Home Run Derby Discussion Thread and In-Game

I can always get Free tix if I want them, maybe not playoffs but no chance they make those the next few years! I’ve drove many a time I probably shouldn’t have, but I used to have a free parking place, I’ll be damned if I pay 30 bucks to park! Can always get a room comped at casino too, bring in a Gatorade full of vodka and booze price goes way down (I dunno bout ya’ll park but we can bring drinks in, obviously not booze but vodka in Gatorade bottles works well). All that and I still ain’t going and sitting in the heat to watch the current shit show!
Yeah I don't ever expect to pay for tickets, that's the last thing in my mind

But playoffs/Series is controlled by MLB, not the team so have to pay face value for those. Crazy thing is the team doesn't control Spring Training tickets either, the actual facilities do so can't just buddy up for tickets to that shit either.