Kiffin's Gettin the Axe Today...


Eagles Fan
Sources: Raiders' Davis to fire Kiffin Monday

It appears the Lane Kiffin experiment in Oakland may really be over this time ... no, really ... seriously.

Kiffin has been informed by Raiders officials that Al Davis intends to remove him as the team's head coach as early as Monday, has learned.

Davis blamed Kiffin for the Raiders' 24-23 loss on Sunday to the Bills, and told his underlings that he will make the move on Monday. This same move was widely reported to be made last Monday and Kiffin survived, although last week began after a victory over the Kansas City Chiefs.
Just scrolled across the bottom line too...Mort is confirming it

Dumb (although inevitable) move in my opinion...they seemed to be playing hard for him at least

Ryan has to be named the new coach, right?
Knew it was coming but they played pretty well the last 2 games...And despite their conservative play call on that last series it still took a last second field goal from a pretty tough Buffalo team to beat them...Interesting Timing
He didnt want to be here

The reason he even went into the season as HC

Its all about Money and a Pissing war.

It all started when Lane went to interview for the Arkansas jobe behind AL's back. After that shit hit the fan.

Imo I happy he's gone wasnt a good HC and imho he's stunting the growth of Russell as QB.

Rob Ryan gonna be named HC for the rest of the season love the dude's fire but his soft zone bullshit defense late in 4th q cost the raiders so many games.
big test for the Raiders next up - they've performed 2 games in a row, which they've done numerous times in recent seasons, but can they go 1 further....
Yes, Throwback Kiffin needs to go, don't understand R. Ryan's failure to attack the QB in so many close games, particularly when you have 2 good corners. Why the cushion? Teams can pitch and catch all day long, and it's not just Denver, Trent Edwards? Who will handle the play-calling?
Lame is begging to get assraped out of Oaktown:

The offense didn't milk the clock late to put the game away.The defense didn't get the stops late. Special teams didn't produce a big return late.

Coach Kiffin (but I still get paid by Granny)

I am not happy with the apparrent firing. When are we going to get some consistency? We pretty much have a new coach every year. Now we are going to name Ryan as coach? I am much more frustrated with him than I am with Kiffin and now he is going to be the head coach? Al Davis has really made the Raiders the joke of the league. Who good is going to ever want to coach for this guy? Who is going to want to come and play for this guy for that matter? As you can tell, I am very frustrated.
Dumb (although inevitable) move in my opinion


They're throwing in the towel on the season. Which they may need to do, but man, what a mess in Oakland.
They should put Al Davis and Matt Millen in a room together. Make it a fight to the death.

Actress and founder of the "Touch" clothing line Alyssa Milano will appear at Raiders at Universal CityWalk on Saturday, October 4, from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

The first 200 fans to purchase a "Touch" clothing item in-store at Raiders at Universal CityWalk from September 29 - October 4 will receive a coupon redeemable for an autograph from Ms. Milano at the event.

Raiders at Universal CityWalk is located at 1000 Universal Studios Blvd., Suite G104B, Universal City, CA 91608.

Ive got sources that says James Lofton will be the interim HC and not Ryan!

Looks like it will be James Lofton the wide outs coach for the time being running the deal in Oakland!
reports are saying rathman or lofton...not ryan...also fassel rumors...throwback and raidertom, i assume you are disregarding these as simply rumors??

i for one hope they make rathman the head coach...ryan can't even handle the pressure as a coordinator as shown with his need stability and an even keel imo at head coach, and he's already shown before the opportunity that he can't handle it. better as a coordinator. rathman is solid
Granny can still keep Lame on the payroll and have him sell peanuts in the stands or demote him to sit in the press box as "consultant". Remember Marcus Allen? Lofton may be an upgrade. I think the internal ongoings with Ryan and Lame are very apparent. Remember Lame wanted Ryan fired and Granny stepped up. The drama continues and we may have a top 10 draft pick again but when can someone COACH? I support my team but this is getting pathetic
sorry iceman; didn't see your post. if lofton is the frontrunner, i guess that's fine too...but all of this along with that horrible buff loss can't be too good for my raiders over 6.5 season total play...or can it?
I concur Vegaskyle, what a LOSER blame all around:

"The offense didn't milk the clock late to put the game away.The defense didn't get the stops late. Special teams didn't produce a big return late.

Coach Kiffin
Why have the Raiders for as long as I can remember, seem to lose in the last 7 minutes of a game?! The D plays GREAT till then...Then Pre-Vent D Starts...

Prevent Defense Prevents Nothing...

“Yeah, it would be nice if we didn’t have to deal with this all the time, but that’s the way it is around here,” Asomugha said, referring to speculation that coach Lane Kiffin will be fired.

“A lot of it you just start to say, it’s unnecessary. We still have a season to play and guys are trying to concentrate."
Al Davis has succeeded in one thing - running that franchise into the ground

But hey, its his team and he can do with it what he pleases i guess
The problem is, we haven't had a coach worth a shit since Gruden. The reason is simple, Al won't pay good money to any good coaches. Also, no established coach would want to work for Al. The only coaches the Raiders can get now are either up and comers over re-treads. Na once the young ones get established, Al will get rid of them either because he has to pay them too much are they are starting to want to put more input into the team.

I know Al has done a lot for the Raiders, but he really is running us into the ground right now. He signs J. Walker and D. Hall to contracts worth a ton of money, but yet our best player on D he Franchises. Now he is going to hire another one of his lackys (please not Ryan) who is probably in over his head. This stuff really makes me sick. I honestly believe the Raiders won't do anything until Davis is gone.

Posted by Michael David Smith on September 22, 2008, 5:01 p.m.
It says something about the current state of the Oakland Raiders that it’s newsworthy when the coach isn’t fired.
But after reports swirled this morning that Raiders coach Lane Kiffin would be out of work by the end of the day, it now appears that Kiffin will live to see another day.
Adam Schefter of NFL Network is reporting that Kiffin will not be fired today. Schefter quotes a Raiders source saying, “There’s nothing happening today. It ain’t happening.”
But Schefter says the same source wouldn’t go so far as to say that Kiffin will be coaching the Raiders on Sunday. And since Tuesday is the usual NFL day off, tomorrow would be a natural day to make a coaching change.
Or maybe Raiders owner Al Davis will keep Kiffin around for one more game, and then fire him a week from today, when the Raiders are heading into their bye week.
In any case, Kiffin is still employed and will apparently to to bed tonight as the head coach of the Oakland Raiders.
I read in the local newspaper that probably next week Kiffin will get the ax, after the SD game because there is a bye week coming up which will allow the new coach time to sort things out. It doesn't matter who is the interim, Al just wants a "yes" man. Love the Raiders but this "senile" owner is ruining the team.
I don't get it .. he gets slammed constantly ... the raiders appeared in super bowl in sixties , won about as many games as anyone in the seventies ,including a bunch of afc championship game appearances and a superbowl ....won 3 superbowls in an 8 year span ( but no one ever says dynasty --and could hae won another if it werent for strike year ). He won two superbowls in the eighties , he went to afc title game in the nineties and went to the superbowl in the 2002-2003 season..... and yet i see eagles fans , browns fans , jags fans and chargers fans ripping on him when their teams have a combined zero superbowls.

Kiffin wants to be paid for work he doesnt do. F him. He takes the job and then immediately wants to interview for other jobs. F him.
There is no question that Al has done a lot for the Raiders and also for the NFL but I really think he is starting to lose it. You must admit that since the Superbowl 5 years ago, he has done some crazy things.

I understand your problems with Kiffin but why not just fire him during the offseason. More importantly, who are they going to hire to replace him. Lofton? Now, there is a circus going on and the players are stuck in the middle. If he is going to fire Kiffin, which he will, get it over with all ready!

I am just a HUGE fan and I am so sick of watching a bad team
The axe finally fell today.

Predictable, Davis says he doesn't intend to pay Kiffin the balance of the contract, much like Shanahan has never been paid.
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As a Raider fan, i'm sick of this situation. As much as Al Davis has done in the past, he is at fault for this. You can't fire somebody then decide not to pay him. It just doesn't work that way. If he wants him gone, then pay him. It happens all the time in all sports.

Now, who the fuck wants to coach the Raiders? Nobody that's good. Your gonna constantly get guys learning on the job. Al needs to give total control of the team to his Head Coach. Either that or come down to the sideline and coach himself.

And what about the impact on the players. They're sick and tired of this bullshit but can't say shit because obviously that's their boss and he writes the check. I'm sure they want to move on but everyday they have to listen to this bullshit. You should hear the bullshit on local sports talk radio. Even the players are getting tired of this, but they just kind of sigh and don't speak their mind.

This Raider team is a decent team. But all this bullshit won't help them get to the next step.
Does this moron think people dont pay attention to what he does?

Who the hell is he gonna get to coach this team after the shit hes pulling?

Nobody worth a damn, thats for sure

Posted by Michael David Smith on September 22, 2008, 5:01 p.m.
It says something about the current state of the Oakland Raiders that it’s newsworthy when the coach isn’t fired.
But after reports swirled this morning that Raiders coach Lane Kiffin would be out of work by the end of the day, it now appears that Kiffin will live to see another day.
Adam Schefter of NFL Network is reporting that Kiffin will not be fired today. Schefter quotes a Raiders source saying, “There’s nothing happening today. It ain’t happening.”
But Schefter says the same source wouldn’t go so far as to say that Kiffin will be coaching the Raiders on Sunday. And since Tuesday is the usual NFL day off, tomorrow would be a natural day to make a coaching change.
Or maybe Raiders owner Al Davis will keep Kiffin around for one more game, and then fire him a week from today, when the Raiders are heading into their bye week.
In any case, Kiffin is still employed and will apparently to to bed tonight as the head coach of the Oakland Raiders.

well they were right..... he was not fired TODAY, they ended up waiting till the next week:36_11_6:
Wow this news conference is kinda weird with Al Davis breaking out an overhead projector and showing the world what he wrote to Lane Kiffen. He's pissed. He's trying to show insubordination in justifying not paying him I believe. This thing is getting intersting...
If Lane has done what Al Davis has said, yeah Lane is wrong. But either way, if you fire somebody, you need to pay him. There's no way around it.
Al Davis has officially lost his fuckin mind

Someone needs to step in and do what they did with Steinbrenner and the Yankees
stfu dude is better most owners in the NFL dude gets a bad rap from the media, Lane Kiffin was trying to make it worse for the media by making up all kinds of BS.
"if you violate any terms of your contract, you will be terminated" according to Al Davis. He's gonna use this to justify not paying him.

Interesting point Al Davis was making early in this news conference is that 5 minutes after he talked to Lane Kiffen, Chris Mortenson of ESPN had the story. I think he's trying to say Kiffen is spilling the beans to ESPN for sympathy....