hey steed!


I Tan, Therefore I Am
Team Stats

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datahead><TD>
</TD><TD>Florida</TD><TD>Ohio State</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Score</TD><TD>41</TD><TD>14</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>First downs</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>6</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>3rd Down Efficiency</TD><TD>10-for-19
53% </TD><TD>1-for-9
11% </TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>4th Down Efficiency</TD><TD>2-for-3
67% </TD><TD>0-for-1
0% </TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Total Yards </TD><TD>370</TD><TD>82</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD colSpan=3>Rushing</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Rushes-Net Yards</TD><TD>43-156</TD><TD>23-47</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Average Per Rush</TD><TD>3.6</TD><TD>2.0</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD colSpan=3>Passing</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Comp-Att</TD><TD>26-37</TD><TD>4-14</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Passing Yards</TD><TD>214</TD><TD>35</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Average Per Pass Play</TD><TD>5.8</TD><TD>2.5</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Penalties-Yards</TD><TD>6-50</TD><TD>5-50</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Fumbles-Lost</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>1-1</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Interceptions Thrown </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>1</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Time of Possession</TD><TD>40:48</TD><TD>19:12</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

just wait till they play USC in the rose bowl! stats should be about the same!! :36_11_6:
Buckeye Class Schedule:

8:00am- Breakfast- with utensils
12:45 Knitting a sweatervest 101
2:45 Nap time
4:45 How to act classy after losing by 30 in a bowl game
5:00 Try to figure out what a buckeye is
6:00 English (optional)
7:00 Study table- i.e. X-Box, Playstation, WII
The only reason I would like to see Ohio St. go the National Championship game is so I could watch WVU blow them apart. If they thought Juice was hard to catch, the Ohio St. D would look like
a bunch of 5 year old boy's at the county fair trying to catch a herd of greased pigs. Pat White
would leave the field littered with Ohio St. jock straps not to mention all the cricks he would put in their necks as he blew by them. They would also have
eye trouble from looking at Slatons tail lights all night. Throw in Noel Devine and Darius Reynaud and the Ohio St D would be a bunch of blind men with cricks in their necks, their jocks around their ankles showing their hairless nuts as the grab at air all night.

took that from covers thought that was funny lol
lmao, thats all you got to talk about....the past.

btw, who do u guys out there root for? pittsburgh panthers?


This is some funny shit! Yeah, Pitt sucks but no one is talking about the Bengals:) Oh by the way, Pitt just happens to have one of the best Freshman RB's in the country! No, I am not a Pitt fan, I'll take my lumps for being a Miami fan...GA too) but Jump and I already discussed how the refs handed the Buckeyes the National Championship in 01:)
I really hope mizz pulls of victory this week, I can't stand to see overrated OSU back in the national championship just because they have one loss due to playing in the cupcake Big 10.

Although it could bring up a great betting situation on WVU if they are playing OSU.
I really hope mizz pulls of victory this week, I can't stand to see overrated OSU back in the national championship just because they have one loss due to playing in the cupcake Big 10.

Although it could bring up a great betting situation on WVU if they are playing OSU.
go bears
I am shocked the Ohio Bunch hasn't been here being more unruly
whats the point....its a waste of time fighting with a bunch of toolbags who root for their hometown state who excel in one sport.....it gets old...

everyone knows the state of Ohio has the most elite, diverse programs in the country, hands down
a bunh of homers who root for thier home town state? does anyone even like ohio state outside of columbus?? and i dont even care about pitt for the record. i didnt go there i just live i n pittsburgh.. steed for the record im a steelers fan... but u cant root for pro sports in ohio can yoU? lol i think the steelers are what like 150-0 vs cleveland? and we wont even go there with cinncy. u have one thing osu football.. and u cant even talk shit on me in hoops cuz pitt will own osu in that
go buckeyes, tigers, hokies, panthers, trojans, huskies

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one team....lmfao.

cavs to the ship (yep, lost...but we got there). tribe to al ship (yep, lost...but we got there)

those two teams ALONE prove your theory of having one team in the state WRONG

good try
oh, right...i forgot. you only care about the steelers.

HOWEVER, if the pitt pirates or pitt panthers even had a shot at any type of championship...IM POSITIVE you wuold be a HUGE fan!


R U guys forgetting about the Penguins? Listen, same situation as Cruzer, I live here and could give a shit about the college sports in the local area...can't stand PSU either. Let's be honest here, OSU was HANDED a championship by shitty ref's in 01 and what have they WON since. You keep talking about all this shit they've done (including the Indians, Cincy, whoever) but they simply can't win IT! Unless you can prove me wrong about this, I don't understand why this thread keeps continuing. I live in Pittsburgh and believe there is no comparison to the SEC in either sport right now. Hell, talk pro's and winning it and we all should be talking about Boston everything!
Ok, but the point is even if we don't win it we are still better in every sport you have...college and pro with the exception of one, the steelers. why do you guys not root for yoru teams even when they suck? bunch of wagon jumpers. i root for browns and they suck
all i am saying and the only point i am trying to prove about this entire thread is that Ohio overall is superior to any other state (i'll give florida a close second, maybe a tie) when it comes to overall sports. and secondly, it dominates PA. end of story.
i understand you guys have ONE TEAM you root for in the state...thats excellent....but don't hate on DEE O-H when practically all our teams are better


ty, i will not return to this thread to post
everyone knows the state of Ohio has the most elite, diverse programs in the country, hands down

Everyone, eh? UCLA and Stanford BOTH have more National Championships than Ohio St if I'm not mistaken; and they are better schools to boot! No Claretts (read: thugs) attending those schools that I can remember.
everyone knows the state of Ohio has the most elite, diverse programs in the country, hands down

Everyone, eh? UCLA and Stanford BOTH have more National Championships than Ohio St if I'm not mistaken; and they are better schools to boot! No Claretts (read: thugs) attending those schools that I can remember.
i lied, im coming back. AGAIN, you are talking about ONE SPORT. lets talk ALL sports, ALL levels, EVERYTHING....OVERALL.

CA isn't even close pal...
it is clearly me versus 49 other states, so i'll leave my commnets at that before i keep expanding...lol


put the cavs in the western conference they don t go .500 steed so scratch them being good.
all i am saying and the only point i am trying to prove about this entire thread is that Ohio overall is superior to any other state (i'll give florida a close second, maybe a tie) when it comes to overall sports. and secondly, it dominates PA. end of story.

I have no dog in this fight, but this is one of the most ridiculous comments I have ever read on this board.
i lied, im coming back. AGAIN, you are talking about ONE SPORT. lets talk ALL sports, ALL levels, EVERYTHING....OVERALL.

CA isn't even close pal...

Yeah right, PAL! Have you even been west of the Misssissippi in your entire life? Your comments are borderline STUPID.

I have no dog in this fight, but this is one of the most ridiculous comments I have ever read on this board.

At least top 3 JGalt, at least top 3.

my goal HAS BEEN REACHED to this thread
Originally Posted by STEED
all i am saying and the only point i am trying to prove about this entire thread is that Ohio overall is superior to any other state (i'll give florida a close second, maybe a tie) when it comes to overall sports. and secondly, it dominates PA. end of story.

steed always tries to make this a PA vs OH arguement... its not its a ohio state is over rated pieces of shit arguement... they go to the chip and get rocked in both sports. ok im sick of seeing them get rocked. ohio is not superior to any state, texas florida cali are u kidding me? probably the most redicilous statement i have ever seen.

bengals= never won shit
browns= never won shit
indianas = never won shit
cavs = never won shit
ohio state 1 lucky chip
whole mac conference total bullshit

pitt has more national championships than ohio state in football dont they? lol
my goal HAS BEEN REACHED to this thread

Good, solid grammar there; next thing we'll hear is that Ohio is the smartest state in the country.
christ, i didnt know this was english class horsecock. next time i'll run the spell checker and take it to my professor to get my rough draft checked

Did you hear that the Ohio State University library burned to the ground? All five books in the library were completely destroyed and the football team is really upset by the fire; they hadn’t colored in two of the books yet.

The worlds largest outdoor homeless shelter

Location: Columbus, Ohio

Nickname: The Horseshoe

Basic Admission Requirements: To be admitted one must be Inbred, Unbathed, Intoxicated, and Clinically Mentally Retarded.

Attractions: Animals from the Columbus petting zoo a.k.a the buckeye football team.

One day in an elementary school in Columbus Ohio, a teacher asks her class if the Ohio State Buckeyes are their favorite football team. The whole class says yes except for Little Jimmy.
The teacher asks, "What's your favorite football team Jimmy?"
Little Jimmy says, "Michigan Wolverines."
The teacher asks, "Well, why is that?"
Little Jimmy says, "Well, my dad is a Wolverine fan, my mom is a Wolverine fan, I guess that makes me a Wolverine fan."
The teacher angered by his reply says, "If your dad was a moron and your mom was an idiot what would that make you?"
Little Jimmy says, "Well, I guess that would make me an Ohio State fan."
