Is Pete Carroll not running with Lynch the biggest SB choke ever?

I still can't believe that play call...and that Petey is admitting he was wasting a play there, makes it even worse
Great Football Game.........

The decision to pass wasn't that bad.......kid made a great play on the ball......everything easy in hindsight

Yes it was. Utter stupidity. Not hindsight when everyone and I mean everyone was going WTF as it happened when Lynch or even Wilson didn't run the ball on that play.

As if calling a pass play wasn't bad enough, but to call a throw into the middle with heavy traffic ? Inexcusable.
(on if the players talked about not giving Lynch the ball) "No. People got in there screaming, hollering, ‘Why not run the ball?' Stuff like that, but like I said, nothing we could do. We've just got to come together. We lost. We've got to come together. When we win, we come together. At the end of the day, we're going to be good."


(on how the players are dealing with Seattle's decision to throw the ball in the red zone at the end of the game) "I don't know. We've got (RB) Marshawn Lynch, one of the best running backs in the league. Everybody makes their decisions, and unfortunately, we didn't give him the ball."


(on how he felt when Seattle didn't give the ball to running back Marshawn Lynch on quarterback Russell Wilson's goal line interception) "We had it. I don't understand how you don't give it to the best back in the league on not even the one-yard line. We were on the half-yard line, and we throw a slant. I don't know what the offense had going on, what they saw. I just don't understand."


(on if he was surprised running back Marshawn Lynch didn't get) "Things happen for a reason. That happened for a reason."

(on how Seattle processed the play call on quarterback Russell Wilson's goal-line interception) "Things happen for a reason. A play was called. Anytime you get a play called, you just have to execute it. It is what it is. The game is over. You've just got to execute plays."


(on if he is surprised by the final play call) "No, we have great coaches and great players. Sometimes things don't work like you want them to."


(on if he was surprised to run a pass play that close to goal line) "Honestly, I have full confidence in our offensive coordinator, I have full confidence in our quarterback and our offensive line's ability to protect as well, too. Today we just came up short. So obviously as an offensive lineman you want to run the ball, but we've been in that same position in the past and we were able to deliver and today we just came up short."

(on how difficult it is to run the football based on personnel of Patriots on final play) "We just had five guys really protecting and they had their goal-line package in, so it's something either we holler or whatever. But, hats off to a good Patriots defense, they just made a good play. They were prepared for that time."

(on if it is particularly difficult to run the ball based on that specific matchup on the final play) "Well we've done it before. We've scored when we have had a goal line defense in front of us on really the same play. Today we just had a setback, we weren't able to deliver."

(on if this game is an example of the fine line between joy and pain) "Yeah it could have definitely went the other way. We've been in the same situation in the past and we've run outside and actually run the game. So, as unfortunate as it was we will learn from this and we'll get better."

(on if he expected Marshawn Lynch to get the football on the final play) "Well, I believe our offensive coordinator would put us in the best position to win, and I believe that is what he was trying to do. So, we've been in that same position before and we were able to make that throw so, unfortunately we were unable to come up today but we will in the future."

(on how common it is to not run the ball if perfect personnel is not in place) "We've ran the football with that personnel against that type of front before, and we've had success. We've also thrown in that same personnel and have had success as well, too. It's just football. Sometimes it goes that way, and sometimes it doesn't, but you just got to accept it and be able move on.

(on a time when they ran the same play and had success) "Yeah, we did a couple years back against Arizona. We've done it a couple times. I can't really remember every single instance, but that play - we've been in that same position and we've came out on top in that same scenario so it just didn't happen that way today."

(on if there was an option play call based on Patriots personnel) "It was just a huddle call, and they had the right scheme, the right defense in front of us in order to defend it, and they did a really good job of making a good play."
(on giving words to describe his emotions during the last two minutes) "Not really. I don't know how to do it. Called a good shot, but it just feels like we just gave away a Super Bowl."

(on why running back Marshawn Lynch didn't get the ball late in the fourth quarter at the one-yard line) "I don't have a comment for that question."

(on the final drive) "I don't know what they were thinking about as far as what was going on with the plays, because I was really worried about my teammates and focusing in on the next play. We called a play, we ran it, we tried to execute it, we didn't and that's the end result."

(on the final play) "You saw it. Unfortunate series of events. "

(on what it says about Coach Carroll for taking the blame for the loss) "We appreciate the sentiment of him trying to put that all on his shoulders, but I think once we look at the tape that it shouldn't have come down to that one play."

(on if he was surprised that running back Marshawn Lynch didn't get the ball on the last play of the Seahawks final possession) "All of us are surprised. In that moment with 20 seconds left on the clock and we still had a timeout. We felt like, from what I understand, we should take a shot, and still have another down. If we ran the ball and didn't get in then we had to stop the clock and it would limit our abilities to run or pass. I don't know I am just trying to come up with an explanation for it. I really don't know."

(on if it was up to quarterback Russell Wilson to make the call on man-zone read plays) "Pretty much, like I said it was a man-zone read."

(on if the last play of their final possession describes the finite line between joy and pain) "Yeah, I was in disbelief on that last play. When it happened - there was no way. That didn't happen. That is the game of football. Anything can happen at any given moment. That is why you play the game until the clock winds down. Unfortunately we were on the losing end of it."

(on his feelings with the dramatic ending to the game) "It's disappointing. We worked so hard to get to this point and not to come out with the win is definitely disappointing."

(on the call to go for the pass at the end of the game) "We just have to execute no matter what was called. We didn't execute, and they made the play. It was a good play by New England. That's how the game went."

(on how to avoid the second guessing on not running the ball at the end of the game) "You just have to take it for what it is. You just can't point the finger at anyone. There's multiple things during the game that we could have done better. One game is not defined by one play."
All the players blaming no one

Bevell throwing people under the bus

Dono how he walks back in that room with respect
this loss(bet) still hurts over 12 hours later.
So i am out with a few friends, when seattle completes that lucky pass inside the 10 I start to laugh and say this is what the cheating pats get yada yada. marshawn runs it to the 1 yd line and i basically turn in my seat to my friend and am laughing it up cuz i assume marshawn plows into the endzone the next play but in my conversation i still dont turn to the tv right in front of me and i hear some pats fans roar and my friends face drops. i quick turn and am like wtf? huh? he says he threw a fucking interception. huh what??? i wait and see the reply and am in fucking shock. i would have profited around $900 and thats after losing money on props. I pressed seattle with the over and bought more on the seattle and over second half as i thought the hawks would rip up NE after the score at the end of the half to tie it 14-14. you can attempt to say it was okay to call a pass there, but honestly its the dumbest decision in the history of football
1. ball on 1 yd line
2. pats are deflated
3. marshawn never fumbles
4. marshawn almost never goes down for a loss
5. it usually takes 3 guys to bring the beast down
6. he is your team mvp
7. again we are on the one fucking yd line
8. the one fucking yd line
9. your RB is marshawn fucking lynch
and ok IF you really think u want to throw a pass there, how about a naked boot with wilson? he play fakes to marshawn and then has the run/pass threat and if nothing is there it goes into the fucking stands
this loss(bet) still hurts over 12 hours later.
So i am out with a few friends, when seattle completes that lucky pass inside the 10 I start to laugh and say this is what the cheating pats get yada yada. marshawn runs it to the 1 yd line and i basically turn in my seat to my friend and am laughing it up cuz i assume marshawn plows into the endzone the next play but in my conversation i still dont turn to the tv right in front of me and i hear some pats fans roar and my friends face drops. i quick turn and am like wtf? huh? he says he threw a fucking interception. huh what??? i wait and see the reply and am in fucking shock. i would have profited around $900 and thats after losing money on props. I pressed seattle with the over and bought more on the seattle and over second half as i thought the hawks would rip up NE after the score at the end of the half to tie it 14-14. you can attempt to say it was okay to call a pass there, but honestly its the dumbest decision in the history of football
1. ball on 1 yd line
2. pats are deflated
3. marshawn never fumbles
4. marshawn almost never goes down for a loss
5. it usually takes 3 guys to bring the beast down
6. he is your team mvp
7. again we are on the one fucking yd line
8. the one fucking yd line
9. your RB is marshawn fucking lynch

in accurate name calling bit you in the ass...
Btw, w/o reading this thread yet and I cannot wait...

1.) I get the issue everyone has, Skittles gets in that down 'most likely'.

2.) But it is 4th down pass run next...then use your T.O....then have 3 options on 4th down to end game(pass, Marshawn or rollout).

Not enough people acknowledging your second point here today BAR. like the call or hate the call, there is sound strategy behind the thinking. It's the only way to guarantee a fourth down play if you need it. Otherwise you are counting on the refs to unlike the mass of linemen and get the ball reset in time for your fourth down snap should Lynch get stuffed twice. I'm not arguing Lynch does get stuffed there by any means, I'm just saying the strategy was thought out.

Bottom line one is Wilson put that ball in the only spot it shouldn't have been thrown. It's gotta go low or back shoulder so only your guy can catch it. Period.
Not enough people acknowledging your second point here today BAR. like the call or hate the call, there is sound strategy behind the thinking. It's the only way to guarantee a fourth down play if you need it. Otherwise you are counting on the refs to unlike the mass of linemen and get the ball reset in time for your fourth down snap should Lynch get stuffed twice. I'm not arguing Lynch does get stuffed there by any means, I'm just saying the strategy was thought out.

Bottom line one is Wilson put that ball in the only spot it shouldn't have been thrown. It's gotta go low or back shoulder so only your guy can catch it. Period.

should have been a play action boot that would give wilson the run/pass threat and then if nothing there he can throw it away
Dude was literally wide open though Dudley. A better throw by Wilson and the game is over and never questioned.
Dude was literally wide open though Dudley. A better throw by Wilson and the game is over and never questioned.
yeah well i still hate any pass play in that spot as anything can happen when ball is in the air as we saw.
another diff btwn rodgers and wilson throwing that ball is that the ball comes out so much faster with rodgers. if rodgers has that exact same look, he gets rid of it and with enough velocity that no way the NE guy gets there no matter if he throws it back shoulder or not.
another diff btwn rodgers and wilson throwing that ball is that the ball comes out so much faster with rodgers. if rodgers has that exact same look, he gets rid of it and with enough velocity that no way the NE guy gets there no matter if he throws it back shoulder or not.

yup with Rodgers that's a TD ten outta ten times.
look at that space. I mean Butler made a fucking phenomenal play on that ball but it was also put in the only spot where he could make that play.

he wasn't as wide open as your putting it.
WILSON needed to throw it quick and low at his feet since Browner is already trying to jam Kearse.

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yeah well i still hate any pass play in that spot as anything can happen when ball is in the air as we saw.

Like I said before I agree, I'd have given it to Lynch too but I don't think it's the worst call in history. Two reasons, one they got a wide open receiver and two the strategy was actually thought out.
Have noticed it all year. Teams have great backs and they refuse to run it inside the 5. I've said it fail with the Cowboys, Broncos , the steelers and now the Seahawks off the top of my head. So the call can't really be surprising. Honestly it was just a good read by the corner and a not so great throw, don't understand the outrage, teams have been calling a throw on the 1 all year.
Correction : understand the outrage, but don't understand the surprise. It's today's nfl.
Pyppurs, that ball left his hand too late as well. That's about as open as you can be on the goal line.
This was a designed pick route.

Formations and Groupings
Offense Formation: Shotgun Twins Stack Right Near
Offensive Grouping: 11 (1 RB - Lynch, 1 TE - Willson, 3 WR - Lockette, Kearse, Baldwin)
Defense Formation: Cover 1, Man-to-man coverage across the board
Play Concept: Rub/pick route

Analysis from user on reddit


Pre-snap, Wilson is in shotgun with twins stack right with Baldwin in the slot. The Patriots have Revis directly over Baldwin and Browner playing shallow on the twins right with Butler directly behind. This is a very standard defensive call against twins stack.


Wilson motions Baldwin across the formation and Revis follows. This signals man-to-man coverage at least where Revis is concerned since none of the other defenders switch or move around they don't "re-adjust" their zones if they are playing zone coverage here. This is a GOOD sign for a pick play. Pick plays work best against man-to-man coverage and that's exactly what NE was showing here.


Wilson snaps the ball and Browner immediately jams Kearse on the line of scrimmage. THIS is where the play is won for NE. Kearse's goal is to interfere with Butler's man-to-man coverage responsibilities on Lockette, but Browner stops Kearse immediately at the line. This is an amazing jam that set up the play for Butler.


Once Browner jams Kearse, Butler is free to attack Lockette's route. Lockette steps forward and runs a slant route to the middle of the field. Wilson sees his receiver and leads him too far up the middle allowing Butler to jump over the back of Lockette for the interception.

At the point where Wilson snaps the ball and Kearse can't interfere with Butler, he needs to throw the ball at the feet of Lockette or throw it low and behind his target so that Butler can't make the play. Instead he leads him too much on a quick slant route over the middle of the field. Really the worst place for the throw.
looks like wilson was waiting to fit in in the window waiting on the d end to get up field and that half second delay fucked it up
Have noticed it all year. Teams have great backs and they refuse to run it inside the 5. I've said it fail with the Cowboys, Broncos , the steelers and now the Seahawks off the top of my head. So the call can't really be surprising. Honestly it was just a good read by the corner and a not so great throw, don't understand the outrage, teams have been calling a throw on the 1 all year.

you know too well.....

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We felt like, from what I understand, we should take a shot, and still have another down. If we ran the ball and didn't get in then we had to stop the clock and it would limit our abilities to run or pass. I don't know I am just trying to come up with an explanation for it. I really don't know."

this makes complete sense. throwing on second down is a defensible decision since it maintains a run / pass option for 3rd down if they don't get it.

what makes ZERO sense (and this probably deserves its own thread) is why belichek let the clock run down from 50 seconds after the first down run. patriots won so it no one bothered talking about it but i can't think of a single rationale reason he wouldn't use one of his 2 timeouts there.
Yeah, so instead of timing it perfectly, fitting it into a tight window at the exact right split second time, with a several diff variables that have to work just right in a small amount of space, they could've handed it off to Marshawn who easily bulls his way through an exhausted front 7, he did it all game...yes it's 4 down territory and yes you can plan ahead for what your options are on 4th down, but why plan for the 4th down and wasting a play when you can just get it over with in one play.
they still should have run the ball on 2nd down which will more than likely work and then pass on 3rd. You're going to run once and pass once. To me, the run has to take priority there and be the first thing you try when you have Lynch.
i agree it was the wrong call. just saying the rationale behind throwing on second down is defensible. considering the 1 timeout and 3 downs to play. burn that timeout after second down and shit couldve gotten dicey if the third down play goes wrong.

and based on what im reading, people are giving belichek credit for playing "clock chicken" and forcing sea into calling a pass play. or some shit. maybe he really is a wizard.
this makes complete sense. throwing on second down is a defensible decision since it maintains a run / pass option for 3rd down if they don't get it.

what makes ZERO sense (and this probably deserves its own thread) is why belichek let the clock run down from 50 seconds after the first down run. patriots won so it no one bothered talking about it but i can't think of a single rationale reason he wouldn't use one of his 2 timeouts there.

Bill Belichick was asked to go over his thought process when the Seahawks had the ball at the 1-yard line at the end of the game.

“We would have used our timeouts if that had been a running play on the interception," Belichick said. "We might have done that. We put in our goal line defense with just corners. It wasn’t true goal line because they had three receivers in the game. So we were in our goal line with all eight guys stacked on the line of scrimmage and we were man-to-man on the three receivers. We prepare for that situation as part of our goal line package -- three corners, two corners, one corner, no corners if they have all tight ends and an offensive line in there. That’s what they were in for that play.”
Belichick had a classic answer when asked if he was surprised by the Seahawks' decision to throw the ball on second down.

"When you’re on defense," Belichick said, "you defend whatever they do.”
How many times did he have three in a row from the 1?<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="display: none;" allowtransparency="true"></iframe><script src=""></script>

closest answers to your question...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>The Pats allowed opponents to score 81% of the time in power situations (runs on 3rd/4th &amp; &lt;2, or w/i 2 yds of goalline). Dead last in NFL.</p>&mdash; HSAC (@Harvard_Sports) <a href="">February 2, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>SEA was second in the league in power situations, getting stuffed just 17% of the time. Lynch converted 17 of 20 3rd/4ths &amp; short this year.</p>&mdash; HSAC (@Harvard_Sports) <a href="">February 2, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

In 2014, any team vs. any team, in the regular season, play type is rush, at Opp 1

During the 2014 season, 57.5 percent of all rushing plays from the opponent’s 1 yard-line ended in touchdowns

Individual Plays for 2014 Season
[TABLE="class: sortable stats_table, width: 1200"]
[TH="class: tooltip sort_default_asc, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Date[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip sort_default_asc show_partial_when_sorting, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Tm[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip sort_default_asc, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Opp[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Quarter[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Time[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Down[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]ToGo[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Location[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Score[/TH]
[TH="class: tooltip, bgcolor: #DADCDE, align: center"]Detail[/TH]
[TR="class: hl"]
[TD="align: left"]2014-11-09[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Seahawks[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Giants[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10:26[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]NYG 1[/TD]
[TD="class: wrap"]Marshawn Lynch right guard for 1 yard, touchdown[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]2014-11-09[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Seahawks[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Giants[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]5:34[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]NYG 1[/TD]
[TD="class: wrap"]Marshawn Lynch right tackle for no gain (tackle by Jameel McClain and Jacquian Williams)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]2014-11-27[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Seahawks[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]49ers[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]12:43[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]SFO 1[/TD]
[TD="class: wrap"]Marshawn Lynch up the middle for no gain (tackle by Eric Reid)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]2014-09-21[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Seahawks[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Broncos[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11:14[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]DEN 1[/TD]
[TD="class: wrap"]Marshawn Lynch right guard for -1 yards (tackle by Nate Irving and Rahim Moore)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]2014-11-09[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Seahawks[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Giants[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2:16[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]NYG 1[/TD]
[TD="class: wrap"]Marshawn Lynch up the middle for -1 yards (tackle by Jason Pierre-Paul)[/TD]
he wasn't as wide open as your putting it.
WILSON needed to throw it quick and low at his feet since Browner is already trying to jam Kearse.

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It really is almost like a "oh look what I found play"

the other corner had to tell him which was his man....he jumped it, but it really almost looks like an accident he hit it at the right time

I agree Russ needs a better ball there
this makes complete sense. throwing on second down is a defensible decision since it maintains a run / pass option for 3rd down if they don't get it.

what makes ZERO sense (and this probably deserves its own thread) is why belichek let the clock run down from 50 seconds after the first down run. patriots won so it no one bothered talking about it but i can't think of a single rationale reason he wouldn't use one of his 2 timeouts there.

thought the same watching it live.....weird
Belicheat not calling timeout is horrid. Seattle going for the TD to end the first half was also a horrible decision (but worked). These coaches get paid a fortune and are two drinking days away from being declared functionally retarded. Seattle was only in the game because the Green Bay coach is retarded.

FWIW .... New England was the better team yesterday. They moved the ball more consistently in my opinion. I don't have a ton of respect for the "throw it up for grabs" offense. Matthews made two catches that way and then there was the one at the end of the game where the guy made the incredible luckbox catch.

I just think New England was the better team yesterday .... but not by much.

BTW .... it hasn't been discussed much but there was a play in the fourth qtr where the seattle wr was breaking wide open with the NE defender stumbling to the ground and he reaches out and trips the receiver preventing what might have been a TD (more likely than not). A good play by the guy to go ahead and trip him up .. that was smart ... but not sure how an official misses that one.

And regarding the throw it up for grabs offense that was almost the entirety of the Seahawks passing game ... it is another reason i hated the play call. They were not getting open all day... all the pass yards were on jump balls.
the throw up a floater and pray is the entirety of the seattle passing game. hilarious that it woks as often as it does.
Lost in all this was the play butler made..
he read the play and stepped up.,,, bad play call or not he still needs to not only defend him but intercept and hold on to it...
damn! Luck finally ran out for the Seahawks!! Finally!!! They catch and caught all the breaks, lucky balls, whatever, shit always bounces their way!

Glad they got a taste of their own damn medicine! Hate that prick Carroll, hate that busta rhymes looking Sherman!! Glad they fukn lost!!!

And if you think that throwing "wasnt that bad of a call"
Lost in all this was the play butler made..
he read the play and stepped up.,,, bad play call or not he still needs to not only defend him but intercept and hold on to it...

don't think anyone is discounting the huge play by Butler (he read it perfectly), but moreso Carroll's play calling decision.

The Super B(ra)wl Summarized In One Chart

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/01/2015 22:29 -0500

Many will debate if it was worth making Super Bowl XLIX into Super Brawl I, but those who trade the market will be familiar with the kind of volatility that everyone just experienced in the final minutes of what otherwise may have been the most nail-biting super bowl in history.

Swiss National Bank eat your heart out.
Another series of tragedies and travesties that is completly fitting to the end of a fucked up 2014 playoffs and also a fitting ending to the whole fucken ridiculous 2014 season that started with the Ray fucken Rice Goodell fiasco and wrapped it up with deflate mother fucken gate what a wicked pissa ,Fuck you NFL.

IMO SEA expected NE to call a time out and when they didn't that led to a series of bad decisions. I have to think if NE calls a TO (stating the obvious here?) SEA would of had a better play call and scored I would love to know the real reason why BB did not call the time out. SEA burning the time out after the kearse catch hurts them.