January In-Game

Four shots for Man U the entire game. God I hope Spurs come back just to wipe that smirk off SAF's face...

I was not expecting that

after Deuce and Defoe's misses earlier on clear chances I thought we were headed for a loss

absolutely dominated the game

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/29JhvCkfEAw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Hopefully I can find a GIF of this, but the striker from Deportes Iquique slipped and fell while he had a shot at the wide open net just before the half. Which would be funny if not for the fact the exact same thing happened to me a few times during my bad stretch in the summer. History repeating...
Hugh, wtf is Leon's problem? Pricks need to score.
The worst possible thing that could have happened was Iquique scoring first... Still, that doesn't excuse Leon from over complicating things with a million passes instead of just shooting the freaking ball (the only thing in soccer that pisses me off more than that is when you see them kick it back to the keeper - that's usually your first sign you're not going to get your over...)
what an absolute piece of shit

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