Is Pete Carroll not running with Lynch the biggest SB choke ever?

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A poll on espn

Would Marshawn Lynch have scored the go-ahead TD if given three chances from the 1-yard line?

  • 93%
    <label for="answer-11650056" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 14px; width: 271.008514404297px; clear: both; display: block; background: transparent;">Yes</label>

  • 7%
    <label for="answer-11650058" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 14px; width: 271.008514404297px; clear: both; display: block; background: transparent;">No</label>
(Total votes: 87,498)
thats just a bad throw too by Russ

Steve Young said on ESPN he has to throw that back shoulder, Rodgers runs that play all the time and I doubt he's ever been picked off either

you need to put it where the only two outcomes are a catch or an incomplete
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Disagree that it was Wilson's fault. But who cares.

It's all back on the play call. I'd imagine Bevell gets fired, and he has a tough time getting a coordinator position at least for a year or two.
Just purely from a locker room perspective, Bevell cant be back next year. Also, that offense never really progressed from last year anyone, from X and O perspective
haha Revis was just asked what play he thought was coming

"I think the run's coming..."

he's laughing during this too
The call only gets worse after more interviews. Butler said he picked it off based on film study. Based on the WR formation. He knew what was coming.
Lot of folks say "this is only a game." Technically, yes. But huge amounts of money involved with this. It's way more than a joke game. Thats for sure
thats why hes not a QB

he threw it leading left, where he can see a white flash, he needs to throw it back shoulder
Seattle didn't have a play ready to go for this situation? An NFL team doesn't have a gameplan at any time in the season for inside the 5 in the last minute?

Carroll is to blame , he's the HC. He should have been in his OCs ear "run the fucking ball". GLB made the point on the first page about the calls halfway through the last qtr.

When the championship is on the line you go with your best option. Bruce Bochy had 1 chance and went to it, Carroll is now 0-2 in this situation
When you look at it from the perspective of the OC making the play call it is even worse. So the OC is dumb enough to make that call, the Coach is dumb enough to allow it .... it wasn't even a strong play action fake type play either ... it is thrown to the middle of the field ... .just insane how bad a call that is.
that's what i said to mrs cub, (who has no clue and doesn't care about my ramblings), why wasn't there one guy on the fucking headset who said, holy fuck that's a stupid play call, give the ball to beast mode and win the game.
Does Wilson throw Pete under the bus? no. Does he throw Bevell under the bus? no. Does he throw Lockette under the bus? no. Does he make a bad excuse for the play call? no. He takes responsibility for his part in the play. Kid has life figured out pretty good right now.

except for the god bullshit two wks ago.
If for some reason your not going to go with Lynch then you have to go with Russell Wilson on a run-pass-throw it away call.

While I think Belichick should have called a TO to start preserving precious seconds, if he does Seattle probably thinks it over and goes with a better play call.

What a crazy game

Just awful, awful, INT bailed BILL out big-time.
And that INT has made the "legend" of Bill and Brady even more nauseating
It was going to be a 'nauseating' ending either way. I'll take I made money on game, props and squares and run. I will also be burying NFL forum below college tonight :)
Btw, w/o reading this thread yet and I cannot wait...

1.) I get the issue everyone has, Skittles gets in that down 'most likely'.

2.) But it is 4th down pass run next...then use your T.O....then have 3 options on 4th down to end game(pass, Marshawn or rollout).
Btw, w/o reading this thread yet and I cannot wait...

1.) I get the issue everyone has, Skittles gets in that down 'most likely'.

2.) But it is 4th down pass run next...then use your T.O....then have 3 options on 4th down to end game(pass, Marshawn or rollout).


Here's a roundup of player quotes following Seattle's loss in Super Bowl XLIX about the play.


(on the interception at the end of the game) "The last play we had a formation where we could throw it on them. (Ricardo) Lockette was coming underneath, and the guy made a great play. That's really what it comes down to - the guy just made a great play. I think it was (Malcolm) Butler who made the catch, I'm not sure. I had a chance, was looking, and then he kind of cut in front of it and made a play. I thought it was a touchdown, honestly. Unfortunate situation, man. We played lights out for the most part. We fought so hard. You've got to give the Patriots credit. Tom (Brady) made some great plays out there, and he was clutch at the end of the game. I thought we were going to be clutch at the end of the game, too, right there at the end, and it comes down to that last play."

(on if there was a chance to check out of the play that led to the game-sealing interception) "On that play, no, there wasn't really a check out of it. We had a good play. If it was a catch, you know, it would be a completely different story. They made a great play, like I said. You've got to give credit to (Malcolm) Butler on making that play. I thought it was going to be a touchdown."

(on if that play could have been a throwaway) "I'd have to look at the film, but in terms of being a throwaway, no, it's not a throwaway. I mean, the guy just barely cut in front of him. There was a chance to catch it and a chance to make a play, and the guy made a great play. It wasn't a throwaway situation, really. One inch too far, I guess."

(on if he was surprised by the play call) "I wasn't surprised. I think that we've done a great job in those situations all year - ever since I've been here, we've been great in those situations, too. Obviously, you have different options. You hand the ball off to Marshawn (Lynch) - that's a great option. You can also throw it, which is a great option. We thought we had them, and I thought it was going to be a touchdown when I threw it. When I let it go, I thought it was going to be game over."

(on Head Coach Pete Carroll saying that New England had their run defense in, and if that changed anything as far as the play call) "You know, when they called the call, I just trusted it like I always do, and just trusted my instincts and trusted the play. There wasn't really anything else we could do. We were thinking about throwing the ball, scoring a touchdown right there. You can also run it in, but that also runs down the clock a little bit - we could call timeout. It's just, this could be a completely different situation right now, and it comes down to - that's just one play. In my opinion, it comes down to one play, and I can use this for the future."

(on how much this loss hurts) "It definitely hurts. You think about everything you go through all year and all the ups and downs, just how great we played throughout this game. At the same time, I love the guys that I have around me, I love the people I have around me, so I hate feeling that I'm the one who lost it, in a way. For me, I keep my head up though. I know that I prepare and I know I get ready. I know I play my heart out and I know the rest of the guys play their heart out. So when you do that, you can't worry about it too much. You just have to focus on what you can do to keep everybody together in terms of mentally and spiritually with it, and just keep staying after it."

(on if this is something that his team can learn from)
"Yeah, we're such a young team. We have so much talent, so many guys that can make plays and be solid, so I definitely think something can be learned from it. I've lost some close games in my career, just college and the NFL, and I've also won a lot of close ones, too. That's what we can be focused on. Keep focusing on persevering. Keep focusing on guys you have around you, and keep focusing on caring about those guys and working, and just continuing to fight."

(on if he saw where Patriots cornerback Malcolm Butler was before the snap on the interception play)
"Yeah, I saw where he was, and he just made a great instinct play. Really, honestly a great play. It wasn't a touchdown."

(on if a pass could have worked in that situation)
"Well, it could work, for sure. It looked like it worked, and he made a play."

(on if they have thrown to wide receiver Ricardo Lockette much in that situation in practice)
"Yeah, we've definitely done that a lot. He's definitely done that a lot, prepared for that."

(on if he was going to WR Ricardo Lockette the entire time on the interception play or if there was another read) "There was another read on the other side, but that wasn't the side I was supposed to go to. I trusted my progression on it and like I said, (Malcolm) Butler made a great play."

(on if he has seen the play yet) "I haven't - I really want to see it. I tried to look at it on the field, but it hadn't popped up yet."

(on Head Coach Pete Carroll taking the blame on that play and if that is fair) "I put the blame on me - I'm the one who threw it. It's something you learn from, it's something you grow from. I'm proud of our guys about the way that we got down the field there in that situation. We had so many great plays, and we're right there. We'll just keep learning and keep growing."

(on if he was surprised by that play call) "I wasn't surprised at all."
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Great Football Game.........

The decision to pass wasn't that bad.......kid made a great play on the ball......everything easy in hindsight

(on getting close to the end zone and not scoring) "Yeah, that's on all of us. Just have to keep going. It's a tough one."

(on QB Russell Wilson's interception) "Yeah, that's on all of us. No blame. This is a game of a lot of variables. To say one play had a direct outcome on it, you just can't do that."

(on trying to spread the Patriots out when they had a goal line unit in the game)
"Yeah, they ran a lot of defensive runs and we just need to do a better job."

(on if Seattle should have run the ball instead of passing on Russell Wilson's interception)
"I don't know, I only see a couple guys in front of me, so I don't know."

(on if he was surprised the Seahawks called a pass play instead of giving the ball to RB Marshawn Lynch)
"There's no point in dwelling on what play gets called in the huddle because it's up to us to actually do it."
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(on if he was surprised Seattle did not run the ball on the 1-yard line at the end of the game) "I'm a little bit surprised. It was an unfortunate play. Their guy made a heck of a play and that's all you can ask for."

(on if Head Coach Pete Carroll explained what happened on the play) "To a degree, but it was just an unfortunate play. The guy made a heck of a play, you've got to give him all the credit."

(on if he would have run with RB Marshawn Lynch in that situation) "What I would have done is irrelevant at this time. We went with that play. We trusted our quarterback, and unfortunately they made a play."

(on the feeling in the locker room) "Well, it came down to a play. We gave ourselves a chance to win, that's all you can ask for. At the end of the day, if we didn't give ourselves a chance to win and play up to our potential, then you can be more disappointed. For us, we gave ourselves the chance to win the ball game, and then that play at the end. Credit to them."

(on if the decision to pass on the 1-yard line at the end of the game surprised him) "We've done it before, so not really."

(on if he felt shocked on the sidelines at the end of the game) "Not really. The guy made a heck of a play. If we catch a touchdown there and score, then it is what it is. But the guy made a heck of a play and you've got to give him the credit."
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