Kobe done for the year, maybe longer

Would hate to see it end this way for easily one of the best to ever lace 'em up.

I'll never forget the courage he showed by flying all over the country to play after having to face the emotional drain of a trial for a crime he didn't commit. Borderline heroic IMO
Would hate to see it end this way for easily one of the best to ever lace 'em up.

I'll never forget the courage he showed by flying all over the country to play after having to face the emotional drain of a trial for a crime he didn't commit. Borderline heroic IMO

Agreed, Dwight.
No trial .. he admitted to raping her and settled with her to prevent her from testifying and sending him to jail.
i hated kobe VK style for a lot of years but now appreciate his brilliance, his greatness on the floor and his demeanor as a man

this is sad to see

to blame any of this on d'antoni or his system is just classless. that rupture only happens to the strongest of athletes as they get older, not the weakest
Few thoughts here.

1) I'm really bummed out that this happened, Kobe's an all time great and it's always fun watching him compete.

2) It's a real shame because Kobe was having his best year probably since his athletic prime before Pau even got there, he was distributing the ball fairly well and generally just optimizing the opportunities for his shitty teammates this season.

3) Chances are elite Kobe is gone forever. Don't really care for the ULTIMATE COMPETITOR HE AIN'T GOIN OUT LIKE THIS sentiment, he may come back but the guy we saw for the past 17 years is gone forever. He's played 17 NBA seasons, and 3 extra season's worth of playoff/olympic basketball. It's medically impossible for a guy with that tread on his tires to come back and continue producing at the exact same level. Yeah he may work harder than Okur/Brand/Billups, but just consider how BADLY those guys' careers nosedived after they tore their achilles' in their latter NBA years.

4) Idk if they have the balls to do it, but the only logical basketball decision at this point is to amnesty Kobe. Can't go paying that salary next season, dump him, use this run Pau is having to trade him somewhere due to his renewed value, try to resign Dwight and move forward from there.

5) To assign any of this blame to D'antoni is baseless. This team's defense was built around Nash who is one of the worst defenders at his position, Kobe who is one of the worst defenders at his position because he has to take defense off due to his offensive burden, Dwight who was playing at 50% all season, Pau who is slow as shit and isn't used to guarding 4's out on the floor, and Artest who is the only average defender on the entire roster.

This team would be fighting for the 8 seed with any coach due to total lack of personnel, perhaps a game or two better which is still below/neck and neck with Houston for the 7, essentially in a battle to get in regardless. Kobe would be playing these 48 mins a night not caring what anybody had to say with Phil, Pringles, or any other coach in the league. These injuries just happen, it's unfortunate but so it goes.

6) What a trainwreck of a season for the Lakers, I doubt D'antoni wants to show his face in LA again after they get knocked out of the playoffs.
Be shocked if they amnesty kobe

The talking heads blaming dantonio are idiots,kobe basically tells dantonio what to do.

With phil they are prolly already in playoffs , but even he couldnt make these old fucks be a championship contender ..

Sportjunky and kush feel free to correct me if im wrong, but dantonio was a jerry buss hire he saw the okcs and heats of the nba and thought you need to run to win, he is prolly right but this is the wrong team to do it with..it was a bad hire but it is what it is..

Kobe is right there with mj and tiger, dudes are are on a different planet...

Kobe will be missed but at least this isnt like when mj retired and we were left with a shit league for 10 years..lebron might be the sickiest bball player ever
I completely disagree with you about D'antoni but to each their own opinion.

Its just a completely different environment the players are with his system. Different priorities. Different set of rules and a different level of respect given to the coach. Over the course of the season the players just have periods of time where they don't give a shit and the personnel doesn't make a difference if the motivation isn't there. D'antoni had a PERFECT team for his system in Phoenix. And those years have earned him many more years of work on other teams. And that's great for him. But the managements are really really dumb. Especially if you aren't going to give him the personnel to help him run his system.
The talking heads blaming dantonio are idiots,kobe basically tells dantonio what to do.

exactly, that's why they should have got Phil. That right there is the problem.
It's a little disturbing how much I hate Mike D'antoni. I just feel he has no business coaching in the NBA.
Jerry buss made a mistake with dantonio, but its a minor blip on the greatest sports owner ever
5) ...Kobe who is one of the worst defenders at his position

I pretty much agree with most of what you said in your post, but, this I have to emphatically disagree with. No way in hell, not even close. Kobe certainly not the defender he once was, but, still actually one of the BEST defenders at his position in the league.
LOL... admitted?

You are in true form, hustle_man. True form.

Both Kobe quotes ....

"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did”

“I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.”

So an emphatic YES...he clearly and undeniably admits to raping her. You can question whether the admission is legitimate (perpetrator/criminal forced to admit it as part of his deal with the victim ) but you cannot pretend that he didn't admit to rape. It is simply a fact that cannot be questioned.

Who calls consensual sex with a girl an "incident" anyway?

Jerry buss made a mistake with dantonio, but its a minor blip on the greatest sports owner ever

Jim Buss pulled the strings to get Dantoni not Jerry. Jerry had already handed over the reigns to Jim. Jim abhors Phil and Jerry actually loved Phil. Jerry stood behind Jim's decision as any good father would do but no mistake about it, this was Jim's hire.
And if it doesn't make you a little emotional that kobe may never play again, you truly are one salty dude

WTF man I AM A GROWN ASS MAN unlike yourself.. yes i enjoy sports, enjoy betting on them but if you truly get emotional over a player and you are not ummm say 13 yrs old.. then man, you are a nutjob..
I got real life shit to get emotional over son, not over a nba player who has will most likely make more money in one yr than i will in my lifetime.. whaahh whahh he might not play again, so fucking what? he will be fine.. uhh you i am not so sure about
Both Kobe quotes ....

"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did”

“I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.”

So an emphatic YES...he clearly and undeniably admits to raping her. You can question whether the admission is legitimate (perpetrator/criminal forced to admit it as part of his deal with the victim ) but you cannot pretend that he didn't admit to rape. It is simply a fact that cannot be questioned.

Who calls consensual sex with a girl an "incident" anyway?

Love it hustle_man...keep on keepin on! "hustle_man, THE REVIVAL!"

First off, I'm not sure of the legitimacy of those statements as you've not provided any link to verify. Secondly, read those statements again, nowhere in either of those statements is an admission of anybody raping anybody. It basically says "she has one view, I have a different view" or "I have one view, she has a different view". Nice try though, back to the drawing board, hustle_man.
I pretty much agree with most of what you said in your post, but, this I have to emphatically disagree with. No way in hell, not even close. Kobe certainly not the defender he once was, but, still actually one of the BEST defenders at his position in the league.


--That's the best NBA writer around discussing Kobe's defense.


That's a Laker blog run by Laker fans talking about Kobe's defense

--That's the best NBA writer around discussing Kobe's defense.


That's a Laker blog run by Laker fans talking about Kobe's defense

Thanks for the links, reams... Interesting reads.

I don't think there's a player in the league that doesn't have breakdowns defensively. That being said, Kobe definitely is not the defender he once was, but, to say he's one of the very worst in the league at his position is way too extreme imo.
Thanks for the links, reams... Interesting reads.

I don't think there's a player in the league that doesn't have breakdowns defensively. That being said, Kobe definitely is not the defender he once was, but, to say he's one of the very worst in the league at his position is way too extreme imo.

I'll agree with you somewhere in the middle. A lot of bad defensive players in the league nowadays, and what I meant is not that Kobe is incapable of playing good defense, it's just that he has been a poor defender this year because the offensive energy he expends really leaves him no choice. Similar to Harden in Houston, that guy is capable of much better defense than he shows, he just doesn't have it in him due to how much he has to do on offense.
I'll agree with you somewhere in the middle. A lot of bad defensive players in the league nowadays, and what I meant is not that Kobe is incapable of playing good defense, it's just that he has been a poor defender this year because the offensive energy he expends really leaves him no choice. Similar to Harden in Houston, that guy is capable of much better defense than he shows, he just doesn't have it in him due to how much he has to do on offense.

True, we can agree on that... So I'm seeing 6-9 months out for Kobe. If I was a betting man (haha) I would put money that he's back before December 1st, and, very well could be back for the start of the season. We all know how hard Kobe works, he's gonna be on a mission.
Love it hustle_man...keep on keepin on! "hustle_man, THE REVIVAL!"

First off, I'm not sure of the legitimacy of those statements as you've not provided any link to verify. Secondly, read those statements again, nowhere in either of those statements is an admission of anybody raping anybody. It basically says "she has one view, I have a different view" or "I have one view, she has a different view". Nice try though, back to the drawing board, hustle_man.

You should have known those quotes by now if you were informed about this douchebags crime. It will take ya just a few seconds to find if you are interested. I also suggest going to smokinggun and reading his police interview. Anyone who reads that and thinks he is innocent has had a lobotomy. All witness accounts seem to support her accounting of what happened .. the physical evidence supports her accounting of what happened, the rape kit supported her accounting of what happened, his own words support her account of what happened, his actions afterwards support her accounting of what happened, an he admitted to having sex with her without her consent ( AKA raping her ). I get it ... the guy is a great basketball player... but dayum ....
I really hope this isn't his last season

I'll miss watching him play tremendously. I however have no doubt that he will gone on to do great things for both the game of basketball and humanity.
Hopefully he reproduces as much as possible. We need as much Kobe lineage in the next generation as possible.

Great basketball player, better person
Cds, ive heard it was jerry buss again i could be wrong, but it came from john ireland

I guess it can be read into either way. I can tell you though that Dr Buss was in intensive care during the entire process and that Dantoni and Jerry Buss never even met each other face to face. I've heard insiders say that this was 100% a Jim Buss hire and that Dr Buss only endordsed it because he was showing solidarity and he knew he was dying and it wasn't a time to make Jim look bad in the press. To me this has Jim written all over it exactly the same way the Rudy T hire years back had Jim written all over it.

Either way its all speculation that Kobe would or wouldn't have been hurt under Phil. There is no way to know that. I fully believe that they would have never been in the position to be fighting for 8th if Phil was the coach but again we will never know. One thing is painfully obvious in all this. Dantoni is a horrible head coach and a terrible leader and should not be allowed back next season. Of course that would be Jim Buss making that decision. I don't have a lot of faith to say the least in Jim.
I really don't think he was hustle_man. You can keep calling him that if you'd like (in every post you make), but didn't he just tell you it wasn't him?

We've had discussions in the past on this, Lareux. He is hustle_man, he told me so, and he verified it in recounting some of our back and forth battles at blankets years ago. VK and I are cool, just messin around... He used to live 40 miles down the road from me.
In the context of Jack the Ripper, Kobe is indeed a good person. In addition to being a rapist, he is also a bad husband, bad teammate and by most accounts just an arsehole. I think child protective services should be called when a parent buys their kid a Kobe jersey.

Lol I am not Hustle_man ... but he sure did win a lot of money fading the lakers when all that went down. I never knew who he was until someone linked me to it. I am clowncar at blankets and rarely post there.
And I have nothing against homosexuals but there is also all of the rumors about Kobe playing catcher from time to time
Hey VK,went to Chicos last week...first time in a while. Damn that shit hit the spot. You hear about city hall and the Asarco towers?
We've had discussions in the past on this, Lareux. He is hustle_man, he told me so, and he verified it in recounting some of our back and forth battles at blankets years ago. VK and I are cool, just messin around... He used to live 40 miles down the road from me.

Cool. It's just kinda creepy that you keep referring to him as "hustle_man" every time you post a comment.
And I have nothing against homosexuals but there is also all of the rumors about Kobe playing catcher from time to time

He's already done so much to advance humanity. It's amazing that he'd be willing to have sex with a man just to advance Yag rights. Top 5 basketball player ever and a phenomenal humanitarian.

I still can't believe he played so well while being extorted by that girl in Colorado
You mean hustle_man, right Hunt?

VK again said he wasn't (or isn't) hustle_man in this thread. Maybe you're recounting an old conversation you had with someone else, but that's twice now he's stated he isn't who you think he is. He's even now given his blankets name....and it's not hustle_man.

It's getting creepy in here.