H-O-R-S-E comes to All Star Weekend

played Horse prolly 1000 times growing up doing random stupid stuff and was just fine.

I could care less about a corner 3 pointer....

yeah, mix stuff in but the chance for creativity in this contest is so much more.

Heres my perfect ...HORSE game trio...Sheed, Garnett, and SHAQ....yes Shaq would lose after 5 shots but the conversation wouuld be priceless between the 3
He's back Thursday night.

They couldn't bring him back this weekend. He is kinda an official host of All-Star Weekend or whould have been if not for catching that case. Last thing TNT needs to be showing is a hungover Chuckwagon on the air. I guarantee the whole strategy for bringing him back after ASG was made on purpose.
camera angle is why JJ looked bigger than durant.

good to see durant still isn't eating. can he throw up 185 once yet?
durant has no meat on him at all.

That's the one thing I cannot help but notice with that guy every time I see him. I wonder how he's going to hold up in the NBA if he doesn't put on some weight.

He's still basically 20 years old, though, he'll probably beef up a bit.
camera angle is why JJ looked bigger than durant.

good to see durant still isn't eating. can he throw up 185 once yet?

I was wondering that and saw a few different angles that looked the same. That must be it though.
durant has no meat on him at all.

That's the one thing I cannot help but notice with that guy every time I see him. I wonder how he's going to hold up in the NBA if he doesn't put on some weight.

He's still basically 20 years old, though, he'll probably beef up a bit.

He'll be fine, no doubt about it. Very young, no reason to force it. In his second year he has gotten stronger each month of the year. Averaging about 30 ppg his last 12 I believe.
I was actually surprised to see his range today. Granted, this is a game of Horse, but he was both confident from deep and consistent.
Durant had 4/5 of the letters and came back to win.

He was ice cold then couldn't miss late.
The best for a game of Horse would 100% be someone like MJ. Someone who will probly have a least a couple hundred thousand bet on himself, willing to talk shit the entire time, and is good enough to back it up.

They should tape it and air it uncensored on HBO or something.
Afflalo is the worst NBA player in the league that gets any PT...im serious..he fucking sucks.
Why are they letting these people step 5-10 feet over the half-court line? That's bullshit.
this event is the worst. im tired of seeing an overweight bill lambeir throw a pistons jersey and shoot half courts shots every year
im all for anything with thunder dan. he's all us 6'3 white guards ever had.


this event is the worst. im tired of seeing an overweight bill lambeir throw a pistons jersey and shoot half courts shots every year

Agreed. Ditch this, replace it with HORSE, and make the HORSE game much more creative, with props n shit.
Why the fuck does Laimbeer jump off his right foot when he takes the halfcourter?
Barbosa is the only one shooting a legitimate halfcourter from behind the line.
this event is the worst. im tired of seeing an overweight bill lambeir throw a pistons jersey and shoot half courts shots every year

Post of the day.
Devin Harris should take this shit if he wants to.

You never know which guys will think they're too cool to hustle and run hard tho, and which guys actually wanna win.
I think Mo is gonna bust his tail. Dunno bout TP winning but he is the best of the 4.


Reggie and Czar are all over these guys for not hustling. I love it.