KAT vs JoJo

Kat, Joel and Simmons all be out 10 games for sure.

Just awesome for my Sixers RSW lol

But, maybe they will gain some value as far as futures? Hmmmm

Something about Pennsylvania athletes these past 2 weeks.


Joel Embiid


That tough guy act ain’t cutting it .... you know what you are.. you know what you’ve always been>>> A PUSSY (SAY IT LOUDER FOR PEOPLE IN THE BACK) Been kicking your ass and pretty please make the playoffs before you talk. It’s a known thing that I OWN YOU. @KarlTowns
KAT would destroy Embid in a 1 on 1 fight. It wouldn't be close.

KAT just seems like a quiet nice guy. Why Embid hangs on his nuts is sort of weird, no?

Embid is a goof ball. A more talented, but also more fragile, version of Dwight Howard.
Wasn't even a 'fight'.

Either way it feels a little contrived.

Association glad it's taken all the wind away from the China-gate stuff.

Benny wasn't even going after PUSSYKAT, chokehold my ass.

Benny's hand was patting PK on the chest, dudes are friends off the court.

Embiid lives for the trashtalk, that's who he is. Dude came out of Cameroon, let him bark.
At the end of the day these are two large millennials stuck in their feelings.

Let them self-destruct on the internets.
Embid quoting broad street bully in his tweets is hilarious. Guy needs to go check out the broad street bully fights.