Kobe done for the year, maybe longer


Live. Breathe. Blue.
Well, if my Lakers weren't already fucked...they're definitely fucked now.

Achilles shredded, gone. Kobe said he tried standing/walking, felt like achilles wasn't even there. Sad to see him go down like this after what he's done in recent weeks to put his team in playoff position.
I'm just sad. Amazing player and I can't think of a player that deserves it less. No one I think on the league takes better care of himself than Kobe, no one fights pain and injuries the way he does.
This one, even he can't fight I guess...

But who knows, maybe MRI will surprise us...

I do believe he isn't done. He will get the rest he so much needed, he will get back in shape and who knows, maybe a year from now, he will be fresh, in good shape and ready to win his deserved ring.
Might be time to quit fading the lakers... when kobe takes less shots....oh nevermind

Hustleman 4ever!!
Well, if my Lakers weren't already fucked...they're definitely fucked now.

Achilles shredded, gone. Kobe said he tried standing/walking, felt like achilles wasn't even there. Sad to see him go down like this after what he's done in recent weeks to put his team in playoff position.
Gotta link that his Achilles is shredded? Is that a medical term?
Unless Kobe was gonna join LeBron and the Heat his days of winning titles had long passed before this injury.

Ashame he got hurt, was playing at an incredibly high level for his 17th year in the league.
I think he's done, which sucks... I really like Kobe.

By done I mean near all star caliber. He'll play again but it's going to be very limited. Sucks.
Unless Kobe was gonna join LeBron and the Heat his days of winning titles had long passed before this injury.

Ashame he got hurt, was playing at an incredibly high level for his 17th year in the league.

You cannot be serious in the first part of your statement
Gotta link that his Achilles is shredded? Is that a medical term?

Is something gonna be done by one of the mods or someone else with geo? Second night in a row this guy is coming at me for no apparent reason. Whether he's drunk or not, I've always been cool with this guy. If we wanna get some more shit going like Thursday night we can certainly do it. Is that what the mods want? I think he needs to stop his drop and slow his roll already...

So anyway........
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I'm just sad. Amazing player and I can't think of a player that deserves it less. No one I think on the league takes better care of himself than Kobe, no one fights pain and injuries the way he does.
This one, even he can't fight I guess...

But who knows, maybe MRI will surprise us...

I do believe he isn't done. He will get the rest he so much needed, he will get back in shape and who knows, maybe a year from now, he will be fresh, in good shape and ready to win his deserved ring.

Exactly...he works so damn hard and fights through everything. This one though, no way fighting this off. Sad indeed.
Unless Kobe was gonna join LeBron and the Heat his days of winning titles had long passed before this injury.

Ashame he got hurt, was playing at an incredibly high level for his 17th year in the league.

You think so AK? I think chances this year were definitely gone anyway but long passed? They had pretty high hopes at the start of the year, things just didn't work out, guys didnt gel together like the Lakers and their fans had hoped.
One thing is for damn sure. NBA viewership just took a massive hit.

It's gonna be the absolute worst if Kobe never plays in the league again. But just like Mariano Rivera... I cannot see him going out this way. And when it comes to healing from injuries, I don't put anything past Kobe. This is just another challenge for him.

Lakers ownership should be ashamed of themselves.
This team hadn't made it out of the 2nd round the last two years, and were going out first round this year Kobe or no Kobe.

OKC and Miami are so above and beyond the Lakers that there was zero chance they win a title the next couple seasons.

Do you guys realize they are battling for the 8th seed for crying out loud ? They are not good, much less title contenders.
[h=5]Good Morning.

As you may have heard, or are hearing now, The Black Mamba is said to have suffered a ruptured/torn Achilles tendon, an injury he suffered last night against the Warriors.

Kobe Bryant just posted the following on his Official Facebook Page:

"This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did this happen ?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!?

How in the world am I supposed to do that??

I have NO CLUE. Do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing? Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that
was. Maybe this is how my book ends. Maybe Father Time has defeated me...Then again maybe not! It's 3:30am, my foot feels like dead weight, my head is spinning from the pain meds and I'm wide awake. Forgive my Venting but what's the purpose of social media if I won't bring it to you Real No Image?? Feels good to vent, let it out. To feel as if THIS is the WORST thing EVER! Because After ALL the venting, a real perspective sets in. There are far greater issues/challenges in the world then a torn achilles. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, find the silver lining and get to work with the same belief, same drive and same conviction as ever.

One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOT that day.

"If you see me in a fight with a bear, prey for the bear". Ive always loved that quote. Thats "mamba mentality" we don't quit, we don't cower, we don't run.

We endure and conquer.

I know it's a long post but I'm Facebook Venting LOL. Maybe now I can actually get some sleep and be excited for surgery tomorrow. First step of a new challenge.

Guess I will be Coach Vino the rest of this season. I have faith in my teammates. They will come thru.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. Much Love Always.

Mamba Out"

This team hadn't made it out of the 2nd round the last two years, and were going out first round this year Kobe or no Kobe.OKC and Miami are so above and beyond the Lakers that there was zero chance they win a title the next couple seasons.Do you guys realize they are battling for the 8th seed for crying out loud ? They are not good, much less title contenders.

Why even play the games?
an Achilles tear is a very very difficult injury to overcome, he is definitely out a full 12 months and probably even more.
At his age and the pounding he takes his effect on the court will be greatly effected.
"If you see me in a fight with a bear, prey for the bear".

One of the greatest spelling errors that I have ever seen. The change in meaning is perfect. This guy is a moron.
Gutted. I dont think hes done. He will go back to the Dr in Germany. The lakers are done. The coach is a clown btw.
Had they got Phil instead of Pringles, this wouldn't have happened.

Think this may make the Lakers more dangerous though, they rally and Dwight the Clown, Pau Jello step up.
how has the coach got anything to do with Kobe's injury? Don't tell me you guys think an Achilles tear is caused by Kobe's minutes
One thing is for damn sure. NBA viewership just took a massive hit.

It's gonna be the absolute worst if Kobe never plays in the league again. But just like Mariano Rivera... I cannot see him going out this way. And when it comes to healing from injuries, I don't put anything past Kobe. This is just another challenge for him.

Lakers ownership should be ashamed of themselves.

why should the lakers ownership be ashamed of themselves????
For putting their personal disputes with Phil Jackson ahead of what was in the best interest of the team.

How a team can take D'antoni over Phil is just unacceptable and downright sad.
For putting their personal disputes with Phil Jackson ahead of what was in the best interest of the team.

How a team can take D'antoni over Phil is just unacceptable and downright sad.

come on now.. sad? lol.. sorry i dont go in the dumps over who the hell is named coach..
wouldnt kobe have busted his achilles if phil was the coach?
come on now.. sad? lol.. sorry i dont go in the dumps over who the hell is named coach..
wouldnt kobe have busted his achilles if phil was the coach?

Maybe, maybe not.

To say that D'Antoni is the reason Kobe tore his Achilles is off-base, but it's true that fatigue can make you more susceptible. Phil doesn't ride the Kobe horse into the ground the way D'Antoni did. D'Antoni is really good at riding guys into the ground.
come on now.. sad? lol.. sorry i dont go in the dumps over who the hell is named coach..
wouldnt kobe have busted his achilles if phil was the coach?

I never said D'antoni is the reason he got injured but theres no way you can tell me he definitely was not at fault. Phil
Jackson would have never been in this position though. I've been against D'antoni and his system ever since he was in NY. He is an awful coach. If you don't care that's your right. I don't give a shit

Just remember when it's all said and done, the lakers chose mike D'antoni over Phil Jackson.
And if it doesn't make you a little emotional that kobe may never play again, you truly are one salty dude
Funny stuff VK

Btw who is hustle_man?

VK (ctg) = hustle_man (blankets)

KowboyKarl (ctg) = L8kersFan74 (blankets)

hustle_man = biggest Kobe hater in the entire universe

L8kersFan74 = biggest Laker fan in the entire universe

Boy we had some good battles over there at blankets back in the day!
Not a chance Kobe retires due to this injury. Does anyone really think that one of the greatest competitors of all time is going to allow himself to "go out" like that? Seriously, the odds have to be like -50,000 that he comes back. Can't believe there are so many guys out there who think he won't.
Maybe we should have the title of this thread changed to "***** Kobe Bryant APPRECIATION Thread *****"... Whatta ya think, VK?