If Miss st + Bama lose and Missouri wins SEC title game, does SEC get in?

I don't know that SEC fsns really hate their brethren. I can't speak for the others on the board, but you pegged me. Living in hostile country, I have grown immensely tired of the trash talk from SEC fans. Funny how they do not liked to be put down. Everything is going your way, and they can't take criticism. We have been forced to listen how the SEC deserves to have teo teams in the final four for weeks. Seeing Miss St go down was awesome to me (saw that coming a mile away). Now to be in danger of being left out all together. Nothing would please me more (not likely). GPS is a great guy, but if you asked him his honest opinion on most Bama fans, I think he would agree that they are spoiled pricks when it comes to talking football. For those that do not live in the southeast, regional coverage no longer exists. There is very little talk about other conferences from the national media. Outside of Pelini getting fired, what else have you heard about Nebraska this year? Absolutely nothing. Solid year until late. Many other teams are the same way. But we, as fans of other conference teams, do not exists. I haven't heard an FSU story in which Jameis was not involved the entire season. Thank you NYTimes for setting up shop in Tallahassee and to ESPN for coat tailing. So yes, I hate the SEC. Hope you lose every game like you did this weekend against the worst conference
In the NCAA.
I have maintained that I only care about one team. I do not cheer for the SEC in other games just because they are SEC. I will always pull for the result that benefits Alabama the most. Thus, I was pulling for Mizzou against Arkansas because that's who I want to play this weekend. I think there is an overwhelming talent disparity between Alabama and Mizzou. It doesn't mean we will win, but it's easier to win with superior talent than near equal. I wouldn't say I hate all the SEC teams, but I certainly don't care if they all go 0-12. I do enjoy the benefit of the doubt you get from being in the SEC, but at this point, there are more teams that benefit from Alabama's success than Alabama gets from being in the SEC, so we don't need the SEC to be considered the best any more.

I do get annoyed with the SEC haters who make shit up or exaggerate just because they are tired of the hype. The ACC went 4-0 on Saturday, but only one of those could be considered an upset. I wouldn't make too many conference judgments if Alabama, Auburn, and LSU beat Virginia Tech, Miami, and Pitt. Using ultra specific examples to make sweeping generalizations is just stupid, and that's what I see on TV and hear on the radio from supposed experts, and even see here from guys I respect immensely as cappers and football brains. College football more than ever is a week to week sport, and matchups matter. Transitive property can't be used. For any team or conference. If the SEC is still the best, it's not by much.

And yes, Alabama has some of the worst fans in the sport. The majority that I encounter are educated, rational, decent human beings, same as any fanbase. But the internet and talk radio has given the bottom of the barrel fans a platform. And it sucks, because I think the state of Alabama is pretty nice place to live, but the loud minority creates a perception that is far from reality.
and there also seems to be like a general "hate the SEC brethren"......people pull against the whole conference

almost the exact thing "some" have accused SEC folks for doing..

I'm not sure it's that people hate the SEC (they may) as much as it is "let's see if there really is an SEC bias if Alabama loses to Mizzou, since no one from the SEC should be in the playoff if that happens." People may be pulling against the SEC simply to find out if their assumptions are correct about the SEC getting special treatment because they play in the SEC (as far as rankings and the playoff goes).
Ignorant and uneducated fans make up a significant portion of every team's fan base. If every Bama (and SEC) fan were like gps, I think there would be a lot less hate directed at the SEC as a whole. But when you have ass-clowns like the Tennessee fans at the NCAA Tourney play-in game last year, who start chanting S-E-C!! S-E-C!! down the stretch of that game vs Iowa (which was a hell of a game by the way)... that's where people can really start making a case for rooting against the SEC. Dumb shit like that... happens all. the. time.