Is Pete Carroll not running with Lynch the biggest SB choke ever?

I understood it when he left Reggie Bush on the sideline for the biggest play of the game for his offense for a national title .. Bush isn't very good .... but this one is mind boggling.
You run the ball. Worst thing that happens is you don't make it & take some time off the clock.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

Fuck, the Patriots would have probably let them score.
Not much to say...plenty of time and Beast Mode in the backfield. Shocking call.

But, the catch by Kearse was lucky ball action with skillful catch....R Wilson proved, again, that he is clutch.
NFL wins again - bullshit product, bullshit outcomes, and people will be talking about it for years to come.

NFL - it's the Katy Perry of sports.
If for some reason your not going to go with Lynch then you have to go with Russell Wilson on a run-pass-throw it away call.

While I think Belichick should have called a TO to start preserving precious seconds, if he does Seattle probably thinks it over and goes with a better play call.

What a crazy game
No way Lynch does not score there. Period.

Pats' front 7 was gassed.

Sickening loss.
Bevell says he called the play, and then he threw Lockette under the bus twice by saying he should have gone harder for the ball
What was maybe even worse when they were up 10 and got the ball with 7:58 left and threw 2 incompletions instead of just running Lynch 3 times :rofl: HAHAHAHHAHAA Pete Carroll you fucking suck hahahahah
When you look at it from the perspective of the OC making the play call it is even worse. So the OC is dumb enough to make that call, the Coach is dumb enough to allow it .... it wasn't even a strong play action fake type play either ... it is thrown to the middle of the field ... .just insane how bad a call that is.
The Cowboys dropped TD is the closest thing I can think of ... but he was falling down ... maybe the Peyton pick six against Saints .... trying to think of major chokes and there really aren't any coming to mind unless you want to include FG kicks, which I don't.
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They asked Brady about whether he thought Lynch should get the ball and he said "He was only in the game so he wouldn't get fined"
The Seahawks were a beast mode run away from repeating. Repeating!!!! Let that settle in. The Pats were defeated. You saw it on Brady's face. You saw it on Bellichek's face. The whole sidelines. Agree, worst play call in history.
What makes it worse is that every Pats player interviewed is basically thanking Pete for running that play. Everyone including the Patriots knew they couldn't stop Lynch getting into the endzone.

Where does 'Beastmode' end up next season ?
What makes it worse is that every Pats player interviewed is basically thanking Pete for running that play. Everyone including the Patriots knew they couldn't stop Lynch getting into the endzone.

Where does 'Beastmode' end up next season ?
If he loves his hometown of Oakland so much he should go to the Raiders. But I doubt he wants to be a part of rebuilding and not winning. And I wouldn't blame him.
I can understand blaming Wilson .. ball shouldn't have been thrown.... but Lockette? No way. What a dick .. take responsibility.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Marshawn Lynch had 5 previous runs from the 1 this season and had scored only one touchdown.</p>&mdash; ESPN Stats &amp; Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) <a href="">February 2, 2015</a></blockquote>
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If he loves his hometown of Oakland so much he should go to the Raiders. But I doubt he wants to be a part of rebuilding and not winning. And I wouldn't blame him.

he will go to whomever pays him the most

Paying a 29 year old running back any decent amount of money, no thanks
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How many times did he have three in a row from the 1?<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" style="display: none;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><script src=""></script>
Doug Baldwin on the last call: 'We all were surprised'

February, 1, 2015 11:30 PM ET

<cite class="byline" style="margin: 6px 0px 16px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline; font-style: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: 14px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); display: block; overflow: hidden; background: transparent;">By Terry Blount |</cite>GLENDALE, Ariz. -- Observed and heard inside the Seahawks' interview room after their 28-24 loss to the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl XLIX:

Receiver Doug Baldwin on if he was surprised they didn’t hand the ball to Marshawn Lynch: “I think we all were surprised. We still had a timeout and felt we should take a shot. I don’t know, man. I’m just trying to make up an explanation. Everybody is going to want to blame something or somebody. It shouldn’t have come down to that one play."

Offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell: “We were trying to use all the time and all four downs. [Quarterback] Russell [Wilson] did it exactly right. I make all the calls.”

Coach Pete Carroll on the final play that was intercepted: “It was not the right matchup for us to run the football. We threw the ball to kind of waste that play. The guy made a great play that no one thought he could do.”

Quarterback Russell Wilson: “It’s tough to process. It came down to one play. The blame is on me. I trusted the play that was called. I’m the one who threw it.”
does Carroll not control that room though? I dont get it

if the Pats lose this way no one speaks out like this, and if they do they get cut instantly
Receiver Doug Baldwin on if he was surprised they didn’t hand the ball to Marshawn Lynch: “I think we all were surprised. We still had a timeout and felt we should take a shot. I don’t know, man. I’m just trying to make up an explanation. Everybody is going to want to blame something or somebody. It shouldn’t have come down to that one play."

LOL at wasting a play .... so he thought it was such a given that Lynch would score it was just to waste time off the clock? a three second play? lol ... the guy is a joke
Pete Carroll knows it was the wrong call but he's trying to stick up for his O-Cord. He knows it was the wrong play call.
Does Wilson throw Pete under the bus? no. Does he throw Bevell under the bus? no. Does he throw Lockette under the bus? no. Does he make a bad excuse for the play call? no. He takes responsibility for his part in the play. Kid has life figured out pretty good right now.
Does Wilson throw Pete under the bus? no. Does he throw Bevell under the bus? no. Does he throw Lockette under the bus? no. Does he make a bad excuse for the play call? no. He takes responsibility for his part in the play. Kid has life figured out pretty good right now.

How could he? Team took a chance on him in rd 3 and are about to pay him Millions.
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Marshawn post game

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