LFG Day Until Arizona vs Hawaii/Miami vs Florida

Nebraska only won the B12 Championship here by 39. Must have played below average.

Probable fav for Heisman if Steinbrenner hadn't done his Alma mater a favor. Last UM QB to win in Ohio.
Butler (Kevin) is another guy who changed numbers. Do y'all know where I'm going with this?
So we’ll try to kick one 100,000 miles. We’re holding it on our own 49 and a half, gonna try to kick it 60 yards plus a foot and a half … Butler kicked a long one! A long one! Oh, my God! OH, MY GOD! The stadium is worse than bonkers. . . . I can’t believe what he did!
Dieter Brock comes to mind. Absolutely brutal QB got us to the 1985 NFC title game vs the Bears. Eric Dickerson always says if they had a QB they'd have won.