Is Pete Carroll not running with Lynch the biggest SB choke ever?

Another series of tragedies and travesties that is completly fitting to the end of a fucked up 2014 playoffs and also a fitting ending to the whole fucken ridiculous 2014 season that started with the Ray fucken Rice Goodell fiasco and wrapped it up with deflate mother fucken gate what a wicked pissa ,Fuck you NFL.

IMO SEA expected NE to call a time out and when they didn't that led to a series of bad decisions. I have to think if NE calls a TO (stating the obvious here?) SEA would of had a better play call and scored I would love to know the real reason why BB did not call the time out. SEA burning the time out after the kearse catch hurts them.

If Belichek believes he has the right players on the field, why would he call a timeout - beyond saving time for his offense.
If Belichek believes he has the right players on the field, why would he call a timeout - beyond saving time for his offense.

thats the crux of it, real time decisions, Bellichek didnt flinch, one of the most moving sports moments (whole game/4th qtr really) of my life and I had no dog in fight, except Wilson prop of not throwing a pick, glad it was for only 200
I believe most coaches call a time out there to conserve time for there offense to atleast get in FG range. What is his advantage of not calling a TO with 50 seconds left
Nope. It becomes a buncha chatter about how much an idiot Bill is for not using his timeouts.

Funny how that works.
Butler is not getting enough credit. Amazing how he flattened Lockette while keeping in balance and with perfect control of the interception. Priceless!!

Belichick's decision not to take a timeout can be defended, it did work to rush Seattle, and the timeouts could always be spent later anyway.

How does Caroll not run I don't know, I don't think Brady would have any substantial chance with 30 seconds and his weak long throw.
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awesome compilation. so many good reactions haha. And for the dudes crying, they need their man card revoked asap.
There is one other thing about that particular play call that I think needs mentioning. Let's say Butler drives on that play but can't make a play on the ball ... It looks like he would have still stopped Lockette short of the EZ. I mean .. if you are passing there, which is disgustingly bad, you have to at least make sure the play is thrown to the endzone. There is a chance of that being caught and you having to use your timeout anyway. It is such a bad play call that words cannot describe it.

Get beyond the he should have run part ...

1. If you are passing how can you possibly do it without making a play fake to Lynch? How can a play action not be the obvious way to approach it there for the OC?
2. How do you call a pass that is to be thrown to a guy short of the EZ in that spot?
3. How can you call a play that goes to a crowded part of the field.
4. How can you call a play that requires a hard thrown ball to someone that close to the QB? Those are the types of plays that result in balls off the WR's hands and up into the air.

It's not just bad in that it wasn't a run .. it was a horrible call in every way possible other than having a fairly trustworthy QB.
From the Boston police dept...


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7:40pm - 2 Feb 15
The more I think about it, the more I agree with Alex a whole bunch of posts above.

It was a terrible, terrible play call. All of us probably said that the second of the interception if not a second before it when Wilson dropped back. But NFL teams do throw there all the time, it's a league of smartest-guy-in-the-room guys. Slant was a weird choice, he probably thought he was being super smart. Some play has to go down in infamy until the next one, why not this one?

Harder to explain BB not calling the timeout before the interception. I can't explain that decision to let the clock run.
Usually Belichick and staff are pretty good at clock management and field position decisions and challenges, etc ... Am I right, or just buying into false legend? I don't watch every game but the Pats are always on TV, and he seems to usually nail that type of stuff. Almost wonder if he was kind of resigned to the loss after the miracle catch and then 2nd-and-1.
as a lifelong Seahawks fan, that's going to take a while to shake off. Of course you run the damn ball. (imo)
I love that a play that Brady wasn't involved in has such a huge bearing on the way he is seen. Because Seattle fails to score, he is now equal to Joe Montana. The silliness of human beings is beyond words.
You could play that game with any number of athletes and moments in sports history.

Brady is 4-2 in Super Bowls. He could easily be 0-6, or 6-0. Just the way it is, you're right.
I forget if I saw it here or somewhere else, but that was the first pick on the one yard line all season.
Wonder if it was the first slant from the one yard line. What's done is done.
Brady is 4-2 in Super Bowls. He could easily be 0-6, or 6-0. Just the way it is, you're right.

Saint Louis never looked like winners (but then NE shouldn't have been there due to the tuck rule BS).

Philadelphia never looked like winners.

Carolina did (they panicked at the end), Seattle - what's to say.

Giants could easily have split 1-1.

An accurate reflection for me would be a 3-2/2-3 record (losses: SEA, NYG - wins: NYG, PHI - toss-up: CAR).

Still, there's little doubt he'd trade any 1 of his 4 wins for that 19-0 season. Good ole David Tyree.
I love that a play that Brady wasn't involved in has such a huge bearing on the way he is seen. Because Seattle fails to score, he is now equal to Joe Montana. The silliness of human beings is beyond words.
True. But I'm glad the rivalry between Manning and Brady is forever settled now.
I think this guy was a fan of the call...

[h=1]Bill Belichick explains decision not to take timeout at end of Super Bowl[/h]
After the ball was snapped with 1:06 remaining and running back Marshawn Lynch advanced the ball to the 1, the clock ticked down to 26 seconds before the next play, Butler’s interception. This would have cost the Patriots precious time on offense had Seattle scored.

So why no timeout?

During his weekly appearance on sports radio WEEI, Belichick said he considered a timeout but decided against it after seeing what personnel Seattle brought on to the field (3 receivers).

“We put our goal-line defense in probably around the same time they were sending in their multiple receiver group, and that’s kind of what we wanted to be in there, to make sure they didn’t run the ball in,” Belichick said.

“I’d like to think had they tried to run the ball against our goal-line defense, with three receivers on the field -- we couldn’t ask for any more than that in terms of trying to stop the running game. We saw that matchup and we certainly gave some consideration to taking a timeout there and leaving some time on the clock. I don’t know if that would have been a bad thing to do. It might have been a good thing to do.

“But it just seemed like in the flow of the game that we were OK with where we were.”

Then Belichick brought up an interesting wrinkle that few who aren’t involved in game-day communication might have considered: With more media on the field for the end of the game to capture the postgame scene, sometimes communication systems that teams use can be affected.

Belichick mentioned Super Bowl XLII against the Giants, saying that happened to the Patriots at the end of that game.

“All the TVs and everything go down on the field right at the end of the game, then your communication systems that were working OK during the game then break down at the end. That was the same thing that happened in '07. I thought that the signaling and the communication by [defensive coordinator] Matt Patricia and the defensive players, in order to get those subs on and off, was really good. We handled that part of it well.

“Then Malcolm made a great play on the two under three route. That’s pretty much what happened from our end.”

He also mentions that if Brownard doesnt Jam his guy on the line, the Butler play doesnt happen..