyers, and Saban being ahead of Miles. I think LSU has been smart surrounding Miles with good coordinators (Crowton, Moffitt, and hopefully Tenuta) and this will improve Miles as a coach.

Miles is LSU's future: he is 3-0 in bowl games, his players respect him, he has an SEC championship, two SEC title game appearances, a national championship, has won 85% of his games, and consistently recruits well; so the masses better learn to like him.

There's my two cents, etg.
Seriously, dude is a solid recruiter and he hires good coaches.

Sure Saban helped him by forcing the admin to raise the asst pay but Miles even gave part of his bonus and continues to do so to his assistants.

Miles is a players coach which is the thing that seems to work most nowadays. He is firey and passionate and well he may just have a knack for using the gut feeling to perfection.

However, he is a piss poor game manager AT TIMES. I give Crowton more credit than LES as far as this season and the offense goes. However, I never agreed with pounding Hester until this year and I admit Miles knew long ago something we took an extra year to figure out.

So would I rather be in a coaching search trying to pick out scraps from the craziest year ever or sticking with my hat wearing genius? Um Uh Give me the Mad Hatter (pssst and Crowton - my homey).
Don't forget the heart and soul of BOTH of LSU's 2 titles is going to Nebraska. Pelini is an awsome coach.
got tired of Pellini... I think that was our weakness this year. He had no balls to rush more than 4 players on 3rd and med/long and it kept killing us towards the end of the year.

Still kind of disagree about winning with Saban's players, want to see what more of Les' players will do but he has done a good job recruiting, ranking wise no doubt.

I LOVE the way Miles handles the media, thats something that you cant match. Takes the pressure of the players, the answers he gives also shows so much confidence in his players, just the perfect responses and he doesn't a damn what he says even if it doesn't sound eloquent. Like yesterday night post game "What did you learn about your players?" or a similar question. He says "Nothing" and some short response after that. Again, love that about Les.
Don't forget the heart and soul of BOTH of LSU's 2 titles is going to Nebraska. Pelini is an awsome coach.

I wouldn't call him the heart and soul, bjorks. In fact, many LSU backers I know are glad for Pellini to go as he has not been as aggressive as anticipated. Tenuta represents an aggressive, attacking defense and this is what LSU fans want.
reNew, I sometimes doubted Pellini myself. Remember the Tenn game after Katrina when Pellini gave Tenn's WR's a 7-yd cushion, and Fat Phil had a field day calling 3-yd slant passes to overcome the 21-pt lead LSU had.

Another example, (and I wrote this in the in-game thread last night) take Wells TD run to start the game. OSU lines up in the I-formation and Pellini puts LSU in a 6-2. Why spread your line that thin when OSU shows a power run up the middle?
Pelini was not DC in 03. Will Muschamp was.

I heard that Muschamp is going to Texas to have a role like Fisher at FSU. Act as the DC and slowly succeed Brown as HC. If the directors in Austin are smart, they will expedite the process as I think Muschamp is a great coach.
If Joker leaves, sent us your OC, would love too have him. If you get tired of Miles send him too, Brooks is getting up there in age.:smiley_acbe:
he's possibly the best player's coach in the country, and since he has the elite assistants, it works out perfect. being a bama fan, im goddamn sick of hearing the winning with saban's recruits argument. saban made LSU a consistent contender, and yes this senior class is the best recruiting class in the nation, and close to the best ever (see FSU, Miami - 90s, bama 70s, etc.) but what the hell else is he to do... he's a winner, no doubt about it. he'll have a few decisions blow up in his face in the future, but he'll win, and he'll be a badass doing it.

i'm freaking wet over the competetion in the SEC in the coming years. UGA, UF, LSU all national championship contenders in the years to come. UA, UK, MissState all on a steep climb to SEC contenders. UT and Auburn, well fuck them... ;)

Congrats LSU fans and backers.
I love the LSU fans who complain about Pelini. Every D he has coached at LSU has been in the top 10 and usually the top 5. Pretty sure his strategies work pretty damn well most of the time. Glad to "take" him off your hands for you.
All coaches agreed to the system. LSU is the BCS champion for 2003 and 2007 period. If you think USC would have beaten LSU this year then USC should have taken care of a 41 point DOG in Stanford at home, end of story. Sorry but there is no dynasty at USC as you would put it.
people have different opinions on what a "dynasty" is? wowzas, who woulda thought.

I consider a dynasty a once a generation type team per sport... maybe even a one team per sport type team. Therefore, I would not consider USC a dynasty.
gridironguy, first off I can tell you my knowledge of colleger football is right up there with the best of them in here including you, pal. Second off, tell me who deserved to be in the BCS title game this year and give me your reasons why.

I do believe USC had some very good, but not great teams in the years you mention but again that AP BS means nothing to anyone in college football except USC fans and if USC fans want to count that then so be it. But as college football goes pal, LSU is the only college football program with 2 BCS National titles and that can't be disputed.

I'm a huge LSU fan but I do give credit where credit is due. USC THIS year was a good football team that basically was embarrassed by Stanford and then lost to I believe Oregon who at the time was a decent team. Did Hawaii belong in the title game?? NO Did Georgia belong in the title game NO for reasons we both know. Missouri, Kansas please not even going to go there. Oklahoma?? I'm intrested to hear your knowledge on this subject.

One more thing, whoever thought LSU didn't deserve to be there got all they could handle when they saw what LSU did to The OSU. I was there and it was a total mismatch. BTW do you know what Les Miles's record is while at LSU??
BTW off the top of my head I can think of a ALABAMA program that went 54- 5 in a span from 1971 through I believe 1975.
LSU deserved the spot over the other 2 loss teams, but when you lose to kentucky who finished with only 8 wins, and give up a 50 spot to an arkansas team who only went 7-6 and who got blown out by mizzu in the cotton bowl by 30 pts, you should not be bragging. it took pittsburgh beating west virginia in a major upset in order to put you in the title game. stanford over usc did not help. i have never seen so much outcry over a bcs title game team like lsu this season, and i have been watching and following longer than you have probably been alive. the teams that had an argument were usc and georgia, as they were the two hottest teams in the nation at season's end. lsu lost their last home game of the season and so did osu. you're excited about beating a buckeye team that lost to illinois at home in their final home game? usc took illinois behind the woodshed in the rose bowl dude.

Well now who is sounding ignorant. You say Georgia and USC had a argument?? Are you kidding me. It doesn't matter who is playing the hottest at the end of the year pal. Let's take a look at Georgia. They didn't even win the east must less get a shot at playing in the SEC title game. They lost to South Carolina and Tennessee, both whom LSU beat. Georgia had no right being ahead of LSU plain and simple and the BCS and AP both recognized that. USC?? Now you are getting ridicoulous. Take a look at the schedule they played. Are you kidding me? When you lose at home to a 41 point DOG you deserve nothing and both the AP and the BCS rcognized that also. I don't give a shit how much football you have watched, for you to make that case for those two teams shows what you know about football. You are trying to turn this into a pissing match and I'm done arguing with someone who obviously can't possibly see what happened this year in college football.
let me educate you son. here are the 4 things that happened that put LSU in the title game: Stanford shocked USC, Va. Tech gave up 14 pts in the final 3 mins to lose to BC, Oklahoma gave up 17 unanswered to Colorado in the 4th quarter, and Pitt shocked WVA partly because WVA's qb White had a messed up thumb and was in and out of the game. All of these teams were the victim of a fluke, and all would have been 11-1 and in the title game if not for the fluke. Just one of these flukes and you're out. Do you understand that? Do you understand the luck that was necessary. you freaking lost to kentucky and arkansas and still played in the national title dude! it was the craziest year ever and you were rewarded. go enjoy your 2nd national title in this decade, usc already has 2 and beat you to it! go enjoy the 3rd lowest bcs title game ever in tv ratings! thats because people did not respect the matchup, so they tuned out. check the ratings of the rose bowl where usc hammered illinois, and compare them to the bcs bowl game! no comparison dude. wake the f- up

Now let me educate you pal. I don't recall saying anything about LSU having the kind of success that USC has had in the past did I?? Also if you are a well educated football fan you would know that every team gets breaks, but it's the teams that take advantage of the breaks that are remembered. Yes LSU got many breaks and took advantage of them, so what. You don't think USC or any other team has never gotten breaks and have everything fall in line before?? Oh one more thing, who the hell gives a shit about TV ratings?? I can tell you people in the South and in Ohio were watching and really thats all that matters, go check the geographics on the ratings and you'll see. But again who gives a shit. I can promise you the 80,000 that jammed packed the SuperDome cared and according to all ticket outlets is was the most diffulcult ticket to get in any BCS championship game to date. Rose Bowl?? Again are you kidding me. If USC in there own back yard didn't take care of poor Illinoise then that would have been almost as bad as getting beat by a 41 point DOG in there own back yard. LOL,LOL,LOL. I think you are the one who needs to wake up pal.
You're a pretty obnoxious guy P&G.

A lot of hateful comments about USC without any provocation whatsoever; did Pete Carroll screw your g/f or what?!
Hey horses what's up?? No need to say anything negative about USC. But when guys try to attack LSU , you know I'll step in. What's your take on who deserved to be in the title game as I respect your opinion
Typical SC fan. You won exactly 1 National Title since Cheerleader Pete took over. As much as I hate it, the BCS determines the NC, and SC has won it once. Nice dynasty fellas....You lost.

gridiron, maybe you and I got off to the wrong start. Alot of guys including horses know me. I was one of the first to go off on LSU when they lost to Arkansas. Typically Arkansas always plays LSU tough but that was no excuse to lose to that team. As far as the Kentucky game that was a tough one to swallow as I'm sure the Stanford game was tough to swallow. No harm meant if I showed any dissrespect towards you, but I'll stick to my guns as far as USC or Georgia being in before LSU:shake:
I would agree that also a nice little playoff with USC, LSU, Georgia and OSU would have been nice. I was never a big fan of the BCS but that is what we are stuck with unfortunately.

Alot of guys give there schools a bad rap with all the BS they talk. I quit posting on another site after some idiot named godfather16 gave OSU a really bad rap with all his BS. At least over here its mostly all good with alot of knowledgeable football guys talking football and a little smack!!!! Nothing wrong with that though.
Hey horses what's up?? No need to say anything negative about USC. But when guys try to attack LSU , you know I'll step in. What's your take on who deserved to be in the title game as I respect your opinion

Good to see you Petelapot, of course I would expect you to jump in to defend your Bengals; I think the way the BCS is set up, the right two teams were in the championship. LSU was a little lucky to get there, but they took full advantage once they did. Congrats.

What I have a problem with, is Post #19 in this thread; a completely unprovoked verbal assault on the USC program (and hence their fans). Here you have an LSU fan, barely one week removed from winning the MNC, and all he can focus on is his hatred for another program because another poster said they split the championship in '03. I mean it was five years ago for chrissakes?!!! Can anyone say 'Get a Life?!'

And you know I'm San Diego St all the way; just tired of the stupidity when it comes to USC.
horses, I agree with you 100%. The reason I'm back in here is because it's a great place to talk football and other sports. That kind of BS is unneccessary and gridiron guy was provoked by a LSU fan that in no way represents all of us. That's why I respect MOST of the USC guys in here because they know how to act when they win because they have won alot in the past. Some people have to learn to act like winners and not little kids who just won the pop warner league. I also agree that LSU was fortunate to be in the title game but as you say they took full advantage of it and I applaud Les Miles, his staff and the entire LSU program for their win. It was a crazy year in college football and no matter who was crowned champion you knew the debates would come. Thanks for responding and we'll chat again soon.:shake:
<-------Not sold on Les Miles yet.

Yes Miles is a great recruiter but Sban was pulling in #1 classes before he left and players from Louisiana are always underrated by recruiting services anyway.

I've seen Miles choke away way too many games in the Big 12. This year the guy was probably one of the luckiest coaches I've ever seen. Balls made of steel but still very, very fortunate in some of the bounces he got.

One of my bouncers at my club is a former player under Miles and has told me some pretty crazy illegal recruiting stories about the guy.

One thing I will give him credit for and to me is so underrated when evaluating a team or a program is the guy surrounds himself with some of the best assistant coaches in the country. It doesn't matter what kind of talent you have if you can outcoach the team across from you.
Horn, your guy is correct. Crazy recruiting stories I have been told also and I'm pretty close to the program and guys in it. Miles does surround himself with really good coaches and really good recruiters. I'm intrseted to see though who will be LSU's next defensive coordinatoor. BTW I know you are in the Houston area, what club do you own?:shake: