Introducing... The Guardians!

The bullshit is they gave in and lessen the importance of why Washington was so wrong.

This is just dumb, and in the middle of a season to boot.

Cleveland Baseball Club would have sold more gear than whatever this shit is
What an intimidating name. They‘ll sign the hell out of your kid‘s permission sheet when his parents aren‘t home.
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Whole thing seems like an April Fools joke
lol, if only right?

the shirsey's that have the C and Cleveland written out as opposed to the Guardians logo will probably always be sold out
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just prepare for a ton of guardians of the galaxy photoshopped with the starting pitcher and their core guys every damn game and on twitter 24/7
hopefully no one tries to coin this team as that guardians of the galaxy like we call the skankees the bronx disney is a quick trigger on that sue button anyways so..
Also, after reading that it makes me wonder why they didn’t just go back to the Spiders as the nickname?

That’s much better than Guardians, and they already have a history with the name. They could have even spun it as going back to their roots, before the “racist name” was adopted.

And then you realize they’re simply just not that bright, as they’re changing the name in the first place.
Basically like the Richmond Spiders but with a C in the middle... I guess only so much variation is possible, though, when it's the same name
They absolutely dropped the ball with the name change to Guardians and not Spiders. Seems like it was something you couldn’t possibly fuck up, yet here we are.
They absolutely dropped the ball with the name change to Guardians and not Spiders. Seems like it was something you couldn’t possibly fuck up, yet here we are.
They are Cleveland, how could they possibly get it right?