Kobe done for the year, maybe longer

north scottsdale is old to me. so rule out el paso

on another similar note, i've forever ruled out taos. it's like south phoenix if everything closed at 8pm
kk they closed down the good gardunos out here .. just the one at the fiesta now which is subpar. I know it isn't the best from that area but it was by far the best here,,,, now gone
i didn't mind laughlin except that it's so close to vegas

almost like u gave up before getting to the homeland. i actually enjoyed the 3 days i spent there a buncha years ago
i didn't mind laughlin except that it's so close to vegas

almost like u gave up before getting to the homeland. i actually enjoyed the 3 days i spent there a buncha years ago

Lake Tahoe is a refreshing getaway if you still wanna gamble. Plus you can go slumming in Reno.
yup tahoe is nice... sort of pricey compared to the other places he is thinking about though, kid
before 9/11 i was in marketing with america west vacations. reno/tahoe was my turf and i had a blast up there. the marketers for each place pretty much kissed my ass and i took advantage. love the area and need to go back there

flamingo reno picked me up a couple lobster tails, so i probably owe them
Had they got Phil instead of Pringles, this wouldn't have happened.

Think this may make the Lakers more dangerous though, they rally and Dwight the Clown, Pau Jello step up.
:rofl:he looks just like that hahahahaha
Be shocked if they amnesty kobe

The talking heads blaming dantonio are idiots,kobe basically tells dantonio what to do.

With phil they are prolly already in playoffs , but even he couldnt make these old fucks be a championship contender ..

Sportjunky and kush feel free to correct me if im wrong, but dantonio was a jerry buss hire he saw the okcs and heats of the nba and thought you need to run to win, he is prolly right but this is the wrong team to do it with..it was a bad hire but it is what it is..

Kobe is right there with mj and tiger, dudes are are on a different planet...

Kobe will be missed but at least this isnt like when mj retired and we were left with a shit league for 10 years..lebron might be the sickiest bball player ever

Braves, what I'd heard was Jerry made the call to fire Brown. I've never heard much about how involved he was in hiring dantoni since he always seemed to be Jim's choice but now that you mention it if Jerry wanted Phil we woulda gotten Phil so he does have some culpability.

Also cosign on bron. Dude is the GOAT

A lot of them have gone under, if not all of them. MMMMM sopapillas:thumbsup:

My mom used to make the best damn sopapillas...

Kyle, if u ever get back out this way...a place here in Cruces called Si Senor, great authentic New Mexican food and awesome cinnamon n sugar sopapillas. Best part for me though, u don't just get chips n salsa. U get 4 kinds of salsa with chips before your meal: traditional (not for me), green chile salsa with diced green chile (#1 for me), sour cream n jalapeno dip, and bean n jalapeno dip.
You should have known those quotes by now if you were informed about this douchebags crime. It will take ya just a few seconds to find if you are interested. I also suggest going to smokinggun and reading his police interview. Anyone who reads that and thinks he is innocent has had a lobotomy. All witness accounts seem to support her accounting of what happened .. the physical evidence supports her accounting of what happened, the rape kit supported her accounting of what happened, his own words support her account of what happened, his actions afterwards support her accounting of what happened, an he admitted to having sex with her without her consent ( AKA raping her ). I get it ... the guy is a great basketball player... but dayum ....

VK, one thing is very clear for me and that is that he didn't rape her. I think that vast majority of people doesn't believe it as well...
I'm shocked that you actually think there is any truth in those funny accusations...

But, we can all speculate, but one thing is certain, he never was convicted for the crime, so the presumption of innocence has to apply here.
Innocent till proven guilty if I recall correctly...

He cheated with her on his wife, so that's not cool, but innocent of raping her...
VK, one thing is very clear for me and that is that he didn't rape her. I think that vast majority of people doesn't believe it as well...
I'm shocked that you actually think there is any truth in those funny accusations...

But, we can all speculate, but one thing is certain, he never was convicted for the crime, so the presumption of innocence has to apply here.
Innocent till proven guilty if I recall correctly...

He cheated with her on his wife, so that's not cool, but innocent of raping her...

1. The vast majority of people are either lacking in logic or simply don't know the facts of the case. Having logic and knowing the facts excludes anyone from believing the crime did not take place. Medical staff who examined her concluded that she had been raped. That is a pretty big coincidence right there. He was sitting in a room lying straight to officers faces about her/him in a police interview. This eliminates the possibility that he was lying to protect his marriage unless you think he suffers from mental retardation and has the intellect of a 7 year old girl.

2. He was not convicted of a crime because he paid off the girl. She was getting torn to shreds (no pun intended ) by the media and her personal life was getting reported on. She had a choice to make about whether to go to trial and suffer through her rapist raping her character as well as the press or taking a cash sum offered by kobe and not go through it. And going through the trial with a big celebrity does not always end up getting the celebrity punished for their crime ( see OJ ). He wasn't convicted because he did not go to trial. Without her testimony the prosecutors could not move forward. A very unfortunate decision by her since it means the remainder of the world is in danger without him behind bars.

3. He has been proven guilty, just not in a court of law.

4. He is a scumbag, dirty rapist and deserves the scorn of every decent human on the planet.

5. He is good at basketball. Yawn.
My mom used to make the best damn sopapillas...

Kyle, if u ever get back out this way...a place here in Cruces called Si Senor, great authentic New Mexican food and awesome cinnamon n sugar sopapillas. Best part for me though, u don't just get chips n salsa. U get 4 kinds of salsa with chips before your meal: traditional (not for me), green chile salsa with diced green chile (#1 for me), sour cream n jalapeno dip, and bean n jalapeno dip.

Sounds good. I will try it if I am going through Las Cruces during eating hours
3. He has been proven guilty, just not in a court of law.

VK, she was getting torn to shreds for a good reason. She lied about every possible thing and many witnessed her behaviour and didn't think that she was raped.

The only form of regime where you don't need a court of law to be proven guilty is dictatorship. There person can be found guilty without a trial.

How do you know what would have happened if there was a trial? No one knows it. I believe that the defense would have won, you obviously think otherwise.
We can speculate, but can't say anything conclusive (or at least without sounding like a dumb hater).
To scream that he is a rapist, doesn't require great mind.

Bottom line is that presumption of innocence works in favor of Kobe in this case and you may hate it, but if you consider yourself a smart person, that believes in the rule of the law, you will accept it.

P.S. You also never try to look at all the million things that point out to the fact that she wasn't raped and only focus on the few things that suggest otherwise.
VK, she was getting torn to shreds for a good reason. She lied about every possible thing and many witnessed her behaviour and didn't think that she was raped.

The only form of regime where you don't need a court of law to be proven guilty is dictatorship. There person can be found guilty without a trial.

How do you know what would have happened if there was a trial? No one knows it. I believe that the defense would have won, you obviously think otherwise.
We can speculate, but can't say anything conclusive (or at least without sounding like a dumb hater).
To scream that he is a rapist, doesn't require great mind.

Bottom line is that presumption of innocence works in favor of Kobe in this case and you may hate it, but if you consider yourself a smart person, that believes in the rule of the law, you will accept it.

P.S. You also never try to look at all the million things that point out to the fact that she wasn't raped and only focus on the few things that suggest otherwise.

I love ya Divol but in this instance you don't know what you are talking about.

1. OJ proven guilty? Yes, of course. Yet he was found not guilty in a court of law. You seem to think that if a person is found not guilty, or has their case dismissed on account of a technicality or police misconduct or a botched investigation or because a multi-miilionaire paid off his rape victim that we should all be happy and forgive the man of his sins. I think this lacks logic, common sense and any foundation in morality.

2. She did not lie about every possible thing. You clearly know little to nothing about the actual facts of the case.

3. My belief in the rule of law plays no part in this. I have no reasonable doubt of his guilt. I can have unreasonable doubt ( not much of that either ). You seem to think that because the system doesn't catch him that he is innocent and I should treat him as such. Imagine you were robbed by sammymeatballs. He points a gun at you and takes your money. The case goes to trial and he is found not guilty. Is he not guilty? Should you treat him as if he is?

4. He is only presumed innocent in a court of law. He is not presumed innocent in basic society. An examination of the facts reveals only one conclusion to a reasonable mind. The man is a rapist. I also rarely presume someone to be innocent who has admitted to doing it, has almost all of the facts pointing to his/her guilt, lied to officers with intent of deceit, has witnesses that corraborate the other side of the story, and paid off the witness against him to not testify. Incientally, I did give him the benefit of the doubt but after looking into the facts I can only draw one singular conclusion... Kobe is a dirty, rotten, filthy RAPIST ... that is who ( what ) you are defending here.

5. I don't know how the trial would have ended. My guess is he pays off a juror or a juror is star-struck or a laker fan and just looks the other way. Juries don't always get it right. You seem to be confusing a trial result as the "end all" to whether someone is guilty of a crime or not. I assume you think OJ to be innocent of killing two people since a court of law found him so????? I didn't think so.

Again.. no offense meant.... you seem like a nice enough guy but you just don't know what the hell you are talking about here and should actually read up on the case. Actually, maybe happiness is more important than truth and you should go on cheering for that piece of dung in ignorant bliss.
VK, I'm a lawyer and I do believe in a rule of a law.
I know the basic stuff about OJ's trial, but not enough to argue too much.
I do know that in OJ's case, we seen all the evidence that both sides managed to find and bring to the trial, so we at least able to draw our own conclusion.

This is not the case in Kobe's situation.
I'm sure that if there was a trial, we would have seen many many evidence and testemonies that we have no idea about...

Imagine, just for example, the man, whose semen was found on girl's underwear, would have stepped up and said that she had sex with him an hour after being with Kobe and everything was ok?

Not saying it would have been, the case, but just imagine.

Don't forget, that Kobe did cheat on his wife and if there was a trial, all the dirty laundry would have surfaced.
I can easily see Kobe, prefer to pay off the girl, if he is 100% innocent, just to avoid going through messy trial...

If he would have testified, he would have been asked about other times he cheated for example. You can see why he would have wanted to avoid that, with his wife and his two daughters possibly following this and hearing about all that...

What I'm saying is simple. I honestly can't understand, how can you be so certain of his guilt.
I think you just chose to believe girl's story and that's your right.
I chose to believe Kobe's version and that's my right as well.

Two versions, nothing conclusive.
I think that Kobe's version makes much more sense.

What upsets me, is that you say rapist, as if it's really a fact, when it's far from it.
It's a speculation, nothing more...
I know VK is trolling and I have been trying my best to stay out of it but........

You keep saying he admitted to raping this girl. No he did not admit anything. He admitted in his statement that he now knows that in her mind she was not consenting. That is a far thing from a man admitting he is a rapist.

I have read the entire police interview more than once and you can interpret it however you want but let's be clear here. There is not one cut and dry way to read that thing. He could very easily be lying to keep this whole thing from blowing up into a media scandal. The one clear thing that you can take from the police interview is that he is an adulterer and that is it.

He paid the girl to shut her mouth and this is a fact. It's also a fact that high profile celebrities pay to make people go away all the time. He could just as easily have been protecting his multi million dollar brand from taking more hits than necessary.

You say no reasonable person can come up with any other assumptions other than Kobe is a rapist. I consider myself very reasonable and its very easy to assume any of the above and to conclude he did not rape this girl.

What really happened? She wanted to fuck Kobe and in her young mind he would continue to be her friend and talk to her every time he is in Colorado and hook her up etc etc. instead she got bent over in a hotel room with no foreplay and treated like a fuck doll and pretty much told to leave afterward. At some point in this encounter she felt like a dirty whore and thought to herself.....that's not how I thought it would play out, this motherfucker is going to pay.
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she was probably down then he put it in her asshole and shit hit the fan

btw .... " He has been proven guilty, just not in a court of law.".............LMAO
Whether he was guilty or not, why such hatred for the man VK? What if he's changed and doesn't cheat on his wife anymore, does that change your opinion of him at all? I just don't understand the hatred for a man you don't know personally. Makes little to no sense.
He raped someone... How do you not hate him?

I guess the girl paid off the other folks in the hotel who confirm her accounting.
I guess the girl paid of the medical personnel who determined she had been raped.

Explain to me the scenario where he can understand it was not consensual in her mind but it was consensual? Outside of him going temporarily deaf there are none.

The guy was being interviewed by police about the girl and he was lying about adultery ???????? Ummm riiiiggggghhhhtttt. Apparently I think Kobe is smarter than you people do. You have to think he has the mental capacity of a baked potato to think he is not telling the truth at that point based on branding or marriage concerns.. clearly something happened in regards to the girl and the police are involved. He did a nice job of throwing shaq under the bus too.

You have to take the blinders off.

I hate him because he is a rapist.
I don't wanna argue about this shit and don't come at me with some bullshit like "well, that doesn't mean anything". Let's not be naive...

This chick went up to dudes hotel room, alone, in the late night hours and knew he was there alone as well... Seriously, that's all I need to know. Case closed.
Ahhhhh the she asked for it defense.

You don't think she was going up there to get a taste of a world famous athletes schlong? If not, what was she goin up there for? To watch a movie together? Play some cards? What?
No still means no, and while I agree she was initially consenting, at some point as SJ said something went wrong.

His statement is damning, but she was mentally unstable if I remember correctly, had been in a mental hospital just before this incident. Couple of suicide attempts...just don't see how you can take her account of the incident as the unquestioned truth considering her mental condition.
No still means no, and while I agree she was initially consenting, at some point as SJ said something went wrong.

His statement is damning, but she was mentally unstable if I remember correctly, had been in a mental hospital just before this incident. Couple of suicide attempts...just don't see how you can take her account of the incident as the unquestioned truth considering her mental condition.

Especially given the fact that she was consenting initially. How long was she consenting for? Did she stop consenting after he'd been banging her for a couple of minutes?
Im am not trying to be funny at all. When Kobe says that he could tell in her mind that she wasnt consenting, I find that interesting

One time I was with this girl and she was my GF....dated for a while. She finally lets me fuck her, and after a lil while I can tell she isnt into it....maybe I was too rough? The only other dudes she been with maybe were just missionary slow thrusts??? Not kidding but something wasnt right

And I wasnt rich or a superstar NBA player......I aint defending Kobe I just find that comment interesting
Especially given the fact that she was consenting initially. How long was she consenting for? Did she stop consenting after he'd been banging her for a couple of minutes?
and did she verbalize it?

obv Kobe was used to just pickin one bringing her up and tossin em