It's Mock Draft Season/Combines/Rumors Etc Thread...

I think Mayfield is going to be the pick.

There isn't a snowball's chance in hell Mayfield is taken 3rd, Brewers. Macagnan's entire future and this gamble to move up cannot be a risk on an undersized QB...not at 3. If they were in the 10-19 spot, maybe...but at 3....they're taking one of the Josh's or Sam. Mayfield at 3 would be insanity. And I like the kid...just not at the 3 pick.
I think baker is gonna be romo lite, but ya you cant take him at 3, just from a value standpoint

If hes your guy you drop past 10 imo, pick up some extra picks
I've even seen mocks with Denver taking him at 5 or Zona moving up to 6 or even Buffalo getting into the 4 to grab him...but I have yet to see a single projection for him to go anywhere in the top 3 QBs taken. Someone is going to overpay hugely for a QB at 4 or below. The Jets are guaranteed as solid a guy as you can hope for regardless of who is left on the board at 3.

But agree, teeed, can't take Baker before any of the other 3.
There isn't a snowball's chance in hell Mayfield is taken 3rd, Brewers. Macagnan's entire future and this gamble to move up cannot be a risk on an undersized QB...not at 3. If they were in the 10-19 spot, maybe...but at 3....they're taking one of the Josh's or Sam. Mayfield at 3 would be insanity. And I like the kid...just not at the 3 pick.

Cimini who is the most plugged in Jets reporter said today that he thinks the Jets would pick Mayfield over Rosen. Earlier in the offseason he didn't think there was any chance that the Jets would pick him at all. Cimini is the one who said they were going to draft Hackenberg and he is the one guy that covers the team who knows what he is talking about.

I am pretty much ok with any of the top 4 QBs but I have Mayfield second after Darnold and ahead of Rosen and Allen. As for him being available in the 10-19 range I don't think there is a chance of him lasting past 5 or so. I fully expect 4 QBs in the top 10.
I think baker is gonna be romo lite, but ya you cant take him at 3, just from a value standpoint

If hes your guy you drop past 10 imo, pick up some extra picks

I just can't see Mayfield lasting past the top 10. With so many teams desperate for QBs all 4 of the top guys will be picked very early.
I am ok if the Jets picked Allen over Mayfield but I think Allen is the biggest risk amongst the 4 QBs. Is Maccagnan really willing to lay his job on the line on a QB as inaccurate as Allen was at Wyoming. The upside is very tantalizing but a guy like Maccagnan who has shown no ability to identify talent especially at the QB position can't really afford to roll the dice on such a risky proposition.
Cimini who is the most plugged in Jets reporter said today that he thinks the Jets would pick Mayfield over Rosen. Earlier in the offseason he didn't think there was any chance that the Jets would pick him at all. Cimini is the one who said they were going to draft Hackenberg and he is the one guy that covers the team who knows what he is talking about.

I am pretty much ok with any of the top 4 QBs but I have Mayfield second after Darnold and ahead of Rosen and Allen. As for him being available in the 10-19 range I don't think there is a chance of him lasting past 5 or so. I fully expect 4 QBs in the top 10.

Cimini the veteran who may know the team's long-timers the best...but Manish Mehta without question is the most in-the-know reporter on the Jets the last 3 years or so since he's been the NYDN's beat writer. Hell, he had scoops on Rex and his staff nobody was even close to knowing.

But to be fair, he's the first guy I've seen with Mayfield taken anywhere in the Top 3. Albeit, he says he thinks Rosen should clearly be the pick (and he is assuming a trade as well). If the Jets take Mayfield over Rosen, I may never watch this team again as they have proven they are an inept front office taking a very small QB and giving up a ton to get him where as they could've gotten him for much cheaper if that is indeed their guy. Fuck this franchise...they are a bunch of asshats. Do SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Cimini the veteran who may know the team's long-timers the best...but Manish Mehta without question is the most in-the-know reporter on the Jets the last 3 years or so since he's been the NYDN's beat writer. Hell, he had scoops on Rex and his staff nobody was even close to knowing.

But to be fair, he's the first guy I've seen with Mayfield taken anywhere in the Top 3. Albeit, he says he thinks Rosen should clearly be the pick (and he is assuming a trade as well). If the Jets take Mayfield over Rosen, I may never watch this team again as they have proven they are an inept front office taking a very small QB and giving up a ton to get him where as they could've gotten him for much cheaper if that is indeed their guy. Fuck this franchise...they are a bunch of asshats. Do SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE...PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Mehta was given all his info from Mike Pettine when he was the Jets DC who was bitter at the time that Rex took away his playcalling. Since then Mehta has been on a couple of things but I think Cimini is overall more reliable. They both think the Jets are going to end up with Mayfield so it just might happen.

Honestly I go back and forth on who I want the Jets to pick. I can be sold on any of the 4 QBs but I totally understand why you don't want to take a chance on a short QB if a prototypical guy like Rosen is still on the board. One thing we can say is that the Jets will probably find a way to screw this up because well they are the Jets after all.
Mehta was given all his info from Mike Pettine when he was the Jets DC who was bitter at the time that Rex took away his playcalling. Since then Mehta has been on a couple of things but I think Cimini is overall more reliable. They both think the Jets are going to end up with Mayfield so it just might happen.

Honestly I go back and forth on who I want the Jets to pick. I can be sold on any of the 4 QBs but I totally understand why you don't want to take a chance on a short QB if a prototypical guy like Rosen is still on the board. One thing we can say is that the Jets will probably find a way to screw this up because well they are the Jets after all.

100% agree.

And that is the reason why by week 3 every other year our team chant is... J-E-T-S! Just-end-the-season.
All these QBs are major busts waiting to happen except for maybe Darnold and Mayfield.

Allen is not accurate enough but the brainless nfl scouts love measurements as if during a game hand size or arm strength matters? Allen looks the part but doesent have the moxy.

Rosen has a bad shoulder that prevented him from his real love tennis.
He is also from a wealthy family and has many interests outside of football.
Kids from rich families generally don’t make a living taking a beating in the nfl.
He has also already taken a severe beating during his college career.

Lamar Jackson- completely inaccurate Qb. Elite athlete with speed quickness. However this guy is cfl caliber qb not nfl.
He will get hit a few times and those legs will become heavier and his legs can get you drafted but has any Qb ever came into the league and been too hard to stop running? Not a chance.

Darnold is hit or miss. Seems like a good kid. Has moxy. But seems inconsistent. He could be great or a bust.

I think at the end of the day Baker Mayfield is clearly the best QB in this draft and I don’t think it’s really close even.

A guy with a ton brady like story. Walks on and wins starting job. Has incredible moxy. Has a good arm with lower body power.

Just like russel mayfield has a thick square body.
Mayfield can throw on the run . Can throw short intermediate-
I think it was pretty telling about what Mora said about Rosen

I also don’t see how you could take Allen over him
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I think it was pretty telling about what Mora said about Mora

I also don’t see how you could take Allen over him

It would definitely have me concerned when a college coach throws his QB under the bus like Mora has done to Rosen. Its why I would pick Mayfield over him but I have gone back and forth so many times with these guys that I don't have a clear preference. Allen is the guy out of the top 4 that scares me the most; if it clicks he will be the best of the 4 but he could easily end up being a total bust.
I think you will eventually embrace the pick.
If they mortgaged the future on an undersized QB from a conference with no defense who relies on his legs...I’ll bet he’ll be more like the 99% of guys in that same mold who have failed rather than the guys in the less than 1% like Brees and Russ.

It would set the be another colossally suidcical mistake by a franchise run and owned by idiots.
If they mortgaged the future on an undersized QB from a conference with no defense who relies on his legs...I’ll bet he’ll be more like the 99% of guys in that same mold who have failed rather than the guys in the less than 1% like Brees and Russ.

It would set the be another colossally suidcical mistake by a franchise run and owned by idiots.

Mayfield has shown his worth against legitimate defenses like Ohio State and Georgia. I agree with you that there is risk with him but there are also risks with the other 3 top QBs. Darnold was a turnover machine last season, Rosen has had multiple concussions and seems as likeable as Jay Cutler, and Allen has never completed 60% of his passes in a season in his life.

I think arguments can be made for and against all of these guys but the one guy I just can't see the Jets taking a risk on is Allen after the collossal failure that Hackenberg was. I am good with any of the other three but kind of hope that Mayfield is the guy because I think this organization could use a guy with his attitude and determination.
I will be extremely disappointed if the Jets don't end up with either Darnold or Mayfield. I like Rosen as a player but his attitude completely turns me off and the multiple concussions make him quite risky. Allen has the best arm but is completely inaccurate and needs a good organization to develop him which is clearly not the Jets.
I really want Rosen of the four, find his attitude refreshing but of course the durability is the question. Like the swagger and of course the arm. Pretty sure Cards would have to mortgage a ton to move up that high tho
I really want Rosen of the four, find his attitude refreshing but of course the durability is the question. Like the swagger and of course the arm. Pretty sure Cards would have to mortgage a ton to move up that high tho

The Cards really need to make a bold move and get a QB. They are in a division where every team is settled at the position while Arizona has nothing.
Really interesting draft though with all the qbs and nothing really known

There should be value on some draft props but its tough trying to knock down to a few plays

Excited for Thursday
Mayfield stuff feels like smoke coming so close

I think him going 2, 5, or 6 more likely

McCloughan did an interview before Cleveland hired him where he was gushing about how great he thought Mayfield was. Now Dorsey is the final decision maker but this guy does have a say. As for where Mayfield gets drafted if the Browns don't pick him there is no chance whatsoever that the Giants at 2 would pick him. The Jets at 3 could be the landing spot with them looking for a guy to excite the fan base and sell tickets.
All I know is that I was going to bet on Mayfield at +2500 and never pulled the trigger so I really hope he doesn't go number one.
McCloughan did an interview before Cleveland hired him where he was gushing about how great he thought Mayfield was. Now Dorsey is the final decision maker but this guy does have a say. As for where Mayfield gets drafted if the Browns don't pick him there is no chance whatsoever that the Giants at 2 would pick him. The Jets at 3 could be the landing spot with them looking for a guy to excite the fan base and sell tickets.

Brewers, my Jets brother...

Name me ONE successful Big 12 NFL quarterback taken this high? me one successful QB from this no-defense conference!!!! Is it any of the following?

Sam Bradford (same system)?
Robert Griffin III (may be dead by now because he relied so much on his legs)?
Brandon Weeden?
Andy Dalton?
Marc Bulger?
Geno Smith?
Vince Young?
Colt McCoy?
Chris Simms?
Josh Freeman?

Taking Mayfield at the 3 pick is a DEATH WISH. Most of his big plays were dependent on his legs and NFL defensive speed will get him killed if he tries rolling out. Not counting the fact of how good his WR/TE/RB combos were in catching passes that were broken for 60 yards after the catch.

Please for the love of Joe Willie...realize that this conference has NEVER turned out a franchise QB. WHY WOULD THIS START WITH AN UNDERSIZED GUY WITH A HUGE EGO NOW?

Those guys playing QB in the B12 are all throwers at the QB position....fuck, Bryce Petty HAD TO LEARN HOW TO FUNCTION ACTUALLY GETTING INTO A HUDDLE!

Fail with a 6-5 guy who can make every throw. Not a 6 foot guy you hope to be the next coming of Brees/Russ. That's all I'm saying.
Brewers, my Jets brother...

Name me ONE successful Big 12 NFL quarterback taken this high? me one successful QB from this no-defense conference!!!! Is it any of the following?

Sam Bradford (same system)?
Robert Griffin III (may be dead by now because he relied so much on his legs)?
Brandon Weeden?
Andy Dalton?
Marc Bulger?
Geno Smith?
Vince Young?
Colt McCoy?
Chris Simms?
Josh Freeman?

Taking Mayfield at the 3 pick is a DEATH WISH. Most of his big plays were dependent on his legs and NFL defensive speed will get him killed if he tries rolling out. Not counting the fact of how good his WR/TE/RB combos were in catching passes that were broken for 60 yards after the catch.

Please for the love of Joe Willie...realize that this conference has NEVER turned out a franchise QB. WHY WOULD THIS START WITH AN UNDERSIZED GUY WITH A HUGE EGO NOW?


All I know is I pretty much watched all of his games and he threw receivers open. Baker played well against two great defenses in Ohio State and Georgia. I realize he has his risks but I think he will be a great NFL QB.

Ok now that I have that out of the way I know that you are high on Josh Allen. How do you explain his low completion percentage and how is he not an even riskier proposition than Mayfield. Really all 4 of these guys have potential issues; Darnold has turnover problems, Rosen has had multiple concussions and attittude problems, Mayfield is short and played against mostly weak defenses and Allen has never completed a high enough percentage of his throws.

I don't see this as a Peyton Manning vs Ryan Leaf decision. I can really be convinced on 3 of these QBs and my order of preference is Darnold, Mayfield, Rosen with Allen a very distant fourth.
Those guys playing QB in the B12 are all throwers at the QB position....fuck, Bryce Petty HAD TO LEARN HOW TO FUNCTION ACTUALLY GETTING INTO A HUDDLE!

Fail with a 6-5 guy who can make every throw. Not a 6 foot guy you hope to be the next coming of Brees/Russ. That's all I'm saying.

Josh Allen has shown no ability to make the throws on any consistent level. I understand wanting Darnold or Rosen over Mayfield but Allen is a risk that should be taken by a good organization not one as inept as our favorite team.
Wyoming doesn't throw screen passes, that contributes to high percentages for virtually every QB. They don't do it.
Wyoming doesn't throw screen passes, that contributes to high percentages for virtually every QB. They don't do it.

I am way too lazy to look it up but I read an article a few weeks ago that analyzed all the QBs by dificulty of throws and Allen did not have to make more difficult throws on average vs the rest of the top QBs in the draft.

He clearly has the biggest arm and a lot of upside but he also has the biggest chance of being a complete bust.
All I know is I pretty much watched all of his games and he threw receivers open. Baker played well against two great defenses in Ohio State and Georgia. I realize he has his risks but I think he will be a great NFL QB.

He threw his receivers open because he does have athletic ability but also because the defensive speed wasn't there to close the 8 seconds he'd have to throw someone open. That doesn't exist in the big boy league.

Big 12 quarterbacks are throwers...not passers.

Name the best NFL QB ever that came from a spread college offense?

Cam Newton is the best guy I can name. Now go through the colossal list of failures. It is fucking staggering to compare failures vs. success stories.

Josh Allen has shown no ability to make the throws on any consistent level. I understand wanting Darnold or Rosen over Mayfield but Allen is a risk that should be taken by a good organization not one as inept as our favorite team.

Here is my thing. I don't care if it's Darnold or Rosen or Allen...but NFL championships are won with POCKET PASSERS. Those guys are all that with Darnold having more scrambling ability while being able to pass from the pocket.

Personally, if I'm ranking them, I go Darnold, Rosen, Allen, Mayfield.

I can live with any of those 3 guys from dropback pro-style offenses moreso than ANOTHER Big 12 thrower trying to learn he has to stay in the pocket and not try to run.

I will lose my mind if they bank on a prayer of a Big 12 miracle. I'll live if one of the other guys fail.
Well a quality QB does have to throw touch passes, not sure how he'll fare there. Was surrounded with complete dogshit last season all over the offense so tough to gauge
Well a quality QB does have to throw touch passes, not sure how he'll fare there. Was surrounded with complete dogshit last season all over the offense so tough to gauge

Wyoming had much better talent around Allen the previous season and his numbers weren't any better.
McCloughan did an interview before Cleveland hired him where he was gushing about how great he thought Mayfield was. Now Dorsey is the final decision maker but this guy does have a say. As for where Mayfield gets drafted if the Browns don't pick him there is no chance whatsoever that the Giants at 2 would pick him. The Jets at 3 could be the landing spot with them looking for a guy to excite the fan base and sell tickets.
Ya would be a trade at 2 if someome thinks jets will take him and badly want

5 and 6 could be traces too
Hey guys - this fella has done the work so you don't have to. https://d3d2maoophos6y.cloudfront.n...71800/2018-Contextualized-Quarterbacking3.pdf

I think Josh Allen will likely score most of his fantasy points as a pass catcher in a few years where he moves to TE like Logan Thomas. It would take considerable amount of growth for a player that hasn't ever completed 60% of his passes since JV football to all of a sudden get accurate at the NFL level.
Also - I havent read the entire thread, so forgive me, but I saw some Baker chatter earlier. I would be very surprsied if he makes it past the Jets at 3.
And DP with his sources this morning said Jets are down to Darnold or Rosen

Again it's just a hot mess at the top
And DP with his sources this morning said Jets are down to Darnold or Rosen

Again it's just a hot mess at the top

Honestly, this is the most fun draft I can remember with all of the potential wheeling and dealing still unknown. Plus these QB's all have their pluses and minuses. Going to be great television on Thursday night for sure.

And CK...awesome link...thanks for that.