Looking for action on SAS coming out of the western conference...

Kowboy Karl (kk) as well? Oh no, that's just you talking like a teenaged girl again.

When in your adult, male life would you ever say "k k" to someone? You did it in another thread, and Kowboy Karl was active in the thread as well....took me a few minutes to figure out you weren't talking to Karl.

In all seriousness, I'm with you and think the Spurs get it done this year. I don't think there's much of a chance of Lebron going back to Cleveland if Miami wins a 3rd straight, so hopefully all of the SA backers are correct (who doesn't wanna see Lebron go back to Cleveland?).


LMAO Egg...

Everybody's got their team, it's no secret that the Spurs have been mine for a very long time. I live for these games. If your teams were in, you guys would too.
Well we got ourselves a series guys. Miami stole home court but it's far from over. Great series so far.
Egg if you act fast, i'll let you only pay me $250. Spurs will split in Miami and regain home court.
exactly lol...

I do wanna point out that I was offering a legit hedge in the last series...that would've saved you guys $500...I thought that was fair and legit...I'm sorry if anyone felt offended, it wasn't my intention though
Considering Game 3 already took place, I'll pass...


Or was that you trying to be as funny as egg
This is the best "team" I've ever seen in professional sports

I guess it depends on your definition of "team."

Ivy, congrats on a good game bud. That being said, they shot 80% in the 1H. While amazing and due to taking good shots, they were down right nasty hot. I suspect there is a split here in Miami as suggested and then it's a toss up. Would he amazed to not see this thing go 7.
yeah, i agree with egg....this just felt like a 7 game series all along... but winning game 3 instead of 4 affords them the opportunity to essentially seal the deal first. Spurs have the first crack at the championship which is always possible and can be used to their advantage even in a loss. Miami has to throw out everything they've got in game 4, SAS's back not being up against the wall and with a deeper bench, doesn't have the same necessity.

The reason I like the "team" comment though is more about the way Tony and Tim and Co talk to Pop. There's so much mutual respect there. Not to mention, 9 players had a FG in the first half of that game. A Finals game. Really is an impressive team.
I guess it depends on your definition of "team."

Ivy, congrats on a good game bud. That being said, they shot 80% in the 1H. While amazing and due to taking good shots, they were down right nasty hot. I suspect there is a split here in Miami as suggested and then it's a toss up. Would he amazed to not see this thing go 7.

How else would you define it? There should be a picture of the Spurs in the dictionary next to the word team.
Nice hit! Egg will be sending out the loot over weekend I imagine.

Good to see Bron back in wine & gold in a year or so ;)
Steed, Egg...

idk if you're interested...but I'm willing to hedge off $100 each....

I believe it to be fair, seeing as how the Spurs have dominated the Heat and have two home games and no team's ever won from this position in the NBA finals.

I'm offering b/c if the Spurs blow it, I'll be severely depressed...if I lose a $1,000 on top of it...I might kill myself lol...

I don't believe it to be even remotely possible but I'm content with the win and happy to offer a hedge as a gesture of respect for good action.

Let me know
I truthfully would rather just give you the $500. Nice hit though. Be shocked if Bron sticks around some of these bums.

Was fun :shake:
I'll take the $100 hedge, money is money. Steed has sent me the money, and I'll send you mine as well. Congrats.

Cogenman, send me your PayPal.
I'll give you $100 hedge too if you want. Let me know and i'll send you the paypal info. If you don't i don't want to jinx it and i'll send you the paypal if and when the spurs win it. I'm superstitious haha.
Steed we still go action, in the case that SAS loses..I'll ship you $1000...If you change your mind, I'll send you $100 before game 5 via paypal

Egg, GG our action's dead.
love it...

CTG/Spurs wins this season;

+$350 for them over Houston in reg season wins
+$1,820 for them coming out of the WCF in futures
+$1,000 Spurs in the finals - $100 hedge = $900

Spurs won me $3,070 off of CTG this season...

Two years ago, I bet $250 on the Spurs to come out of the west when they were 8-1, half way through the regular season. They got hot, they won 20 straight...and ran into OKC's best game, at the worst time...I didn't hedge and blew $1000 (Spurs were pretty heavily favored after game 2...but even favored before the series started)

Last season, I didn't need $$ on the finals...just heart broken in general...

This entire season was vindication. I've been saying just how good the Spurs STILL were and CAN be. They just systematically destroyed the NBA. All the early criticisms this season when SAS was 0-8 against the top tier teams...it was mind boggling to me. Pop has a number of wins, and he calculates the highest % opportunity to reach that number. Play 5 games against 4 sub par teams and one beast...well, Pop knows how to GUARANTEE 80% win % in that kinda scenario. They're regular season magicians.

SAS lost Leonard, Parker, Green, And Ginobli for a decent stretch this season too...62 wins was ridiculously impressive.

There is NO reason to believe they cant do it again last season...

I'll see you all next season for some more futures.

GGs, it's incredible that this community operates with so much trust and honor when it comes to online wagers made. I've paid out and received wagers every time obviously, but the payouts were instant and never in doubt. Great site you got here B.A.R. ... Great people you keep around,

Cheers...and congrats to all Spurs fans. Great night.
This video is so good I'm gonna post it on Pornhub

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