Just Another Fishy play in the association....


Richmond Local TV Legend
That three by the machine with about .4 seconds left was just dirty.

Playoff officiating has been fishy enough especially surrounding joey crawford...
and now tonight we had some point shaving.

Just another deuchebag move by a faker as the spurs werent fouling and had given up, and the classless fakers decide to rub salt in the wound and drain a wide open uncontested 3.

Thats not something you do to the defending champs.
I hope whoever wins the east sweeps them in the finals, and I know hustle does too:tiphat: But for different reasons.

Coincidently if you had fakers -7.5 you won your wager.
Gee, another point shaving affair by a home team in a playoff game....who would have thunk it?

The ASSOCIATION is downright dirty.

spurs were trying to fouls refs didnt call it , then Boom goes the dynamite !!

when the spurs were bringing it up, yes.

but once the fakers got past midcourt.....they gave up and just stood there after they tried to trap someone in the corner, i forget who it was, and they made that cross court pass to vujacic to get out of the trap.

after that they just stood there and figured the lakers would just run the clock out. thats what most teams would do there

im not mad, i pushed, but it was dirty, and another fishy play in the association

congrats to the fakers, im not saying they cheated or anything i never said that, they won this series in 5 fair and square.

but they still need to win 4 more games, and im hoping boston wins tomorrow since they have the best chance to beat em in the finals

'an_horse'LETS GO CELTS 'an_horse'
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excitement of the moment, crowd going bonkers, puts the icing on the cake

it was VJ putting the tinsel back in the town
Sissy Vujagay still had to make that shot, agreed 99% of the time no one shoots. I was so pissed when he turned the ball over and the Parker 3, up 10, 11, then down to 5!!! NBA is dirty but don't think this one was "scripted" to end this way. I am vindicated for one night's victory, onto tomorrow. Stern has scripted Fakers/Big 3 Finals, big question on Pissons health, $$ups and now The Mask, Rashweed in love with his 3s
btw, I remember a few years back Grant Hill milking the time off to end a game, Magic led by 6, I had -8.5, and hes at the 3 line dribbling away, I'm screaming shoot and with 1 sec left he did and drained it

won't be the last time this shit happens
This isn't the first time Sasha has done that. I think it was last year, while up 10 or so and the opposing team not fouling, he went in for an unnecessary lay-up and the other team got pissed. Kobe had to hold the other team back, but he knew it was wrong of Sasha. After the game ended, Kobe laid into him telling him it was unnecessary. Looks like Sasha can really give a shit about sportsmanship.
The point is well taken but dont think it was scripted by any means . If you go back to the last Laker home game in which they defeated SA by 30 , it should show Luke Walton I believe doing the exact same thing .

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>33.0</TD><TD align=left>71-98</TD><TD align=left>SA</TD><TD align=left>Damon Stoudamire missed Jump Shot</TD></TR><TR class=bg3 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>28.0</TD><TD align=left> </TD><TD align=left>LAL</TD><TD align=left>Defensive Rebound by Luke Walton</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>11.0</TD><TD align=left>71-101</TD><TD align=left>LAL</TD><TD align=left>Luke Walton made 3-pt. Jump Shot, Assist Sasha Vujacic</TD></TR><TR class=bg3 id=noteam vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>0.0</TD><TD align=left colSpan=2>End of period.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

up 27 they could have just let it run out or at least waited till 5 seconds left to chucj up a shot. If you watch LAL they are frsutrating in the sense they play until the final buzzer regardless of score. I say frustrating if yu have an under as I have seen them play the last 2 minutes in blowouts very hard at home.

Which was the real moose 2nd H under . There was a 60 pt cushion. That game did go as scripted as Spurs played a very good 1sr quarter and each quarter thereafter were slowly outplayed until the 4 th quarter came. It was said all series @ NO they coudnt stop NO in the 3rd quarter but this also happened in the last reg season meeting vs these two.

Hell I had LAL 2nd H for 3 units and wish I plaed it for 30 . Once I saw -9 I knew my thoughts were confirmed...books saw the Spurs collapse coming again and were happy to have more Spurs money...hopefully they got middled bad on this one...realize the total missed by 1 or 1.5 pts and the team totals both midded by a point....

Crazy finish but I thought LAL deserved to cover they outplayed SA from the 4 minute mark in the 1st Half when they were down 16 cut to 6 by half and won by so 24 pt swing on 28 minutes....

Tough when ur so close bur SA played 15 great minutes and 33 medicore ones....
Also while its silly both shots put them at a 100 pts . These guys are srill big kids who like to do silly shit like that ....
This isn't the first time Sasha has done that. I think it was last year, while up 10 or so and the opposing team not fouling, he went in for an unnecessary lay-up and the other team got pissed. Kobe had to hold the other team back, but he knew it was wrong of Sasha. After the game ended, Kobe laid into him telling him it was unnecessary. Looks like Sasha can really give a shit about sportsmanship.

Kobe was probably mad because he didn't take the shot himself:36_11_6:

Didnt know that about vujacic, like you said, just proves the guy has no class and doesnt give a fuck about the other side.
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This isn't the first time Sasha has done that. I think it was last year, while up 10 or so and the opposing team not fouling, he went in for an unnecessary lay-up and the other team got pissed. Kobe had to hold the other team back, but he knew it was wrong of Sasha. After the game ended, Kobe laid into him telling him it was unnecessary. Looks like Sasha can really give a shit about sportsmanship.

What is wrong with playing to the last second? I don't get it.

Maybe it's unnecessary, but on the other hand why should the other team care if they lose by 5 or 8. It wasn't even a stat padding, he could have missed the shot. It's worse stat padding picking up the rebound.
1st the Royals give up 5 runs in the top of the 9th the other night, now that little douche bag drains a last second 3...(good thing I had +8). Although the way it was looking, I should feel lucky to get the push I guess...
What is wrong with playing to the last second? I don't get it.

Maybe it's unnecessary, but on the other hand why should the other team care if they lose by 5 or 8. It wasn't even a stat padding, he could have missed the shot. It's worse stat padding picking up the rebound.

I had a whole write up to this, and I deleted it out of a drunk stupor. But. Case in point, it's a code of ethics, that every basketball player with an ounce of respect for the game and his opponent knows and abides to, and those that break it, are not ones worth respect. Period.

If you don't understand the concept of a winning team shooting when the losing team has thrown up the waving flag, then you don't know basketball.

It's not done, when you've got a group of athletes, who by all means have as much or more ego than any other group of males, is willing to succomb to defeat, in any game, lead alone an elimination game that symbolizes the end of their season and everything they have worked all year long for. You respect that, and dribble out the clock.

The only scumbags that shoot in that scenario are those that have 1)no respect for the game. 2)are not worthy of respect 3)care only about stats, and wear chick headbands.

And I didn't bet on the game. But fuck Sasha, with a bitches name, expect only bitch actions.
I had a whole write up to this, and I deleted it out of a drunk stupor. But. Case in point, it's a code of ethics, that every basketball player with an ounce of respect for the game and his opponent knows and abides to, and those that break it, are not ones worth respect. Period.
This seems like nothing more than your personal sentimental opinion.

If you don't understand the concept of a winning team shooting when the losing team has thrown up the waving flag, then you don't know basketball.
Do they ever throw up the flag? The last minute is always full of penalties even if the teams are 10 points apart. How sportsman like is that?

It's not done, when you've got a group of athletes, who by all means have as much or more ego than any other group of males, is willing to succomb to defeat, in any game, lead alone an elimination game that symbolizes the end of their season and everything they have worked all year long for. You respect that, and dribble out the clock.
How about respecting the audience? Losing by 5 or 8 doesn't matter, maybe the "egos" bitch about it, but it REALLY doesn't matter to them.

The only scumbags that shoot in that scenario are those that have 1)no respect for the game. 2)are not worthy of respect 3)care only about stats, and wear chick headbands.

And I didn't bet on the game. But fuck Sasha, with a bitches name, expect only bitch actions.
I would be bitter if I had Spurs +7.5, but otherwise I would just compliment the guy for hitting a difficult shot.
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What is wrong with playing to the last second? I don't get it.

Maybe it's unnecessary, but on the other hand why should the other team care if they lose by 5 or 8. It wasn't even a stat padding, he could have missed the shot. It's worse stat padding picking up the rebound.

That's exactly what it is, actually.

Stat Padding.

Any 3 point shooter like vujacic would rather take a wide-open look from 3, at home, with no one challenging or even within 6 inches of you......
instead of coming off a screen or pulling up and hitting, which are much more difficult shots.

Plenty of time and space to step back, square up, and knock down an easy look from behind the arc.

The fact that the spurs had just given up and were standing around not moving. vujacic was the only one still playing, deliberately stepped back behind the 3 point line, and still took the shot.
It was a deuchebag move, no matter how you want to look at it.

This seems like nothing more than your personal sentimental opinion.

Do they ever throw up the flag? The last minute is always full of penalties even if the teams are 10 points apart. How sportsman like is that?

How about respecting the audience? Losing by 5 or 8 doesn't matter, maybe the "egos" bitch about it, but it REALLY doesn't matter to them.

I would be bitter if I had Spurs +7.5, but otherwise I would just compliment the guy for hitting a difficult shot.

Well, you just don't get it, oh well.
It was excellent sportsmanship and respect of the game that Vujacic played until the buzzer.

If the Spurs wouldn't shake a winner's hand after the game, now THAT'S poor sportsmanship.

How bizarre that many say they wished Horry decked Vujacic after the shot. Horry is a scumbag, and has nothing to teach anyone about sportsmanship.
It was excellent sportsmanship and respect of the game that Vujacic played until the buzzer.

If the Spurs wouldn't shake a winner's hand after the game, now THAT'S poor sportsmanship.

How bizarre that many say they wished Horry decked Vujacic after the shot. Horry is a scumbag, and has nothing to teach anyone about sportsmanship.

You got to be kidding me? The game was over. There was no reason to shoot that and that's the bottom line. If you can't understand that, there's no sense in anybody explaining it to you.

With that said, go Lakers!!!! Hope they sweep whoever comes out of the east.
You got to be kidding me? The game was over. There was no reason to shoot that and that's the bottom line. If you can't understand that, there's no sense in anybody explaining it to you.

With that said, go Lakers!!!! Hope they sweep whoever comes out of the east.

that shit was almost as dirty as that stache of yours
imo shooting at the end would in like in football. up 18 at the 30yrd line with 30 seconds left and going for it. the game is over. Teams dont do this in football because every player will get decked and hurt for doing so.
Teams dont do this in football because every player will get decked and hurt for doing so.
Is this a reason? Do you think it is legitimate to commit violence against other players because they show off a little? Why isn't it ok for the winners to beat their chest, they worked hard for it? Why should football (a contact sport where it is stupid to needlessly risk your players' health on a new scoring play, when you can spike the ball) make precedence for basketball?

As gamblers, do we really have an interest in the bad teams covering the spread, because the superior teams don't want to (or are afraid of) putting on a show? I say this "moral code" is ridiculous.
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Wikeman, with all due respect, I think you're buying too much into that hipcheck from last season (a deserved suspension for Horry).

this guy was never a dirty player, and he played for Houston, Lakers and now the Spurs. When was he consistently dirty, much less a scumbag?

I dislike what Bowen does too, but Horry? ONE hipcheck in what, 16 seasons and he's a scumbag for life?

Also, I already said what I think about Saša's shot.

Had it not been for the "cover or not to cover" situation NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would ever write about it. Give the guy a break, this shit happens more than some here want to admit, but it's not that likely it decides whether you'll win a bet or not.

And oh yeah, the Spurs did stop playing, but they still challenged the pass. Can't be arsed to check but I think it was Manu or Oberto who jumped in order to intercept the pass.

At the same time SOME SA players quit playing, stand around, ready to shake Lakers' hands, etc...

Then they see Saša with the ball and yeah, I did say if I was Saša, ESPECIALLY SINCE THIS HAS HAPPENED TO HIM ALREADY, and Kobe did react in his defense but must have told him it was the wrong thing to do...but the Spurs didn't contest the shot then. Even if they did, he would still have been able to shoot without any distractions, as all SA players were too far.

So I'm torn on this one, and will say I think BOTH sides here exaggerate BIG TIME.

And the reason they exaggerate is because the cover came down to this last shot.

Btw, this has to be the ONLY sport where you will get shit for doing what Saša did.

ONLY ONE. Soccer, as you call it. No way does a team quit and wait for the final whistle, ever. Even if they can't score they keep playing UNTIL THE WHISTLE.

hockey, imagine a player shot the puck with 3 secs on the clock and it goes in. Would they ever tell him "oh but you don't do that we just stood around".

I do think he shouldn't have taken the shot, but it's nowhere this drastic or this much of a big deal as some here make it seem. yeah he shot the shot, I'd roll my eyes at it, but surely not make the guy a culprit for everything.
I agree with Satyr. It was a split second thing and although the "unwritten rules" state he should not take the shot, that doesn't mean it was such a horrible thing. 5 seconds before the shot the Spurs WERE trying to foul and extend the game. I would have shot the ball as well to make sure the game was on ice. We've all seen what can happen at the end of games even with <20seconds to go and the team is up by 3 scores...

More power to him for making the shot. He played hard during the game and deserved to hit it.

Now if I had money on the game, I might feel a little differently, but the fact remains that it wasn't a "dirty play" in my eyes.

Some players will always take that shot (antwann walker comes to mind) whereas others will not.
Thanks Satyr and gpcyan3 for your thoughtful perspective, we are not far apart, and I think we would easily iron out our differences over a cold beer:cheers:

About football, we all remember a similar debate about the Patriots being "classless" for blowing out the opponents. Several posters (I think it was only on Blankets) said they hoped that the other teams would *deliberately* hurt Tom Brady or other stars on the team.

Belichick and his team did not let themselves be bullied by such talk. Props to them for having the mens' courage to continue blowing opponents out.
And props to the other teams for not doing any dirty work, it would have hurt the NFL very much if they had.

I think those calling for violent revenge acts in sports deserve to be banned from sports forums.
wikeman, i think i took a bit far with the point shaving, but the point still stands that the shot was un-caled for and a pretty low blow since the spurs quit playing.

bottom line.

taking it farther, i personalyl believe it was for stat padding.
but thats neither here nor there. if youu dont agree, we can agree to disagree

but you know no one on here is like the average blankets poster, wishing hurt upon a athlete is disgusting and despicable.

you wouldnt get that from anyone on here man thats fucking sick.
the taco's thing is actually when they hold the opponent under 100, but its a good thought.

the way sasha was flailing his arms tryin to get the ball so he could get the shot off before the buzzer, im thinkin he either knew the line and wanted to redeem himself for throwing the ball away and the lakers cover OR he just wanted to leave the game on a make since he hadn't really shot well in the game (or the series) up to that point.
and also, whats funny about this is that in a midseason game at staples, lakers vs. spurs (the one manu didn't play in), the lakers were 5.5 point favs I think, and laker backers got moosed by a last second meaningless shot by the spurs after it looked like the lakers had the cover locked up.

strange how things even out like that.