Henry Ruggs charged with DUI resulting in death

Can't see him ever playing in the NFL again, even with an attorney that can talk it down to something less than the worst charges
Hes gonna get some jail time but there have been nfl players who killed people 'accidently' and played again Leonard little I don't think even missed a season

Depends on the result here, I read it's a class B felony in vegas, which comes with somewhere from 2 to 20 years
Hes gonna get some jail time but there have been nfl players who killed people 'accidently' and played again Leonard little I don't think even missed a season

Depends on the result here, I read it's a class B felony in vegas, which comes with somewhere from 2 to 20 years
Seems like DUI/death sentences have gotten a ton more harsh since the Little issue

Some states simply consider it murder now
Hes gonna get some jail time but there have been nfl players who killed people 'accidently' and played again Leonard little I don't think even missed a season

Depends on the result here, I read it's a class B felony in vegas, which comes with somewhere from 2 to 20 years

Class B has no possibility of probation in Nevada. If convicted, he is doing time.
At least helps his cause by sticking around but not like he could drive off
When in town for the meat up, I can't tell you how many people I saw driving insanely wrecklessly down the strip.
I don't know how you live with yourself after being so stupid and causing someone else's death.
Something to be said about being a pro athlete. Jail time will happen more as a deterrent to others from doing the same thing, but in a case like this, while money can't replace life...I'd be all for a portion of his income being required to go to the family going forward. The guilt (I'd hope) means he'd never do it again so the rehab part of prison is obsolete.

We'll always have varying opinions on what penalties should be for DUI, when it results in something like death or paralysis I'd like to see the result benefit the victims more than simply to deter others from doing it. My two cents.
You have to think he cuts a deal. I don't know this guy's attorney by anything other than reputation, but my guess is he gets some sort of plea. The question is just how much time is involved. But Ruggs' immediate foreseeable future seems pretty fucked.
You have to think he cuts a deal. I don't know this guy's attorney by anything other than reputation, but my guess is he gets some sort of plea. The question is just how much time is involved. But Ruggs' immediate foreseeable future seems pretty fucked.

how can he play? send some vulgar emails, you're gone. kill somebody because of your recklessness, serve a suspension and then play again? Leonard Little was a looooong time ago.
It should also maybe be noted that the DA here is up for re-election in 2022. So while that shouldn't come into play ... that will probably be a factor here whether anybody admits it or not.
he's done, IMO. what an idiot. As said above, they have access to rides in these situations plus Uber, etc. ZERO excuse for this and with no slap on the wrist (probation not available), he's doing real time and his career is on life support, at best.
how can he play? send some vulgar emails, you're gone. kill somebody because of your recklessness, serve a suspension and then play again? Leonard Little was a looooong time ago.

I don't think he will play, I think at a minimum this season is over for him—but that's the difference between a court of law and the court of public opinion. With the former, the league can totally punt and say the guy served his time or the process worked, etc. With the latter, the league has to set is own bar of what kind of behavior they will tolerate and balance that with how the public will react (i.e., how that will effect their bottom line).

My guess is he gets a shot to play football again though, although probably not here for the Raiders. The NFL doesn't really care about individuals, and you've got guys in the league right now who've come back from pretty serious charges, so seeing him back in two years wouldn't shock me. I mean, Kareem Hunt may be hurt right now, but before he went out he was averaging about 5 yards per carry and 60 yards per game. Now, he didn't kill anybody, but he only missed like half a season.
I don't think he will play, I think at a minimum this season is over for him—but that's the difference between a court of law and the court of public opinion. With the former, the league can totally punt and say the guy served his time or the process worked, etc. With the latter, the league has to set is own bar of what kind of behavior they will tolerate and balance that with how the public will react (i.e., how that will effect their bottom line).

My guess is he gets a shot to play football again though, although probably not here for the Raiders. The NFL doesn't really care about individuals, and you've got guys in the league right now who've come back from pretty serious charges, so seeing him back in two years wouldn't shock me. I mean, Kareem Hunt may be hurt right now, but before he went out he was averaging about 5 yards per carry and 60 yards per game. Now, he didn't kill anybody, but he only missed like half a season.
He didn't kill anyone but he tried to is what you're trying to say

And let's not get started with Hardy, pretty sure he's still pissed he didn't finish her off
I don't think he will play, I think at a minimum this season is over for him—but that's the difference between a court of law and the court of public opinion. With the former, the league can totally punt and say the guy served his time or the process worked, etc. With the latter, the league has to set is own bar of what kind of behavior they will tolerate and balance that with how the public will react (i.e., how that will effect their bottom line).

My guess is he gets a shot to play football again though, although probably not here for the Raiders. The NFL doesn't really care about individuals, and you've got guys in the league right now who've come back from pretty serious charges, so seeing him back in two years wouldn't shock me. I mean, Kareem Hunt may be hurt right now, but before he went out he was averaging about 5 yards per carry and 60 yards per game. Now, he didn't kill anybody, but he only missed like half a season.
this is not even remotely close to the same thing. Kareem Hunt is certainly no saint, but battery and DUI manslaughter are completely different animals.
this is not even remotely close to the same thing. Kareem Hunt is certainly no saint, but battery and DUI manslaughter are completely different animals.
It’s a tricky one…Battery seems like intent and DUI manslaughter is “incidental”.

The END results are just much worse and final….

I say that respectfully. Where I’m from everyone has driven drunk. No everyone has beaten up their old lady.

It’s tricky for sure. I will say this….NFL has to be careful here we are all smart enough to write the narratives
this is not even remotely close to the same thing. Kareem Hunt is certainly no saint, but battery and DUI manslaughter are completely different animals.

They're different, but in terms of being a part of a public-facing organization, having a guy on tape screaming about beating the shit out of his girlfriend/wife and kid. I mean, Jesus, you fire that guy every time. Which they did. And then the outrage died down, and Cleveland waited, and now there he is.

If Ruggs' lawyer can sell this as in any way the other guy played a part in this, I don't think the NFL will hesitate. Now, that's me having an incredibly low opinion of the league, so I may be wrong. But Donte Stallworth ran over a pedestrian once, and he came back.

I'm not saying Ruggs should play again, I'm simply saying I think that if the league thought it wouldn't cost them any money, he'd be on the field this week.
Ruggs hit the other car from behind, I don't see how this can be sold as not 100% his fault if the blood test shows any impairment
They're different, but in terms of being a part of a public-facing organization, having a guy on tape screaming about beating the shit out of his girlfriend/wife and kid. I mean, Jesus, you fire that guy every time. Which they did. And then the outrage died down, and Cleveland waited, and now there he is.

If Ruggs' lawyer can sell this as in any way the other guy played a part in this, I don't think the NFL will hesitate. Now, that's me having an incredibly low opinion of the league, so I may be wrong. But Donte Stallworth ran over a pedestrian once, and he came back.

I'm not saying Ruggs should play again, I'm simply saying I think that if the league thought it wouldn't cost them any money, he'd be on the field this week.
Stallworth did essentially the same exact thing and was suspended for the season, faced up to 15 years and did something like 25 days.

With Ruggs being so young, I'd be shocked if his career is over based on how the NFL works. 100% chance if he gets the same punishment as Stallworth he's getting another job.
It’s a tricky one…Battery seems like intent and DUI manslaughter is “incidental”.

The END results are just much worse and final….

I say that respectfully. Where I’m from everyone has driven drunk. No everyone has beaten up their old lady.

It’s tricky for sure. I will say this….NFL has to be careful here we are all smart enough to write the narratives
Tricky in court of public opinion I mean. Not law
Stallworth did essentially the same exact thing and was suspended for the season, faced up to 15 years and did something like 25 days.

With Ruggs being so young, I'd be shocked if his career is over based on how the NFL works. 100% chance if he gets the same punishment as Stallworth he's getting another job.

Funny thing is, or maybe not 'funny' since someone did die. I remember the Stallworth thing really well. He got off because the guy he hit was jaywalking—across a bridge, I believe—and in Tampa or wherever that was, you basically couldn't charge the driver. He got super fucking lucky, tbh. But he came back.

Point being, I genuinely don't think the league cares about the dude who died and if it's possible to get this guy back on the field, they'll do it. I don't think there's any way that happens before next year at the absolute earliest though. And I think you'd have to move him away from the team he's on. Which I don't think will be all that tough, I imagine the Raiders cut the guy as soon as humanly possible.
Was at least thinking the Stallworth thing was a guy not in a crosswalk

Driver's Ed I remember rule number 1 was the pedestrian always has the right of way but learned over the long haul that it's not true if they aren't in a crosswalk
He is going to jail

If he has a previous DUI he could be charged with 2nd degree murder , at least in CA you can
He is going to jail

If he has a previous DUI he could be charged with 2nd degree murder , at least in CA you can
Think here it's a 2nd in 6 years or something like that even if it's not extreme DUI
Was at least thinking the Stallworth thing was a guy not in a crosswalk

Driver's Ed I remember rule number 1 was the pedestrian always has the right of way but learned over the long haul that it's not true if they aren't in a crosswalk

Right, he wasn't in a crosswalk. I'm pretty sure it was a bridge and he crossed in the middle of it where pedestrians had been hit before.
Was at least thinking the Stallworth thing was a guy not in a crosswalk

Driver's Ed I remember rule number 1 was the pedestrian always has the right of way but learned over the long haul that it's not true if they aren't in a crosswalk

Yeah, the Stallworth case is not really the same as this one. That one was a guy who jumped a median and was out in the middle of the road and essentially came out of nowhere. Stallworth even claimed that he flashed his brights at the guy assuming he wasn't really coming out into the middle of the street. He probably would have been hit had anyone been driving the vehicle, with or without alcohol in their system.
He’s going to be hurting financially too. The civil lawsuit will probably bankrupt him.
would be an awful look for NFL to let him play again. And even if he does in 2-3 years he will be washed.
Tragic and so preventable. I too, hold a low opinion of the morality of the NFL. If he ends up getting convicted of involuntary manslaughter, I bet he's back in the league within a season. If that charge of DUI leading to death sticks, I tend to doubt he plays again. Like it was said above, hard to feel sorry for him, just sad
It’s .08, so he blew a .17, more than double the legal limit. Yikes. That’s not going to help his cause at all.
Funny you mention it because before I posted a local news station referenced a same instance…so they upped the charges because dude was a double deuce .22 which is double legal limit so it increased the charge.
Gotta give em credit there

Also this is where the NFL should have some clause to where they don't have to pay him through this but retain his rights through his original contract if somehow it turns out to be less than what we expect it to be
Wouldn't they have had practice today? Dude had a bye week and got trashed on a Monday night?
Wouldn't they have had practice today? Dude had a bye week and got trashed on a Monday night?
Pretty sure Mon/Tue aren't practice days but still

Not sure why Pack were practicing yesterday other than they had the Thursday game, figured they'd still do the same routine