
A Big Al sighting? Where were you on this over tonight homey?
I liked Barkley over Bavetta, the Detroit team, Arenas, Kobe in the skills and Green in the dunk

I didnt play any becuz that would have made me a serious degenerate. Although I would have ended up +2 units or so.. oh well

BTW Kobe is so good its crazy..
Anyone notice how much wade struggled when the refs werent puttin him on the line ;)
Gilbert Arenas’ All-Star Blog
Posted Feb 19 2007 1:26AM
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<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="98%" bgColor=#eeeeee border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left>Washington's high-scoring Gilbert Arenas is in Las Vegas for the 56th NBA All-Star game. Gilbert, who blogs for NBA.com all season long, will check in with a special All-Star edition of his blog.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
That's a Wrap
Posted by Gilbert Arenas on Feb. 19, 2007, 1:15 a.m. ET


Damn, Timmy's tall.
Lisa Blumenfeld/Getty Images

My Trampoline Dunk
We were sitting there in the timeout watching them Elvis guys dunk, and my big mouth, I was like, “Man, I can do that better than them.” And then they missed a couple so I was like, “When they finish up, I’m going to go do it.”
Shaq was like, “Yeah, right.” He said, “I’ll put $100,000 in your foundation.”
I was like, $100,000 or get in trouble by David Stern?
$100,000 or get in trouble by David Stern?
Oh man, I’ll take that fine. So I did it for my Zer0 2 Her0 charity.
It was great though. Between the legs…Yea-ahhh!
I used to practice those trampoline dunks back at Golden State. I can flip and everything. But I didn’t want to flip and crack my neck.
We Lost to the West
They just got out on us. We were just missing shots and they hit fastbreak layups and their length bothered us a little bit.
If I came out and I was hitting my first couple shots I was going to go for the MVP if I was feeling good.
But I came back in and I missed them so I just decided I was going to go ahead and play.
Told Coach to Keep Joe In
When I came out I told Eddie, “Don’t worry about me, go ahead and keep Joe Johnson in.”
I know how it feels being the odd man out, so I told Eddie to keep him in and let him enjoy himself.
Plus, we still have to play the Hawks about three more times, so I didn’t want him building a vendetta against Eddie and us.
I didn’t want him thinking in the timeouts during the game, “Oh man, I can’t wait till they come to town,” and then when we play them he’ll be running a bunch of iso’s.
I know how that feels because I did it last year.
I'm Leaving Las Vegas
Everything was good.
It was crazy out here, but I enjoyed myself a lot. I had a great time out here. I hope everybody that came had a great time out here.
Now it gets back to regular season. Party time is over now.
I’m ready to get back and play the Timberwolves the first game. Hopefully Kevin’s partied out.
Hopefully the Big Ticket will be punched because Agent Zero is coming to town.

Almost Game Time
Posted by Gilbert Arenas on Feb. 18, 2007, 8 p.m. ET


All business.
Garrett Ellwood/NBAE/Getty Images

Taking Care of Tickets
I spent my whole day thinking about tickets.
This is probably the worst part. Everybody wants tickets to the game.
People call you and they don’t realize you got to get ready for the game. You know, so it’s a headache.
Nobody likes where they’re sitting. Everyone wants to sit on the floor. If I had floor tickets I would love to give it out, but, no.
The NBA puts you in Section 266, then that’s what you get, 266.
Watch Out for Fly Jeans
I’m starting up a jean company with Chris Mills’ younger brother Traci Mills, and Baron Davis. It’s called Fly.
It’s like Seven jeans, it's in the high-class jeanery.
Traci brought me my samples. They’re great.
He’s bringing them to Puff Daddy and Usher and Bow Wow wore them in his last video so we’ll go for the high class and hopefully it works out for us.
All-Star Attire
I might wear the regular All-Star edition sneakers in the first half and then bang out my green sneakers in the second half.
I got an Agent Zero jersey I want to wear for the game, but they made me take it off. I don’t know why.
But it’s going to get in the game, no matter what.
No Predictions This Time
I’m going to go with the flow and see what happens from there.

Today's the Day
Posted by Gilbert Arenas on Feb. 18, 2007, 6 p.m. ET


Signing my John Hancock with J-Kidd.
Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE/Getty Images

Paul Pierce and Baron Davis
I had a business meeting with Paul Pierce and Baron Davis. They took over Magic’s Mid-Summer Night’s Dream.
They’re trying to turn it around and make it something big. So we wanted to collab and try to do something different.
They want me to get in with them so I decided we’re going to have a meeting here and see how it goes.
All-Star Edition Sneakers
I got the Gil Zero’s that adidas designed for All-Star but they’re basically the Cleveland Cavaliers’ colors: white, blue, burgundy, gold stars.
I mean, they’re decent, but I might want to do something more flashy because all of the adidas players are going to be wearing them. So I might wear my leprechauns.
They’re the white and green Gil Zero’s. Green is money, so that’s Vegassy too. I might do that. I brought a pair with me.
I did bring my own. Of course I did. Just in case …
The Casinos
Baccarat and I Declare War are my games.
Basically anything that I don’t have to think about is OK. I don’t want to get frustrated at a casino table.
I don’t play roulette, but it’s funny, whenever somebody I know is going to Vegas I’m like, “Put it on black.”
Extracurricular Activities
There’s a lot of women here.
I’m going to try to throw that fishing pole out there and see what I can get. As long as I don’t get a tire…or a boot.
My Other Business Ventures
I’ve had a lot of business stuff going on while I’m here, and some of my 0-2 Talent models actually worked Dwyane Wade’s party and another party the night before.
I thought about having my Final Boss come out here, but two of them aren’t old enough yet, so it was hard for me to bring two and leave the other two back.
Right now they’re training for upcoming tournaments. We got a new player, Strong Side, and he’s supposed to help the team out.
I’m busy. I don’t sleep. I nap.
I’m trying to look at what successful people before did and get an earlier start on it. You know, Magic waited till he got out of the league, Shaq is doing it now, I’m 25 and I’d rather get my hands into things now rather than wait.

Runner-Up ... Again
Posted by Gilbert Arenas on Feb. 17, 2007, 11:30 p.m. ET


I started off strong but Kapono was too much.
Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE/Getty Images

It's Because of the First Rack
The Hibachi grill was on fire ... Man!
I should have moved the first rack towards the wing.
All the other guys shot from the baseline side on the first rack and me being lazy, I just left it there.
That first round I was a man smoking at a gas station ... I was about to blow upppp!
The 24 that Jason Kapono had is a hard number to beat anyway. I was looking at that record the whole time, that 25, shooting in practice. I was hitting that 25 easily, so that was a good look for me, but you know, when somebody puts 24 before you, that puts the pressure on.
About Kapono
Pretty good for a first-timer.
But Diesel gave him his energy. I knew they should have moved Shaq away from that baseline.
There's something wrong with that water down in Miami. They're winning championships, they're winning trophies ... somebody needs to go down there and check that water.
Told You I Would Break Out the One Hand
You know, I looked up at the scoreboard and I was down nine and a full rack is only a possible six so I figured I might as well throw a couple one handed for my YouTubers.

All-Star Saturday
Posted by Gilbert Arenas on Feb. 17, 2007, 6:30 p.m. ET


Lobbing one of the 100 "Agent Zero" jerseys into the stands.
Joe Murphy/NBAE/Getty Images

I'm Lame
I didn’t go out last night.
I was just too tired to actually move out. I was still on East Coast time. But tonight, its probably the party night, maybe, depending on if I feel victorious.
The Practice Session
Practice was good. Just to basically go through the little things and to show something for the fans.
Then at the end, we did our little half-court shots. I made if off the first one and won $1,000 from Shaquille O’Neal, which I probably won’t get because he still owes me $10,000 from my first year when he said I wasn’t going to take my shirt off and swing it, but I actually did.
I’m kind of sad he won’t pay up. I’m taking him to People’s Court.
We also had a break dance contest and Shaq did Shaq.
He was good. He’s going to be in the next Stomp movie, Stomp the Yard Part 2 starring Shaquille O’Neal.
Everybody wanted those Agent Zero jerseys. Everybody heard about them so everybody wanted them. I supplied ‘em and hopefully next year I make it and do something different.
It’s all entertainment.
The Rest of My Day
I think I have to go meet up with adidas again.
We might have some good adidas news. I think we came to an agreement everybody. We had another meeting last night, they came back to the hotel so we’ll see what happens.
I have a photo shoot for adidas and I have a meeting with the Vitamin Water kid that won a contest who did a “Vote for Gilbert” poster.
Yesterday I met with all the head honchos of adidas and that was great because that was the first time I got to meet them.
When you want to meet somebody, those are the people you want to meet.
adidas is making a big push here, you see it.
They’re overtaking Nike right now, especially at this event.
Hopefully everything goes well in the future with them.
That picture of me on the hotel, that’s amazing. I mean, you know, probably one of these days I’ll just sit there and stand outside of it and just point up so everybody has to look at it and see it’s. It’s just a little cocky thing going on right there.
Rooks and Sophs Wearing My Sneakers
I heard Jordan Farmar, Raymond Felton, Monta Ellis wore the Gil Zero’s last night.
It’s support.
I’m glad the young kids is liking the shoe. I appreciate that. They’re showing me some love out there and I’m really liking that.
The Foot Locker Three-Point Shootout
I’m 1-for-17 from three over the last two games.
But that’s better than if I was 17-for-17 coming into the contest because then the expectations would be high.
Everyone’s looking at my shooting percentages so they have me down and out, but I like my odds.
I made 100 before I got here, I was shooting and making 100 from each spot.
100 makes from five spots and I was working on my timing.
Last year I finished early. I had 15 seconds left to go to the restroom, come back, and still have five more shots to shoot.
I just took off too fast. It was all that excitement.
My Scouting Report
Jason Kapono: Great shooter. Great catch-and-shoot shooter.
Damon Jones: Great conversation shooter. I heard he’s going to wear a hot pink jacket. I mean, that’s a nice color to come in second, third, fourth or fifth in.
Dirk Nowitzki: The champion.
Mike Miller: The underdog. He can get hot, he can get hot quick.
Jet Terry: The only problem with him is, like last year, he didn’t get to finish his shots because he takes his time. So if he’s worked on speeding it up, he can be a danger.
I’m going to go out and have fun. Don’t be surprised if I shoot a couple with one hand to finish it off.
It’s gonna be HOT-TAAAAH.

They Got Me On a Building
Posted by Gilbert Arenas on Feb. 17, 2007, 12:15 a.m. ET


It's fun being 200-feet tall.
Ethan Miller/Getty Images

My Agent Zero All-Star Jerseys
I have 100 All-Star jerseys made up with “Agent Zero” on the back to give to the fans.
I’m going to try to wear one. I’m going to try and get away with it.
Just in case they got their eyes focused on me I’m going to wear the real one on top of the Agent one and then when the game starts: Boom, I’m Agent Zero.
All I need is 10 seconds, a jump ball or something, I’ll put that Agent on and I’ll be in there like swimwear.
Vegas Plans
Day one’s not going to be exciting. I’m going to go swimming with my daughter and then when she goes to sleep around 11 o’clock…Party time!
I’m partying.
Dwyane Wade’s party is going to be off the hook! Oh man.
My Dad
He doesn’t need to get any sunshine in my blog.
This man wore a leather hat to Vegas.
You don’t wear leather bucket hats in Vegas. Come on man, its 187 degrees outside and this man’s wearing a leather hat.
He thinks it gets cold at night, OK tonight instead of 178 degrees it’s going to be 110 and he’ll be in a LEATHER HAT.
Who Cares About the Other All-Stars?
How am I going to be excited to see a player when I see them every other game?
You can’t be excited to see another NBA player when you see them all the time.
How about what entertainer am I hoping to see…
I know I always say Halle Berry.
All the Fans in the Lobby
That was bananas. Every year it’s always blocked off, but this year they can’t block off a casino so everybody’s down there.
It’s pandemonium.
But that was great for me. I loved it.
The Long and Arduous Media Circuit
Energy goes and comes and goes. Some people get the best: The Black President, Agent Zero.
And some people just get Gilbert.
Next Year’s Players’ Association Party
I want to throw the party.
It would be nice if they gave me that power.
If they seen what I did to my party in two months, what I can do to theirs in a whole year…I’ll make it into something that will be remembered.

Welcome to Sin City
Posted by Gilbert Arenas on Feb. 16, 2007, 8:40 p.m. ET

Readers of my blog, I want to say welcome. Welcome to Sin City. This is going to be quite the weekend narrated by Agent Zero.
The Portland Game
I didn't score 50 points?
They were so focused on me that people were asking the team, "Fifty this and that ... How do you feel about it?"
But at the end of the day its about a team thing even though I do have a vendetta, that's why it was 3-for-15 and not, you know, 6-for-45. You know, but there's still one more game and we'll see if I get lucky. Thet say I said I'd get 50 against Portland, and I'm like, "There's still one more game against them."