How to Improve My Team?

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
PPR with Return Yards and IDP

Moving on, It's a $50 buy-in with the following payouts.

50*12 = 600 total
5 dollars weekly highest score *13 = 65
70 1st place (regular season)
40 2nd place
25 3rd place

400 left
playoff results
250 1st
100 2nd
50 3rd

Its supposed to be a keeper but the com'mish has been BS in this league this year (same league for years) and is cheating like a mother fucker and acts like a little kid anytime anyone says something to him. This past week he failed to change his lineup in time (really a non factor since his team is awful) but he left Andre Johnson as a starting WR. I know the game was moved to monday then canceled all together, plus he had the power to change his WR as long as the WR hadn't played yet, but under Transactions it said "Lineup change for "Big" in Week 2" and he had Javon Walker starting for him after the Raiders game already started. That on top of his BS of changing it to a keeper league just a few hours before the draft when the league had been set up for about 5 weeks. A few of us are quitting the league after this year and playing it out like its a 1 year league so Im gonna take any winnings I can get and quit on him because I'm tired of his BS. (He's also been commish for baseball, basketball and many times in baseball ended up as the #1 pick just by coincidence)

Long story short - Treat this like a 1 year league.

Current Standings (I'm 1st)

Rank, Team, Record, %, Total Pts, Streak

<table class="gametable" id="standingstable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="selected"><td class="first rank">1.</td> <td class="team">New Orleans Saints</td> <td>2-0-0</td> <td> 1.000
</td> <td> 374.61</td> <td> W-2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">2.</td> <td class="team">The Dark Horse</td> <td>2-0-0</td> <td> 1.000</td> <td> 335.52</td> <td> W-2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">3.</td> <td class="team">dicksausage</td> <td>2-0-0</td> <td> 1.000</td> <td> 312.77</td> <td> W-2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">4.</td> <td class="team">In Gado We Trust</td> <td>2-0-0</td> <td> 1.000</td> <td> 312.00</td> <td> W-2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">5.</td> <td class="team">TiTy2</td> <td>1-1-0</td> <td> .500</td> <td> 321.47
</td> <td> L-1</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">6.</td> <td class="team">Chicken Coups</td> <td>1-1-0</td> <td> .500</td> <td> 273.76</td> <td> W-1</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">7.</td> <td class="team">go team venture</td> <td>1-1-0</td> <td> .500</td> <td> 241.66</td> <td> L-1</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">8.</td> <td class="team">Tony's Ballers</td> <td>1-1-0
</td> <td> .500</td> <td> 224.01</td> <td> W-1</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">9.</td> <td class="team">Damn Strong</td> <td>0-2-0
</td> <td> .000</td> <td> 289.85</td> <td> L-2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">10.</td> <td class="team">Big</td> <td>0-2-0</td> <td> .000</td> <td> 228.83</td> <td> L-2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">11.</td> <td class="team">EL1</td> <td>0-2-0</td> <td> .000</td> <td> 213.82</td> <td> L-2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first rank">12.</td> <td class="team">Marion the Barbarian</td> <td>0-2-0</td> <td> .000</td> <td> 209.95</td> <td> L-2</td> </tr></tbody></table>

My Team
QBs - Matt Schaub
WRs- Terrell Owens, Brandon Marshall
RBs - Clinton Portis, Willie Parker
TEs - LJ Smith (Really need help, TEs are weak though)
WR/TE - DeSean Jackson
BN - Philip Rivers, Roddy White, Robert Meachem, Chester Taylor, Selvin Young, Andre Hall

K - Matt Prater

D - David Harris, Jerod Mayo (any D player)
DB - Terrence McGee, Darrelle Revis
DL - Chad Greenway, Johnathan Vilma (DL/LB)

At QB I just alternate depending on matchup, WR/TE ill be alternating between DeSean and Roddy White but DeSeans definitely will be the regular starter for the time being.

TE - I was the last to pick a TE easily so FAs are like my bench, if you think anyone is better than LJ Smith that may be available im all ears.

Im still concerned about my depth at both WR and RB. I'd love to get another RB that I know will get the majority of the carries, some how dumping Chester Taylor and Andre Hall, Selvin Young. I've already lost Nate Burleson at WR .

I am satisfied with my Defense although I could upgrade Harris, he's not performed like he did at the end of last year when he filled in for Vilma. I'm thinking a guy from CINCY like Dhani Jones might be a nice player to have since CINCYs D will be on the field. Thomas Davis also out there.

What do yall think I should do?
available TEs - Dante Rosario, David Martin, Robert Royal, Greg Olsen, Bo Scaife, Zach Miller, Desmond Clark, Donald Lee, Tom Santi (how long is Dallas Clark out), Ben Petrick, Marcedes Lewis, Chris Baker, David Thomas

available WRs - Matt Jones (picked him up, dropped him already, considering keeping him for good instead of Meachem), Greg Camarillo, Mark Clayton, Brandon Lloyd, Joey Galloway, Reggie Williams, Antonio Bryant, Koren Robinson (just signed with the Seahawks)
I wouldnt trade any of the core of your team (Portis, Parker, Owens, Marshall, Jackson). Those 5 are every week starters no matter what.

I'd be concerned at QB. But as of right now, I'd start Rivers every week. Tomlinson is hurt, and SD will probably throw more.

None of those TE's are better than LJ Smith. Is Carlson out there?

At RB, I'd add Mike Bush, Sproles, or Fred Jackson from Waivers. I'd bet at least one of them is available.
I wouldnt trade any of the core of your team (Portis, Parker, Owens, Marshall, Jackson). Those 5 are every week starters no matter what.

I'd be concerned at QB. But as of right now, I'd start Rivers every week. Tomlinson is hurt, and SD will probably throw more.

None of those TE's are better than LJ Smith. Is Carlson out there?

At RB, I'd add Mike Bush, Sproles, or Fred Jackson from Waivers. I'd bet at least one of them is available.

yea, im definitely content with Portis, Parker, TO, Marshall. DeSeans been a great steal for me in the last round. In a PPR league, I think I've got the best tandem at WR by far and that makes up for Willie and Portis not being tier 1. QB's is a concern but both teams will be throwing a lot, Houstons got no running game and I feel its only a matter of time before Schaub explodes, he did pretty very well week 1 minus the turnovers.

No Carlson was picked up after week 1 was over.

Who would you drop to pick up one of those RBs, I've thought about those three and in a PPR league Sproles and Jackson would be a nice addition. I've also considered LeRon McClain and Jamaal Charles although those two teams are just awful.

*Bush is actually gone
i picked up LeRon McClain

people were quicker to getting those other RBs but someone did drop Laurence Maroney earlier today (he's pretty new to fantasy football) but I dont blame him with Sammy Morris, Lamont Jordan, and that tiger Kevin Faulk all getting time as well. all those NE RBs are now on my radar.
okay guys,

I have issues at TE obviously but with the bye weeks coming and under performing some guys have been dropped. So the question is... should I continue to rotate TEs from Free Agency and play matchups or jump on a TE who I think will produce a little more consistantly the rest of the year. Im thinking Fasano since Chad's his QB, Heap is a big name though.

Todd Heap
Anthony Fasano
John Carlson
Randy McMichael
Alge Crumpler (but Bo Scaife continues to outproduce him)
LJ Smith (I drafted him and produced for me week 1, dropped him and no one else is picking him up since)
related info in the other thread. I'd have to strike Crumpler and McMichael from the list. SEA gets branch and engram back soon, I assume, so Carlson is not a long term option IMO - could be good this week though? Heap, keep an eye on or pick him up if there are a couple other teams in the same boat. I don't think he will do anything this week though. Fasano, don't know.
my reasoning for Fasano is Chad's lack of a strong arm and his accuracy. I figure hell be targeted a lot. Thats also a reason why I have some interest in Camarillo or however it spelled as my 5th WR if I ever pick another one up.
yeah Fasano has produced more than the rest right? If they can run the ball well as they should be able to do against many teams... he should get open with ease underneath.

<table style="width: 954px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" id="statTable3" class="teamtable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><thead><tr class="headerRow1" valign="bottom"><th class="player first">Defense Players
</th><th class="check">
</th><th class="opp">Opp
</th><th class="gametime">Status
</th><th class="stat wide">Projected
</th> <th class="stat wide">Actual
</th> <th class="stat wide">% Owned
</th> <th class="stat">Tack
</th> <th class="stat">Tack
</th> <th class="stat">Sack
</th> <th class="stat">Safe
</th> <th class="stat">Int
</th> <th class="stat">Fum
</th> <th class="stat">Fum
</th> <th class="stat">TD
</th> <th class="stat">Pass
</th> <th class="stat">Blk
</th> <th class="pts last">Fan Pts
</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="odd first"><td class="player first">Jerod Mayo
(NE - DL)
</td> <td class="check"><input name="dpid" value="8787" type="checkbox"></td> <td class="opp">Den</td> <td class="gametime">Mon
7:30 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">636</td> <td class="stat wide">658</td> <td class="stat wide">11%</td> <td class="stat">29</td> <td class="stat">5</td> <td class="stat">0.0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">31.50</td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="player first">David Harris
(NYJ - DL)
</td> <td class="check"><input name="dpid" value="8301" type="checkbox"></td> <td class="opp">@Oak</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
3:15 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">1065</td> <td class="stat wide">953</td> <td class="stat wide">24%</td> <td class="stat">26</td> <td class="stat">11</td> <td class="stat">0.5</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">34.75</td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="player first">Darrelle Revis
(NYJ - DB)
</td> <td class="check"><input name="dpid" value="8268" type="checkbox"></td> <td class="opp">@Oak</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
3:15 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">1261</td> <td class="stat wide">1297</td> <td class="stat wide">15%</td> <td class="stat">16</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="stat">0.0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">3</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">5</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">43.50</td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="player first">Yeremiah Bell
(Mia - DB)
</td> <td class="check"><input name="dpid" value="6549" type="checkbox"></td> <td class="opp">Bal</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">1234</td> <td class="stat wide">1371</td> <td class="stat wide">13%</td> <td class="stat">29</td> <td class="stat">13</td> <td class="stat">0.0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">3</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">44.00</td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="player first">Chad Greenway
(Min - DL)
</td> <td class="check"><input name="dpid" value="7766" type="checkbox"></td> <td class="opp">@Chi</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">1444</td> <td class="stat wide">756</td> <td class="stat wide">32%</td> <td class="stat">31</td> <td class="stat">13</td> <td class="stat">1.0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">44.00</td> </tr><tr class="even last"><td class="player first">Jonathan Vilma
(NO - DL)
</td> <td class="check"><input name="dpid" value="6771" type="checkbox"></td> <td class="opp">@Car</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">740</td> <td class="stat wide">857</td> <td class="stat wide">56%</td> <td class="stat">38</td> <td class="stat">18</td> <td class="stat">0.0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">52.00</td></tr></tbody></table>

I want to pick up Stephen Cooper, 2 games after being suspended for the 1st 4. Would you rather drop Mayo or Harris, both 3-4 schemes but Ive not really watched either team play.
<table style="width: 954px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" id="statTable0" class="teamtable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><thead><tr class="headerRow1" valign="bottom"><th class="player first">Defense Players
</th><th class="opp">Opp
</th><th class="gametime">Status
</th><th class="stat wide">Projected
</th> <th class="stat wide">Actual
</th> <th class="stat wide">% Owned
</th> <th class="stat">Tack
</th> <th class="stat">Tack
</th> <th class="stat">Sack
</th> <th class="stat">Safe
</th> <th class="stat">Int
</th> <th class="stat">Fum
</th> <th class="stat">Fum
</th> <th class="stat">TD
</th> <th class="stat">Pass
</th> <th class="stat">Blk
</th> <th class="pts last">Fan Pts
</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="odd first last"><td class="player first">Stephen Cooper
(SD - DL)
</td> <td class="opp">@Buf</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">734</td> <td class="stat wide">1018</td> <td class="stat wide">4%</td> <td class="stat">14</td> <td class="stat">4</td> <td class="stat">1.0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">18.50</td></tr></tbody></table>
or if you think anyone on offense is expendable here's my current roster.

<table style="width: 954px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" id="statTable0" class="teamtable dragenabled" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><thead><tr class="headerRow0" valign="bottom"><th class="pos first"> </th> <th class="dragicon"> </th> <th class="player"> </th> <th class="edit"> </th> <th class="opp"> </th> <th class="gametime"> </th> <th colspan="1" class="group" title="Trends">Trends
</th> <th colspan="4" class="group" title="Passing">Passing
</th> <th colspan="2" class="group" title="Rushing">Rushing
</th> <th colspan="3" class="group" title="Receiving">Receiving
</th> <th colspan="2" class="group" title="Return">Return
</th> <th colspan="1" class="group" title="Miscellaneous">Misc
</th> <th colspan="1" class="group" title="Fumbles">Fum
</th> <th class="pts last"> </th> </tr><tr class="headerRow1" valign="bottom"><th class="pos first">Pos
</th><th class="dragicon">Edit
</th><th class="player">Offense
</th><th class="edit">Edit
</th><th class="opp">Opp
</th><th class="gametime">Status
</th><th class="stat wide">% Start
</th> <th class="stat">Comp
</th> <th class="stat">Yds
</th> <th class="stat">TD
</th> <th class="stat">Int
</th> <th class="stat">Yds
</th> <th class="stat">TD
</th> <th class="stat">Rec
</th> <th class="stat">Yds
</th> <th class="stat">TD
</th> <th class="stat">Yds
</th> <th class="stat">TD
</th> <th class="stat">2PT
</th> <th class="stat">Lost
</th> <th class="pts last">Fan Pts
</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr id="yui-gen15" class="odd first draggable"><td class="pos first">QB</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Matt Schaub
(Hou - QB)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="6849"><option value="QB" selected="selected">QB</option><option value="BN">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">Det</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
3:05 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">48%</td> <td class="stat">93</td> <td class="stat">1076</td> <td class="stat">5</td> <td class="stat">7</td> <td class="stat">55</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="pts last">105.61</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen16" class="even draggable"><td class="pos first">WR</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Terrell Owens
(Dal - WR)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="3664"><option value="WR" selected="selected">WR</option><option value="W/T">W/T</option><option value="BN">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">@StL</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">99%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">25</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">23</td> <td class="stat">367</td> <td class="stat">5</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">80.97</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen17" class="odd draggable"><td class="pos first">WR</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Brandon Marshall
(Den - WR)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="7868"><option value="WR" selected="selected">WR</option><option value="W/T">W/T</option><option value="BN">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">@NE</td> <td class="gametime">Mon
7:30 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">96%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">-11</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">43</td> <td class="stat">521</td> <td class="stat">3</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="pts last">91.63</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen18" class="even draggable"><td class="pos first">RB</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Clinton Portis
(Was - RB)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="5937"><option value="RB" selected="selected">RB</option><option value="BN">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">Cle</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
3:15 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">97%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">643</td> <td class="stat">6</td> <td class="stat">9</td> <td class="stat">63</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">113.50</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen19" class="odd draggable"><td class="pos first">RB</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Willie Parker
(Pit - RB)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="7073"><option value="RB" selected="selected">RB</option><option value="BN">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">@Cin</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">40%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">263</td> <td class="stat">3</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">45.30</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen20" class="even draggable"><td class="pos first">TE</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Greg Olsen
(Chi - TE)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="8285"><option value="TE" selected="selected">TE</option><option value="W/T">W/T</option><option value="BN">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">Min</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">33%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">16</td> <td class="stat">222</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="pts last">32.80</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen21" class="odd draggable"><td class="pos first">W/T</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Joey Galloway
(TB - WR)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="3135"><option value="WR">WR</option><option value="W/T" selected="selected">W/T</option><option value="BN">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">Sea</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
7:15 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">9%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">8</td> <td class="stat">74</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">12.93</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen22" class="even draggable bench"><td class="pos first">BN</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Greg Camarillo
(Mia - WR)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="7657"><option value="WR">WR</option><option value="W/T">W/T</option><option value="BN" selected="selected">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">Bal</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">6%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">21</td> <td class="stat">263</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">47.53</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen23" class="odd draggable bench"><td class="pos first">BN</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Le'Ron McClain
(Bal - RB)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="8391"><option value="RB">RB</option><option value="BN" selected="selected">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">@Mia</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">22%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">264</td> <td class="stat">4</td> <td class="stat">9</td> <td class="stat">68</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="pts last">61.93</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen24" class="even draggable bench"><td class="pos first">BN</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">DeSean Jackson
(Phi - WR)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="8826"><option value="WR">WR</option><option value="W/T">W/T</option><option value="BN" selected="selected">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">Bye</td> <td class="gametime"> </td> <td class="stat wide">17%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">50</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">29</td> <td class="stat">433</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">265</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="pts last">85.90</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen25" class="odd draggable bench"><td class="pos first">BN</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Roddy White
(Atl - WR)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="7203"><option value="WR">WR</option><option value="W/T">W/T</option><option value="BN" selected="selected">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">Bye</td> <td class="gametime"> </td> <td class="stat wide">27%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">35</td> <td class="stat">566</td> <td class="stat">3</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">90.93</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen26" class="even draggable bench"><td class="pos first">BN</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Philip Rivers
(SD - QB)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="6763"><option value="QB">QB</option><option value="BN" selected="selected">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">@Buf</td> <td class="gametime">Sun
12:00 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">68%</td> <td class="stat">102</td> <td class="stat">1489</td> <td class="stat">14</td> <td class="stat">4</td> <td class="stat">10</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">2</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">163.12</td> </tr><tr id="yui-gen27" class="odd draggable bench"><td class="pos first">BN</td> <td class="dragicon"></td> <td class="player">Selvin Young
(Den - RB)
</td> <td class="edit"><select name="8523"><option value="RB">RB</option><option value="BN" selected="selected">BN</option></select></td> <td class="opp">@NE</td> <td class="gametime">Mon
7:30 pm
</td> <td class="stat wide">9%</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">266</td> <td class="stat">1</td> <td class="stat">3</td> <td class="stat">16</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">45</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="stat">0</td> <td class="pts last">38.03</td></tr></tbody></table>

Still thinking about trading a WR to upgrade at my other positions