January 2014 In-game

Hey Mikey,I watched Sharapova earlier,shes fade material,the American could of turned her over

Yeap both Sharapova and Azarenka looked like dog shit, infact most of the big seeds were crap, you know what a big moose job was?
Radwanska -7.5, she won first set 6-0 and proceeded to fuck around winning second set 7-6…..tell me how the fuck do you do that?
So, from the article, looks like lions are a straight fade. let me see if I can find some odds, my normal book doesn't have it
Probably gonna stay away from FA Cup games. Fulham is kind of a disaster tho.
I do like Peterborough, Sheffield Wed and Watford, that may be worth a trixie for bits and pieces

I did play over in the Italy cup game today. Sure fire loser there.
Kinda like Wolves fucking me the past month, pure ass raping.
Yeah, I would love to trade tennis, just not an option. Seems a good way to kill a boring afternoon.
WTA is very hard to predict, Sharapova can go from losing a set where she can't serve to save her life to suddenly ace after ace. Not sure it's as dodgy as Men's tennis though.
I basically trade to reach targets on my spreadsheet. All trades are put in at prices I want and I go to bed. I've started a new spreadsheet (just to show how I do it to my sister's bf) and the first targets are not worth the effort but it's a learning curve.
I seem to be talking normal today and have swallowed a dictionary, hang on.

Fuck cunt big hairy biscuit nuts, Kiss my ass.

That's better.
played a small trixie on the cup games I mentioned above (all on -1 handicap). why? why the fuck not. Pays like 3:1
Parma ML may be worth a nibble too. LAzio lineup is not that great.
Lazio (4-2-3-1): Berisha, Konko, Novaretti, Ciani, Radu, Biglia, Onazi, F.Anderson , Ederson, Keita , Perea.
Cassano used to play at Inter and AC Milan. Good player. Think he is Parma's leading scorer.
Lazio lineup is not strong.
gonna be 2-1 today
sorry,just waiting on team,need Dennis and Jevons on the sheet,they will be,but in this league sometimes players dont turn up or get stuck in traffic,allsorts of bs goes on
Stockport County@SCFCmedia<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px; right: 15px;">20m</small>
Starting XI - Ormson, Jacobs, Duxbury, Platt, Fagbola, Cowen, Moses, Churchman, Dennis, Jevons, Howard.