If Miss st + Bama lose and Missouri wins SEC title game, does SEC get in?

Committee loves the fact that TCU beat 8-3 Minnesota.
Not sure if you are being sarcastic but Minny is pretty good this year. Don't count tomorrow with our best player out and we get rolled at Wisky tho.
Not sure if you are being sarcastic but Minny is pretty good this year. Don't count tomorrow with our best player out and we get rolled at Wisky tho.

No they really do love it. Every week whoever the spokesperson for that committee takes questions and is always asked about the TCU-Baylor ranking and right now the strength of schedule tips towards TCU and they are giving that more weight than the head-to-head. At the end of the season the SOS will balance out and then it would be a question of TCU's better nonconference schedule vs the head-to-head. Everyone is assuming Baylor jumps TCU at that point assuming all win out.
No they really do love it. Every week whoever the spokesperson for that committee takes questions and is always asked about the TCU-Baylor ranking and right now the strength of schedule tips towards TCU and they are giving that more weight than the head-to-head. At the end of the season the SOS will balance out and then it would be a question of TCU's better nonconference schedule vs the head-to-head. Everyone is assuming Baylor jumps TCU at that point assuming all win out.
agree. I think H2H should be first thing considered.
So,you are saying that moving to a 4 team play off format didnt solve the Championship problem ?


Well history tells us there will be meaningful upsets in the final week so what we think we know now will probably change next week and this 4 team format may work out just dandy.
We all agree head to head should be first ... committee doesn't ... I also think the committee is taking into account that TCU outplayed Baylor that day and kind of got fluked out in the end.
I don't agree with doing that .. but I think they are basically saying that game was a coin flip that TCU had control of most of the way .... and the remainder of their two schedules is TCU playing the harder schedule undefeated while Baylor played the easier schedule and lost a game.

Disagree with looking at it that way, just saying that is what I think they are thinking
TCU's beatend K St. Baylor hasn't. Once the dust settles and Baylor wins out I think they will have to put Baylor ahead of TCU game control or not. The final result in a head-to-head has to be respected.
Lost by 3 @ Baylor. If we take the capping perspective into the formula, they are pick on neutral. Thus making SOS the tie breaker. MN pushes TCU over the top.
TCU is most likely the better team in my eyes, but they lost that game and it will have consequences.

Over the years I've heard so many media types bang on human voters for putting teams ahead of teams they lost to with the same w-l records. I just do not believe this committee can or will leave TCU ahead of Baylor at the end of the year. It's too bad TCU didn't hang onto that one or else they'd be the clear #1 overall.
tcu has a cupcake game vs iowa state if they struggle an Baylor blows out ksu u cant keep Baylor out since schedule isn't that much different and Baylor already beat tcu regardless of where it was an by how much.


TCU over Baylor for me, don't give fuck about head to head, they play that in FT Worth and TCU wins by 30+ but obviously a subjective opinion. I fear TCU more than Baylor if I'm any other team, can't lose to WVU, bad loss.
Losing at WVU isn't as bad as like when Ok St lost at Iowa St, but agree it is not a "quality" loss. TCU almost dropped that trip to Morgantown though too. So maybe some people might count that as a decent loss. Baylor was severely outplayed in that one though and TCU tried to hand it away with the turnovers. So that's a difference.
We all agree head to head should be first ... committee doesn't ... I also think the committee is taking into account that TCU outplayed Baylor that day and kind of got fluked out in the end.

Not all of us agree
Winning is HARD. FSU REALLY deserves more credit

They do.

Alot of people get caught up with how many teams a team beat with a ranking by their name, but there are still good teams that don't have strong numbers by their name. I give FSU credit for the Louisville and Miami games and still the ND game.

In terms of the way some teams are winning, there is more deserving credit for them than just winning all close games though.

But I don't discredit FSU too much beyond saying I think they could lose either of their two remaining games. If they win out I'll give them all the credit an undefeated ACC team deserves.
hahaha it is starting to get funny with the threads every week tho

One day maybe other conferences get threads about them
I had a guy on twitter the other day,he thinks hes that sharp youd cut yourself if you bumped into him.
He was telling me that Ohio states loss to Va Tch wasnt a bad loss & the committee wont view as a bad loss,cause now they are shit because they have injuries.This after I told him nobody who has a loss to Va Tch should even be in the conversation.
I just took no notice,how can anyone say nah this player was out or whatever so we`ll take that into consideration.
was the question of how mediocre Big 12 team keeps winning the SEC East ever answered?
Media loved to make excuses for Oregon's loss to Zona because of OL injuries. But Jake Fisher doesn't play defense. Arizona earned that win and I got upset when some tried to explain it away and discredit what Zona had done.

But yes, people will rationalize their picks however they want. VT sucks. Ohio St losing to them at home is a major black eye. But then you have the line of thought that tOSU OL was green, Barrett was making 2nd ever start and didn't even play HS his Sr year.

If somebody wants tOSU to be in the top 4 they will make the argument for them to be there after the fact so it makes sense.

The evidence should lead you to the conclusion, not the other way around.

After the final rankings are out each member should have to hold a press conference and talk the whys, hows and whos that lead them to rank how they ranked. Boy wouldn't that be fun! Condi Rice breaking down wins and losses and how she values them!
Has Mizzou ever won the Big12? Cuz they wrecking shop in the SEC

They had some good teams there in the mid to late 2000s. Not sure if they ever won the conference, but they were right up there. But that was during Texas' and Oklahoma's hey day in the conference. Missouri has definitely shot holes in the SEC apologists theories, but the balance of power has been decidedly in the West's favor the last 2 years, and they've gotten the favorable draw cross conference the last two seasons. Decent team in a very average division. We played them out there in their first season in the SEC. Hope we get the chance to do it again
If Ohio State gets in with a home loss to Virginia Tech over TCU who has only lost at Baylor, the system will have predictably failed.
Media loved to make excuses for Oregon's loss to Zona because of OL injuries. But Jake Fisher doesn't play defense. Arizona earned that win and I got upset when some tried to explain it away and discredit what Zona had done.

But yes, people will rationalize their picks however they want. VT sucks. Ohio St losing to them at home is a major black eye. But then you have the line of thought that tOSU OL was green, Barrett was making 2nd ever start and didn't even play HS his Sr year.

If somebody wants tOSU to be in the top 4 they will make the argument for them to be there after the fact so it makes sense.

The evidence should lead you to the conclusion, not the other way around.

After the final rankings are out each member should have to hold a press conference and talk the whys, hows and whos that lead them to rank how they ranked. Boy wouldn't that be fun! Condi Rice breaking down wins and losses and how she values them!
cheers sk,Btw I was gonna ask but Ive no clue why is Condoleezza Rice on the committee ? I thought she was some politician or something.
They probably thought having her on the committee would earn them some respect from people outside the sport. And so it wouldn't look like it is just a bunch of school presidents and ADs making the decisions. Remember when David Pollack went off on her?

I should look all those people up again and see where their allegiances lie.
So ,they picked some random bird too help with the selection haha,it would hold more water if theyd had Jamelle Hill on it.

Thanks btw,I thought there may have been a legitimate reason she was there.

I know zero about politics or religion,Id heard her name so had to google to make sure it was the same bird I was thinking I knew :)
Condoleeza has been filling the role as a leading minority on just about every committee/government office/etc for about 15 years. She is a very smart and accomplished woman without question, but I am skeptical as to her knowledge and understanding of college football, as well as her dedication to watching games. She is a very involved person
Condoleeza has been filling the role as a leading minority on just about every committee/government office/etc for about 15 years. She is a very smart and accomplished woman without question, but I am skeptical as to her knowledge and understanding of college football, as well as her dedication to watching games. She is a very involved person
Believe me when I say,she must really be a big name political figure if I have heard of her.
I just curious why she was there,as in... she was a AD or something in the past.